Release Notes for Nuke and Hiero 11.0v3

Release Date

09 November 2017

Qualified Operating Systems

Mac OS X El Capitan (10.11) or macOS Sierra (10.12)

Windows 7 or Windows 10 (64-bit)

CentOS 6 or CentOS 7 (64-bit)

Note:  If you intend to use floating licenses with Nuke 11, you'll need to upgrade the version of RLM used in the Foundry Licensing Tools (FLT) on your server. See Foundry Knowledge Base article Q100320 for information.

Other operating systems may work, but have not been fully tested.

Requirements for Nuke's GPU Acceleration

If you want to enable Nuke to calculate certain nodes using the GPU, there are some additional requirements.


An NVIDIA GPU with compute capability 2.0 (Fermi) or above. A list of the compute capabilities of NVIDIA GPUs is available at

Note:  The compute capability is a property of the GPU hardware and can't be altered by a software update.

With graphics drivers capable of running CUDA 8.0 & 6.5 or above.

On Windows and Linux, CUDA graphics drivers are bundled with the regular drivers for your NVIDIA GPU. Driver version r361 or above is required.

Go to for more information.

On Mac, the CUDA driver is separate from the NVIDIA graphics driver and must be installed, if you don't have it already. The minimum requirement is driver version r361 which can be downloaded from

Note:  We recommend using the latest graphics drivers, where possible, regardless of operating system.


On Windows and Linux, an AMD GPU and driver from the following list:

Windows GPU


Linux GPU


AMD FirePro W8100


AMD FirePro W8100


AMD FirePro W9100


AMD FirePro W9100


AMD Radeon R9 Fury X

17.4.3 - 17.6.2

AMD Radeon R9 Fury X


AMD Radeon RX 480


AMD Radeon RX 480


AMD Radeon Pro WX 7100

17.4.3 - 17.6.2

AMD Radeon Pro WX 7100


Note:  Other AMD GPUs may work, but have not been fully tested.

On Mac an AMD FirePro GPU on late 2013 Mac Pro 6,1, mid 2015 MacBook Pro 11,5, and late 2016 MacBook Pro 13,3, running OS X 10.9.3 'Mavericks', or later.

Multi-GPU Processing

Nuke's GPU support includes an Enable multi-GPU support option. When enabled in the preferences, GPU processing is shared between the available GPUs for extra processing speed.

Note:  Multi-GPU processing is only available for identical GPUs in the same machine. For example, two NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080s or two AMD FirePro W9100s.

New Features

There are no new features in this release.

Feature Enhancements

• ID 143006 - DeepExpression: Nuke's Deep compositing nodes now support most of the math expression supported by regular nodes. See Nuke's Online Help for more information.

• ID 282546/306265 - Frame Server: Nuke's Preferences now include a frame server render timeout control, which allows you to increase the number of minutes a render process can stay unresponsive before ending. If you're experiencing Render application timed out messages with process-heavy scripts, you can try increasing this value.

Bug Fixes

• ID 148671 - Importing certain .gif files caused Nuke to crash.

• ID 148823 - Opening an .nk script containing a Keylight or FurnaceCore node in Nuke Assist checked out a nuke_i license.

• ID 159103 - The obsolete .fpi format was available in transcode Exports and Write nodes.

• ID 163582 - DeepExpression: The pow() function did work as expected.

• ID 226059 - Linux only: Importing CameraTracker user tracks in a customer script caused Nuke to become unresponsive.

• ID 229381 - Monitor Output: AJA Io4K/IoXT cards were not discoverable with certain legacy drivers.

• ID 241846/267282 - Monitor Output: Selecting Full Resolution Stereo mode in the Monitor Output panel caused Nuke Studio to crash.

• ID 266361 - Linux only: The HistEQ node caused Nuke to crash with NaN value errors.

• ID 297466 - Monitor Output: ProRes and MP4 encoded shots did not play back correctly.

• ID 303838 - Create comp: Opening a comp containing soft effects and then adjusting an effect's Properties caused Nuke Studio to crash.

• ID 304724 - Timeline Disk Caching: Enabling disk caching during playback and then scrubbing the playhead caused Nuke Studio to crash.

• ID 304994 - macOS only: Using the Cmd+A keyboard shortcut to Select All in the Dope Sheet or Curve Editor selected all the nodes in the Node Graph.

• ID 305416 - macOS only: Enabling GPU acceleration in a Denoise node on machines with multiple GPUs caused Nuke to crash.

• ID 305898 - Timeline Disk Caching: Changes to edits were discarded when the root directory was changed and then restored to the default directory.

• ID 306601 - Timeline Disk Caching: The disk caching feature was not fully disabled when an invalid database was detected.

• ID 307062 - The | (pipe) keyboard shortcut, snap selected to grid, did not work as expected.

• ID 307378 - CornerPin: The Copy 'from' and Copy 'to' knob names were identical.

• ID 308133 - Create Comp: Double-clicking a comp container occasionally opened the Node Graph in a floating pane.

• ID 308411 - Opening certain scripts with use GPU for Viewer when possible enabled in the Preferences caused Nuke to crash.

• ID 308579 - Licensing: The trial license period was incorrect in the Licensing dialog.

• ID 309436 - A customer script with no red channel in the RGBA channel set caused Nuke to crash.

• ID 309669 - Windows only: Launching Nuke 11 without having first installed a previous major release (such as Nuke 10.5v6) displayed ../ error interpreting this plugin at start up.

• ID 310031 - Linux only: Importing stereo .exr files caused Nuke Studio to crash.

• ID 310259 - Switching workspace caused Nuke to crash on exit.

• ID 310390 - Timeline Editing: Copying and pasting a shot in the timeline and then dragging the shot onto a new track caused Nuke Studio to crash.

• ID 310880 - Expressions: A height scaling expression, derived from a Tracker node, incorrectly scaled width instead of height when linked to a Transform node.

• ID 311682 - Denoise: Adjusting the sample widget in Denoise caused Nuke to crash if the Nuke temp directory was empty.

• ID 313627 - Nuke Assist requested a nuke_i license due to the Frame Server running in the background.

• ID 315514 - Viewer: Adding custom guides, by copying and editing ../pythonextensions/site-packages/, caused Nuke to crash.

• ID 316252/316253 - macOS/Linux only: Rendering with a fresh cache directory specified by the NUKE_TEMP_DIR environment variable displayed errors in the first instance.

Linux Monitor Output Only

Note:  The fixes for these bugs rely on version 12.5, or later, of the AJA monitor output driver for Linux distributions.

• ID 281752 - Selecting Full Resolution Stereo mode in the Monitor Output panel occasionally displayed a CNTV2Card: IOCTL_NTV2_AUTOCIRCULATE_CONTROL failed error.

• ID 271817/251542 - Selecting Full Resolution Stereo mode in the Monitor Output panel produced inconsistent results in the left and right views.

• ID 253659 - Selecting Full Resolution Stereo mode in the Monitor Output panel did not output the correct color values.

Developer Notes

Here are the changes relevant to developers. See Help > Documentation from the Nuke menu bar or for more information.

As Nuke develops, we sometimes have to make changes to the API and ABI under the hood. We try to keep these changes to a minimum and only for certain releases, but from time to time API and ABI compatibility is not guaranteed. See the following table for the situations when you may have to recompile your plugins and/or make changes to the source code.

Release Type






10.0v1 to 10.0v2





10.0v1 to 10.5v1




10.0v1 to 11.0v1


Additionally, node Class() names occasionally change between major releases. While these changes do not affect legacy scripts, you may not get the results you were expecting if a node class has been modified. The file, used to create Nuke's node toolbar, contains all the current node class names and is located in <install_directory>/plugins/nukescripts/ for reference.

As an example, between Nuke 9 and Nuke 10, the CameraShake node Class() changed from CameraShake2 to CameraShake3. In the file for the two releases, the entries for the CameraShake node appear as follows:

m.addCommand("CameraShake", "nuke.createNode(\"CameraShake2\")", icon="CameraShake.png")
m.addCommand("CameraShake", "nuke.createNode(\"CameraShake3\")", icon="CameraShake.png")

New Features

There are no new features in this release.

Feature Enhancements

There are no feature enhancements in this release.

Bug Fixes

• ID 238647 - Python: displayed SSL errors when looking for an expired link.

• ID 308316 - macOS only: Assigning the Ctrl or Cmd keyboard shortcut to the nuke.createNode() command for nodes in the toolbar replaced the selected node, rather than appending the new node.

• ID 316332 - Python: LiveGroups could not be published if they employed the filnameFilter function as a Callback between different operating systems.