You are here: Reference Guide > Keyer Nodes > IBKGizmo


The IBK keyer differs from many other keyers in that, instead of using a single color picker, it uses an input image (a clean plate with just the color variations of the background) to drive the key. This generally gives you good results when working with uneven blue- or greenscreens.

The IBK keyer consists of two nodes: IBKColor and IBKGizmo. IBKColor creates the clean plate from the blue- or greenscreen image, and IBKGizmo pulls the key.

NOTE:  The output from IBKGizmo is a premultiplied image with an alpha channel - it does not composite the foreground over the background. To perform the composite, connect IBKGizmo to a compositing node, such as Merge.

NOTE:  Pre-rendering output from IBKColor to some formats can result in loss of color information and incorrect results when the image is used as input to IBKGizmo. We recommended that the .exr format is used for pre-rendered images as it supports full float data, reducing loss of information.

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