Creates a node tool set in the Nuke toolbar. This can be useful if you find yourself creating the same set of nodes repeatedly. Once you have created a tool set, you can easily create the nodes that it contains by selecting it in the ToolSets menu (rather than creating each node separately).
To create a tool set, select the nodes you want to include in the Node Graph and click ToolSets > Create. In the Create ToolSet dialog that appears, use the ToolSets menu to select the menu where you’d like to place your new tool set. Then give it a name in the Menu item field and click Create.
By default, your new tool set goes under the ToolSets menu, but if you’d like to create a subfolder for the tool set, you can do that by specifying the folder name before the tool set name, separated by a forward slash, in the Menu item field. For example, entering Roto/BasicRoto would create a subfolder called Roto in the ToolSets menu, and place a new tool set by the name of BasicRoto in it.
Like gizmos, tool sets can be shared between artists if they are using a centralized .nuke folder. This needs to be accessed through a NUKE_PATH environment variable that you can set up.
See also Delete.