Using Contact Sheet: Workflows & Soft Effects
Display other sequences alongside Contact Sheet
Although in this release Contact Sheet only supports loading clips from a single sequence it is still possible to have multiple sequences loaded and displayed whilst using a Contact Sheet Viewer from another sequence.
To do this, simply open a sequence and create a Contact Sheet Viewer populated with some clips. In this example note there is a sequence loaded called “WHG_edit_nuke_feature_video_full”.
Once you’ve done that, you can now either double click a different sequence to open this into the existing Timeline Viewer, or open a sequence into a new Timeline Viewer. In this example the opened sequence is called WHG_edit_WIP.
Either way the end result is the same, the new sequence is displayed in a Timeline Viewer and the original sequence that was the source for the Contact Sheet is still displayed.
If you now want to have this NEW sequence populate the Contact Sheet you just need to click the Send To Contact Sheet button on the WHG_edit_WIP and this sequence will now replace the previously loaded one.
This functionality allows you to view one sequence’s shots in a Contact Sheet against another sequence.
Display multiple shots with Soft Effects
Another really useful workflow in Contact Sheet is the ability to display multiple shots that have clip-based and layer-based Soft Effects.
The example below demonstrates using a Grade Soft Effect which is being used to balance out shots. This effect then can be viewed dynamically over multiple shots in a Contact Sheet Viewer.
You could also use Contact Sheet to have a “show look” over everything and see the culmination of all these effects.
When the sequence has track based Soft Effects applied you can quickly bypass these for the Contact Sheer Viewer by clicking on the Soft FX Bypass button in the Contact Sheet menu bar. This will then hide these track based Soft Effects but only for the Contact Sheet Viewer; the Timeline Viewer will still display the track Soft Effects.