You are here: Reference Guide > Other Nodes > Precomp


The Precomp node is like a Group node, but its content is stored in an independent .nk file. This allows you to save a subset of the node tree as a separate Nuke script, render the output of this saved script, and read the rendered output back into the main comp as a single image input. Precomp nodes can be useful in at least two ways:

They can be used to reduce portions of the node tree to pre-rendered image inputs. This speeds up render time, as Nuke only has to process the single image input instead of all the nodes that were used to create it. Because the original nodes are saved in a separate .nk script, you also maintain access to them and can adjust them later if necessary.

They enable a collaborative workflow. While one artist works on the main comp, others can work on the sections that have been exported using the Precomp node. These sections can be edited, versioned, and managed independent of the main comp.

You can also create this node by pressing Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+P on the Node Graph.

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