Deprecated Changes


The constructors for ImageTilePtr and ImageTileReadOnlyPtr have been deprecated:

ImageTilePtr::ImageTilePtr(float* ptr, int stride);
ImageTileReadOnlyPtr::ImageTileReadOnlyPtr(const float* ptr, int stride);

You should now use the alternative constructors:

ImageTilePtr::ImageTilePtr(float* ptr, float* startptr, float* endptr, int stride);
ImageTileReadOnlyPtr::ImageTileReadOnlyPtr(float* ptr, float* startptr, float* endptr, int stride);

These constructors take pointers to the start and end points of the allocated memory for the tile. They allow bounds-checking when compiling with FN_EXTRA_TILE_CHECKS. This is used to flag out-of-bounds accesses, which can otherwise be difficult to track down and might have unexpected side-effects.


The call to Knob::make_widget() with no WidgetContext has been deprecated. Use:

virtual WidgetPointer make_widget(const WidgetContext& context);


The builtin functions:

static LUT* builtin(BuiltinLUTId n);
static LUT* builtin(const char* name);

have been deprecated in favour of new Builtin functions. Readers and Writers respectively should use the following functions instead to allow OCIO support:

static LUT* Builtin(BuiltinLUTId n, Reader*);
static LUT* Builtin(const char* name, Reader*);

static LUT* Builtin(BuiltinLUTId n, Writer*);
static LUT* Builtin(const char* name, Writer*);

All other code should use:

static LUT* GetBuiltinLUT(BuiltinLUTId id);
static LUT* GetBuiltinLutByName(const char* name);

Similarly, getLut(DataType) has been deprecated in favour of:

static LUT* GetLut(DataType, const Reader*);
static LUT* GetLut(DataType, const Writer*);

for Readers and Writers, and:

static LUT* GetDefaultLutForType(DataType);

for the general case. setLut(DataType, LUT*) has also been deprecated in favour of:

static void SetLut(DataType, LUT*);

for case consistency with the other new functions.


The root_fps() function is now deprecated in favour of root_real_fps(), which will return an unrounded value.


The function:

void frame(double v);

has been deprecated in favour of the equivalent function:

void setFrame(double v) { frame_ = v; }

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