Attributes are containers for data associated with a GeoInfo in NUKE. NUKE allows for per-point, per-vertex, per-primitive, and per-object attributes. These are described in the Attribute Groups section. Attributes can also hold different types of value. For more information see the Attribute Types section.
Although attributes belong to individual GeoInfo objects, they are stored as part of a GeometryList so that they are packed and accessed more efficiently.
There are six attribute groups in NUKE’s 3D system:
These groups are defined by an enum in GeoInfo.h:
enum GroupType {
Group_None = -1,
Group_Primitives = 0,
Group_Vertices = 1,
Group_Points = 2,
Group_Object = 3,
Group_Matrix = 4,
Group_Attributes = 5,
Group_Last = 6
The special value Group_None is used to indicate an unknown or invalid group; Group_Last is always the total number of groups and is useful for defining array sizes or when iterating over all groups (for example).
There’s also a set of bitmasks defined for the groups. These are mainly used for the rebuild flags on the object and are defined in GeoInfo.h, like this:
enum {
Mask_No_Geometry = 0x00000000,
Mask_Primitives = 0x00000001, //!< Primitive list
Mask_Vertices = 0x00000002, //!< Vertex group
Mask_Points = 0x00000004, //!< Point list
Mask_Geometry = Mask_Primitives | Mask_Vertices | Mask_Points,
Mask_Object = 0x00000008, //!< The Object
Mask_Matrix = 0x00000010, //!< Local->World Transform Matrix
Mask_Attributes = 0x00000020, //!< Attribute list
Mask_All_Geometry = Mask_Geometry | Mask_Attributes | Mask_Object | Mask_Matrix,
typedef unsigned GeometryMask;
Note that some of the flags are just combinations of others, defined for convenience: Mask_Geometry and Mask_All_Geometry.
These are the attribute types NUKE recognizes:
There’s an enumeration defining these types in DDImage/Attribute.h:
/*! Attribute data type enumerations. */
enum AttribType {
INVALID_ATTRIB = -1, //!< Data type not set
FLOAT_ATTRIB, //!< 1 float
VECTOR2_ATTRIB, //!< Vector2(2 floats)
VECTOR3_ATTRIB, //!< Vector3(3 floats)
VECTOR4_ATTRIB, //!< Vector4(4 floats)
NORMAL_ATTRIB, //!< Normal vector - Vector3(3 floats)
INT_ATTRIB, //!< Int
MATRIX3_ATTRIB, //!< Matrix3 (9 floats)
MATRIX4_ATTRIB //!< Matrix4 (16 floats)
An Attribute object in the NDK is merely a data store: it contains the type and number of values it holds, its name, and nothing else. It doesn’t have any information about its wider context, such as the attribute group it belongs to. DDImage provides the AttribContext class to handle this.
An AttribContext contains an Attribute, a group type (e.g. Group_Points, Group_Vertices), and additional information about how the attribute is processed, such as whether it is interpolated or not.
The GeoInfo class has two methods to help find out what attributes it has:
Get the number of attributes (and hence the number of AttributeContext objects) on this GeoInfo.
Get an AttribContext using its list position rather than its name, type, and group.
Using these you can iterate over all the available attributes for a GeoInfo.
The GeoInfo class provides read-only access to all of its attributes via various lookup methods, as detailed below. Some of these methods allow you to specify a group for the attribute; others do not. For the methods where you don’t specify a group it searchs through a number of the groups in the following order:
The GeoInfo class provides the following methods for getting an Attribute:
Returns an Attribute with the specified name and any type, using the search order above.
Returns any Attribute with the specified name and type, using the search order above. If there is an attribute with a matching name but a different type, this returns NULL.
Returns an Attribute, if one exists, with the specified name and any type. This only looks in the specified group and returns NULL if it doesn’t find one.
Returns an Attribute, if one exists, with the specified name and type. This only looks in the specified group and returns NULL if it doesn’t find a matching attribute.
There are equivalent methods for getting an AttribContext:
Returns an AttribContext with the specified name and any type, using the search order above.
Returns any AttribContext with the specified name and type, using the search order above. If there is an attribute with a matching name but a different type, this returns NULL.
Returns an AttribContext, if one exists, with the specified name and any type. This only looks in the specified group and returns NULL if it doesn’t find one.
Returns an Attribute, if one exists, with the specified name and type. This only looks in the specified group and returns NULL if it doesn’t find a matching attribute.
To add an attribute to an object, use:
Get or create an attribute on a particular object and return an AttribContext for it. The AttribContext has the group ID, attribute name, and an item type specified by the group, name, and type parameters respectively.
The GeoInfo class provides this method:
If you leave the type set to the default value, INVALID_ATTRIB, it does not take the attribute type into consideration when finding the attribute to delete. Otherwise, it only deletes an attribute of that type.
There are a number of predefined attributes that NUKE recognises:
Attribute Name | Group | Meaning |
“uv” | Group_Points Group_Vertices | Texture coordinates, stored as a vector4 |
“N” | Group_Points Group_Vertices Group_Primitives | Point, vertex, and surface normals stored as a vector3 |
“Cf” | Group_Points | Surface colour |
“pw” | Group_Points | World-space point |
“vel” | Group_Points | Per-point velocity, used by the ScanlineRenderer for motion blur |