You are here: Reference Guide > Color Nodes > Log2Lin


Whenever you read a clip into a script, it is automatically converted to Nuke’s native color space, which is 32-bit per channel RGB, a linear format. This conversion takes place even if the clip you read in is in the Kodak Cineon format, which is a logarithmic format. The reverse of this conversion, called a lin-to-log conversion, also automatically takes place when you write the processed element back out of the script - that is, Nuke automatically converts it back into a Cineon element.

Nuke uses the Kodak-recommended settings when making Cineon conversions in either direction. It’s rare that you would want to override these settings, but if it becomes necessary you can use the Log2Lin node. If you do, you should also check raw data (or set colorspace to linear) in the Read and Write node controls to skip the automatic conversion.