Release Notes for Nuke and Hiero 10.5v2

Release Date

17 February 2017

Qualified Operating Systems

Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) or 10.10 (Yosemite)

Windows 7 or Windows 8 (64-bit only)

CentOS/RHEL 5 or CentOS/RHEL 6 (64-bit only)

Other operating systems may work, but have not been fully tested.

Requirements for Nuke's GPU Acceleration

If you want to enable Nuke to calculate certain nodes using the GPU, there are some additional requirements. You need to have:

an NVIDIA GPU with compute capability 2.0 (Fermi) or above. A list of the compute capabilities of NVIDIA GPUs is available at

Note:  The compute capability is a property of the GPU hardware and can't be altered by a software update.

With graphics drivers capable of running CUDA 4.2 or above.

Note:  In order to use R3D GPU debayering in the Compositing environment, CUDA 6.0 (or higher) is required.

On Windows and Linux, CUDA graphics drivers are bundled with the regular drivers for your NVIDIA GPU. Drivers from April 2012 onward support CUDA 4.2.

Go to for more information.

On Mac, the CUDA driver is separate from the NVIDIA graphics driver and must be installed, if you don't have it already. The minimum requirement for CUDA 4.2 is driver version 4.2.5, which can be downloaded from

Note:  We recommend using the latest graphics drivers, where possible, regardless of operating system.

an AMD FirePro GPU on late 2013 Mac Pro 6,1 and mid 2015 Mac Pro 11,5, running OS X 10.9.3 'Mavericks', or later.

Late 2013 and Mid 2015 Mac Pros Only

Nuke supports GPU-enabled nodes on the late 2013 Mac Pro 6,1 and mid 2015 Mac Pro 11,5 (running OS X 10.9.3 'Mavericks', or later), including a new Enable multi-GPU support option. When enabled in the preferences, GPU processing is shared between the available GPUs for extra processing speed.

Note:   To ensure you get the best performance from OpenCL GPUs on late 2013 Mac Pro 6,1 and mid 2015 Mac Pro 11,5, we recommend updating Mavericks to 10.9.5, or above for full functionality. However:

If you're running an earlier version of Mac OS X than 10.9.5 and processing images greater than 4 mega pixels resolution, VectorGenerator, Kronos, and MotionBlur do not support GPU acceleration.

If you're running an earlier version of Mac OS X than 10.9.4, Kronos and MotionBlur do not support GPU acceleration.

New Features

There are no new features in this release.

Feature Enhancements

• ID 233227 - Monitor Output: The AJA driver version has been updated to 12.x on all platforms.

Bug Fixes

• ID 152981 - SplineWarp: Flipping a spline and moving some points corrupted the undo stack in a customer script.

• ID 159942 - Monitor Output: Switching between 8-bit and 10-bit output produced precision and scaling inconsistencies.

• ID 161916 -Windows only: Reading some .mov files multiple times caused Nuke to become unresponsive.

• ID 163561 - Mac OS X only: Mousing over the compositing Viewer stopped it updating under El Capitan (10.11).

• ID 174710 - Audio: Moving In and Out points on the timeline produced audio scrubbing errors.

• ID 183288/200196 - Mac OS X only: Moving the cursor over the Viewer or frame slider caused a drop in frame rate under El Capitan (10.11).

• ID 217352 - Roto/RotoPaint: Cusping and smoothing B-Spline points did not work as expected.

• ID 217365 - Mac OS X only: Zooming using a Wacom tablet was unpredictable under El Capitan (10.11).

• ID 217906 - Mac OS X only: Entering / (forward slash) in Project Settings > Export > Project Root corrupted the path mapping in the Export dialog.

• ID 224244 - Write: The mov64 writer encoded DNxHD metadata incorrectly.

• ID 224645 - Linux only: Disabling a Monitor Output audio device in the Preferences caused Nuke to crash on playback.

• ID 224801 - ScanlineRender/RayRender: Adding a FrameHold or TimeOffset node after a Scene node disabled any lights within that scene.

• ID 228369 - Monitor Output: The color range was incorrect for some inputs with video mode enabled in Nuke Studio's Monitor Output controls.

• ID 228388 - Monitor Output: The color range in 10-bit output was incorrect.

• ID 232230 - Linux only: Monitor Output from AJA Kona 3G and Kona 4 cards produced audible clicking during playback.

• ID 232743 - Monitor Output: 10-bit output from Blackmagic 4K Extreme cards was incorrect.

• ID 233213 - Mac OS X only: Kona 3G cards were not recognized under Yosemite (10.10.5) with the latest AJA driver installed.

• ID 235438 - Track Blending: Slipping a clip instance below a blended track displayed an input color space index out of range warning in the Viewer.

• ID 240120 - Write: The mov64 writer encoded DNxHD files as Video Range when Full Range was specified in the Write Properties.

• ID 241528 - Create Comp: Adding a Transform soft effect to a blended track occasionally cropped the blended output incorrectly.

• ID 241786 - Soft Effects: Keyframes were misplaced in exported .nk scripts when the timeline contained negative retimes and dissolves.

• ID 241833 - Monitor Out: 8-bit and 10-bit output was inconsistent between the compositing and timeline Viewers for non-grayscale images.

• ID 241908 - Linux only: Enabling Performance > Caching > clear timeline Viewer cache when the application goes to the background in the Preferences, occasionally caused Nuke Studio to freeze when switching application if the playback cache contained a large amount of frames.

• ID 242147 - Monitor Out: Blackmagic cards produced inconsistent results for 8-bit output.

• ID 243096 - Licensing: Hiero did not launch with a Nuke Studio license.

• ID 244661 - Roto/RotoPaint: Pressing the cusp keyboard shortcut (Shift+Z) after a control point has been cusped already caused the maximum step counter to overflow, resulting in more presses to smooth (Z) the point to its original state.

• ID 245442 - Export: Shot templates containing multiple Write nodes placed all Writes vertically with overlapping connections in the resulting Nuke script.

• ID 245458 - Linux only: The frame rate of .exr clip instances on the timeline was unreliable during playback.

• ID 246166 - Export: Batch export of comps occasionally didn't tag all the items correctly.

• ID 246172 - The first frame of .avi clip instances was black until you scrubbed through the timeline and then returned to the first frame.

• ID 246933 - Timeline: The track height adjustment cursor was incorrect.

• ID 246942 - Export: Certain clip instances were retimed incorrectly after export from the timeline.

• ID 248113/248294 - Monitor Output: Blackmagic DeckLink Mini cards produced flickering or striped output on playback.

• ID 248443 - Monitor Output: Blackmagic DeckLink Mini and 4K Extreme cards produced incorrect color output.

• ID 248497 - Monitor Output: 10-bit output from Blackmagic DeckLink 4K Extreme and AJA Kona 3G cards did not appear as expected in the Compositing environment.

• ID 248755 - Monitor Output: 10-bit output from Blackmagic DeckLink 4K Extreme cards produced gray spots in the Compositing environment.

• ID 249380 - Export: Process as Shots using the Basic Nuke Shot preset occasionally didn't tag all shots correctly.

• ID 249433 - Curve Editor: Deleting a keyframe and then undoing the action didn't work as expected.

• ID 249763 - Export: Metadata was written incorrectly when exports contained negative retimes.

• ID 249921 - Monitor Output: Blackmagic DeckLink 4K Extreme output from the Compositing environment caused Nuke to become unresponsive after a few minutes.

• ID 250041 - Monitor Output: Output was incorrect on the monitor for images containing color outside the 0-1 range in the Timeline environment.

• ID 250180 - Export: Tags were not added to clips after export and Build Track > From Export Tag was disabled.

• ID 250510 - Create Comp: Exporting a modified comp and skipping the option to render the latest comp displayed a Track_Alpha.a is not a layer or channel name error message.

• ID 252418 - Hiero only: Some Nuke Studio functions were enabled incorrectly in Hiero.

• ID 262809 - Export: Shot templates containing multiple Write nodes did not append an index number to the Write nodes, resulting in a Duplicate write node name error.

• ID 263002 - Export: Copying and pasting multiple Write nodes into the shot template placed all Writes vertically with overlapping connections in the resulting Nuke script.

Developer Notes

Here are the changes relevant to developers. See Help > Documentation from the Nuke menu bar or for more information.

As Nuke develops, we sometimes have to make changes to the API and ABI under the hood. We try to keep these changes to a minimum and only for certain releases, but from time to time API and ABI compatibility is not guaranteed. See the following table for the situations when you may have to recompile your plugins and/or make changes to the source code.

Release Type






10.0v1 to 10.0v2





10.0v1 to 10.5v1




10.0v1 to 11.0v1


Additionally, node Class() names occasionally change between major releases. While these changes do not affect legacy scripts, you may not get the results you were expecting if a node class has been modified. The file, used to create Nuke's node toolbar, contains all the current node class names and is located in <install_directory>/plugins/nukescripts/ for reference.

As an example, between Nuke 9 and Nuke 10, the CameraShake node Class() changed from CameraShake2 to CameraShake3. In the file for the two releases, the entries for the CameraShake node appear as follows:

m.addCommand("CameraShake", "nuke.createNode(\"CameraShake2\")", icon="CameraShake.png")
m.addCommand("CameraShake", "nuke.createNode(\"CameraShake3\")", icon="CameraShake.png")

New Features

There are no new features in this release.

Feature Enhancements

There are no feature enhancements in this release.

Bug Fixes

• ID 243563 - The knob.splitView() function changed incorrectly between Nuke 9 and Nuke 10 when passing a view in as an index (passing a string was unaffected). In Nuke 10, an index 0 referred to the first view in a script, whereas in Nuke 9, an index of 1 referred to the first view. As a result, in Nuke 10, knob.splitView() could create a value for an extra view that didn't exist. From Nuke 10.0v6 onward, knob.splitView() will behave the same as the Nuke 9 implementation.

The following Python functions are affected:


setSingleValue(b, view)



setValue(value, index, time, view)

setValueAt(value, time, index, view)

value(index, view, time)

valueAt(time, index, view)

setKeyAt(time, index, view)

removeKey(index, view)

removeKeyAt(time, index, view)

isKey(index, view)

isKeyAt(time, index, view)

setAnimated(index, view)

isAnimated(index, view)

clearAnimated(index, view)

setExpression(expression, channel=-1, view=None)


animation(chan, view)

copyAnimation(channel, curve, view)

copyAnimations(curves, view)






metadata(key, time, view)




addView(name, color)

