Specifying Variables for Command Line Render

The command line interface enables you to specify Graph Scope Variables so that scripts can be rendered using the correct shot context.

Here is an example of how you may use this for a single Variable.

(You would input your own Variable names, values, framerange and path)

./Nuke16.0 --var <variable1>:<value1> -F <framerange> -X Write1 <path_to_your_nuke_script>

If you wish to specify multiple Variables, you can do this using a “,” separated list as below:

./Nuke16.0 --var <variable1>:<value1>,<variable2>:<value2> -F <framerange> -X Write1 <path_to_your_nuke_script>

Applying this to multishot workflows: example

To use the command line to specify Variables across multiple shots, you could first set up Variables in your Write nodes, such as:


And render using the next command line like this:

./Nuke16.0 --var seq:seq030,shot:Sh100 -F 1101-1105 -X Write1 <path_to_your_nuke_script>