Analyzing Distortion Using a Grid

Grid analysis estimates the distortion from a checkerboard or thin line grid, for greater accuracy. As a general rule, if you have a grid you can use to calculate your lens distortion, you should use grid analysis to do this. To analyze a grid, do the following:

1.   To estimate the distortion from a grid, turn to the Grid Analysis tab.
2.   Connect a grid to the LensDistortion node's Source input and select the appropriate Grid Type.
3.   Press Analyze Grid to estimate the distortion and undistort the grid.
4.   After analyzing a grid, you can check Align Grid to correct for perspective distortion caused by the grid not being shot square-on to the camera.
5.   If you want to apply the grid’s distortion to an image input, disconnect the grid from the Source input and connect your image to it instead.

Grid Analysis Parameters

These are the parameters on the Grid Analysis tab:

Grid Type – Select the type of grid you want to use, Checkerboard or Thin Line grid.

Analyze Grid – Calculate the lens distortion present. When the analysis is complete, this sets the parameters on the LensDistortion tab in order to undistort the sequence.

AlignGrid - Check to correct for perspective distortion caused by the grid not being shot square-on to the camera. In other words, you can align the grid lines with the image edges.

Grid Overlay – After analysis, you can choose to display the Original or UndistortedGrid lines over the image.