Template Scripts

You can create a template script that is loaded instead of an empty script every time you launch Nuke or select File > New Comp or File > Close Comp. This allows you to save lookup table (LUT) setups and favorite arrangements of nodes, for example.

Creating and Using a Template Script

To create and use a template script:

1.   Create the script you want to use as a template.
2.   Select File > Save Comp As. Navigate to ~/.nuke. The tilde (~) stands for your home directory and the full stop (.) for a hidden folder.
3.   Name your script template.nk and click Save.

The next time you launch Nuke or select File > New Comp or File > Close Comp, Nuke loads the template from ~/.nuke/template.nk.

TIP:  If you’re not sure of the location of your home directory, on Linux and Mac you can open a terminal window and type echo $HOME. The terminal returns the pathname to your home directory.

On Windows, you can find the .nuke directory under the directory pointed to by the HOME environment variable. If this variable is not set (which is common), the .nuke directory will be under the folder specified by the USERPROFILE environment variable. To find out if the HOME and USERPROFILE environment variables are set and where they are pointing at, enter %HOME% or %USERPROFILE% into the address bar in Windows Explorer. If the environment variable is set, the folder it’s pointing at is opened. If it’s not set, you get an error.

Here are examples of what the path name may be on different platforms:
Linux: /home/login name
Mac: /Users/login name
Windows: drive letter:\Documents and Settings\login name or drive letter:\Users\login name