Replicating the Input Image Across the Output

The Tile node produces an output image that contains scaled-down, tiled copies of the input image. The output image is the same format as the input.

Before the Tile node. After the Tile node.

To Use the Tile Node

1.   Select the image you want to replicate and select Transform > Tile.

A Tile node is inserted in the Node Graph.

2.   Attach a Viewer to the Tile node.
3.   In the Tile node properties, use the rows field to define how many times the image is replicated vertically. Note that the value can be fractional.
4.   In the columns field, enter the number of times you want to replicate the image horizontally. Note that the value can be fractional.

The original input image.

The output of the Tile node
with rows set to 4 and
columns set to 5.

If you want to flip adjacent tiles vertically to form mirror images, check mirror.

The output of the Tile node
without mirroring.

The same image with
vertical mirroring.

If you want to flip adjacent tiles horizontally to form mirror images, check mirror.

The output of the Tile node
without mirroring.

The same image with
horizontal mirroring.

5.   From the filter menu, select an appropriate filtering algorithm. For more information, see Choosing a Filtering Algorithm.