Using Contact Sheet: Preferences

There is a new Contact Sheet section in the Preferences panel.

The options are:

show border - Allows you to toggle the Contact Sheet shot outline on and off. The default is enabled.

border color - Allows you to customize the Contact Sheet shot outline color. The default is white.

selection fill color - Allows you to customize the fill color of shots in the sequence being used in the Contact Sheet Viewer. Visible only in Pick mode. The default is green.

selection border color - Allows you to customize the border color of shots in the sequence being used in the Contact Sheet Viewer. Visible in both Pick and Edit mode. The default is white.

default resolution - Allows you to set a default Contact Sheet Output resolution that will affect the quality of the shots displayed when either zooming in close or when the Contact Sheet is displayed on a large monitor device. The default is 1920x1090 HD.

default max row count - Sets the maximum number of rows on a Contact Sheet Page. The default is 5.

default max column count - Sets the maximum number of columns on a Contact Sheet Page. The default is 5.