Uninstalling Apps on Mac
To uninstall the application on Mac, there are a few things you need to do:
- Navigate to Applications and delete the application directory.
- Delete, rename, or move your .nuke directory, if it exists.
- Delete, rename, or move your cached files, which reside in the following directory by default:
The directory is found in your home directory, by default:
/Users/<login name>/.nuke
Note: The directory may be hidden on your machine. To allow your Mac to display hidden files and directories, type the following command in the Terminal application, press Return, and then relaunch the Finder application:
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
Note: If you specified an alternate directory using the NUKE_TEMP_DIR environment variable, purge those files as well as the default location. See Nuke Environment Variables for more information.