Viewing Points in the Curve Editor and the Dope Sheet

You can edit your stroke/shape points, their feather points and tangents in the Curve Editor and Dope Sheet. To read more about using the Curve Editor and Dope Sheet, see Animating Parameters.

1.   Select your stroke/shape, and right-click on a point.
2.   Select curve editor... and select:

points - to add your point to the Curve Editor

points+feathers - to add your point and its feather point to the Curve Editor

points+tangents - to add your point and its tangent to the Curve Editor

all - to add your point, feather point, and tangent to the Curve Editor.

3.   Viewing your points in the Dope Sheet is very similar, just right-click on your point and select one of the same options under dope sheet...