
The parameters for this plug-in are described below.

Tracker buttons - most of the on-screen tracker panel buttons also appear here. For more information, see Tracker Controls.

Type - this parameter controls the number of points on the on-screen wire tool. Choose the number of points needed to describe the wire you wish to remove.

Two Points - choose this if your wire is straight.

Three Points - choose this if your wire is a simple curve.

Five Points - choose this if your wire has an s-shaped curve.

On-Screen Wire - the display mode for the on-screen wire tool.

Show - show both points and lines.

Hide - hide both points and lines.

Points only - only show the points.

Show On Screen Controls - use this to show or hide the tracker panel in the Viewer.

Output - sets the output mode for the plug-in.

Source - output the untouched source image. Use this output mode to position the on-screen wire tool over the wire you wish to remove.

Repair - output the repaired source image, with the wire removed from under the on-screen tool.

Wire Matte - renders a matte for the wire. This may be useful if the wire has been tracked but cannot be repaired using F_WireRemoval and other techniques have to be used.

Repair Matted - output the repaired source image and a matte in the alpha channel. If you want, you can adjust your image further manually using the matte.

Track Range - the range of frames to track the wire over.

Specified Range - use the Track Start and Track End parameters to specify the range over which to track the wire.

Source Clip Range - track the wire over the entire range of the Source clip.

Track Start - use this to specify the start of the tracking range when Track Range has been set to Specified Range.

Track End - use this to specify the end of the tracking range when Track Range has been set to Specified Range.

Repair - sets the algorithm used to remove the wire from under the grain.

Spatial - this method uses a slope dependent filter that interpolates across the wire at the most likely angle, given the image behind the wire. It uses information from the current frame only.

Temporal With Static Scene - this method uses local motion estimation to align frames from before and after onto the current frame. If the wire is not in the same place with respect to the background in these two frames, it can then use background information from them to fill in the background behind the wire in the current frame. Where no such information is available, for example, if the wire covers part of the same region in all three frames, the spatial repair method above will be used. This is useful for sequences where the wire is moving and where the motion in the rest of the scene is non-uniform, for example, if the camera has been locked to place but there are objects moving in the area surrounding the wire.

Temporal With Moving Scene - also aligns frames from before and after onto the current frame, but uses global motion estimation. Again, it gets background information from these two frames where it can and uses the spatial repair method to fill in the rest. This is useful for sequences where the wire is moving and the motion in the rest of the scene is fairly uniform, for example, if the entire scene is moving in the same direction as a result of a camera pan.

Clean Plate - choose this method if you have a clean plate you wish to use for the repair, or if F_WireRemoval does not do a good job of removing the wire from each frame. Connect the clean plate or single frame with the wire removed to the CleanPlate input. F_WireRemoval will then align this frame to the frame to be repaired in order to reconstruct the background behind the wire.

Filter Size - this is a trade off between the amount of grain removed and the blurring of image along the direction of the wire. If the wire you are trying to remove has detail within it (for example, a steel wire in which the twisted threads are reflecting light), then the algorithm may leave these alone, thinking that they are grain. In this situation, you should decrease the filter size. A value of zero will definitely remove the artifacts but also the grain, which would then have to be put back using FurnaceCore’s F_ReGrain.

Temporal Offset - the time offset of the additional frames to use for the Temporal With Static Scene or Temporal With Moving Scene methods. This determines which two frames before and after the current frame are used to fill in the background behind the wire. For example, if this is set to 2 and the current frame is 30, frames 28 and 32 are used.

Luminance Correct - turn this on for methods other than Spatial repair where there are global luminance shifts between one frame of the sequence and the next, or between a frame of the sequence and a clean plate you are using for the repair. With Luminance Correct turned on, F_WireRemoval will adjust the luminance of the background pixels it uses to the correct level before doing the repair.

Lum Block Size - change this value if luminance correction is not working as well as it should. The luminance correction uses overlapping blocks and matches the luminance within those blocks; changing the size of the blocks will change the regions covered by each block and could result in a better match.

Points - Parameters to set the position of the points used to define the wire.

Point 1 - the position of the start point on the wire.

Point 2 - the position of the point on the wire between the start point and the mid point (this is only active if Type is Five Points).

Point 3 - the position of the mid point on the wire.

Point 4 - the position of the point on the wire between the mid point and the end point (this is only active if Type is Five Points).

Point 5 - the position of the end point on the wire.

Start Width - the width of the wire at point 1 of the on-screen wire tool.

End Width - the width of the wire at point 5 of the on-screen wire tool. This allows you to make your repair region wider at one end than the other, which is useful for cases where there is motion blur on the wire.

Overall Width - increase this parameter to expand the width of the repair region along its entire length, and for all key frames.