
Many Ocula plug-ins rely on disparity fields to produce their output. Usually, disparity fields are created using a combination of the O_Solver and O_DisparityGenerator nodes.

However, if you have a CG scene with stereo camera information and z-depth map available, you can also use the O_DepthToDisparity plug-in to generate the disparity field. Provided that the camera information and z-depth map are correct, this is both faster and more accurate than using the O_Solver and O_DisparityGenerator nodes.

Inputs and Controls

Connection Type

Connection Name




A Nuke stereo Camera node.

This is the camera the scene was rendered with. In most cases, you would import this into Nuke from a third-party 3D application. For information on how to do this, see the Nuke User Guide.


This is a stereo pair of images (usually, a scene you’ve rendered from a 3D application). In the depth channel, there should be a z-depth map for each view.

Tip:  If this input is an .exr file, the z-depth map may already be embedded in the clip.

If you’re using another file format and have saved the depth map as a separate image, you can use a Nuke Shuffle node (Channel > Shuffle) to get the z-depth map in the depth channel of the Depth image. For information on how to do this, see the Nuke User Guide.

Control (UI)

Knob (Scripting)

Default Value


O_DepthToDisparity Tab

Views to Use


Dependent on Source

Sets the two views you want to use to create the disparity field. These views will be mapped for the left and right eye.