// NoIop creating an instance of the vast majority of all NDK accessible knobs. // Copyright (c) 2011 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd. All Rights Reserved. #include "DDImage/NoIop.h" #include "DDImage/Knobs.h" #include "DDImage/Knob.h" #include "DDImage/Convolve.h" //Defines ConvolveArray struct used in Array_knob. #include "DDImage/ChannelSet.h" #include "DDImage/Channel.h" //Defines the ChannelSets, ChannelMasks and Channels used in the various channel_knobs. #include "DDImage/Format.h" //Defines the FormatPair class used by Format_knob. #include "DDImage/Matrix4.h" //Defines the Matrix4 class used by Transform2d_knob. #include "DDImage/LookupCurves.h" //Defines the LookupCurves class used by the LookupCurves_knob. #include "DDImage/TableKnobI.h" //Defines the table knob interface used by, surprisingly enough, the Table_knob. #include "DDImage/HistogramKnob.h" //Defines the Histogram_Data class used by the Histogram_knob. #include "DDImage/Colorspace_KnobI.h" using namespace DD::Image; static const char* const HELP = "Creates one of every sort of NDK supported knobs"; static const char* const enumerationKnobNames[] = { "list entry 1", "list entry 2", 0 }; static const char* const bitmaskKnobNames[] = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", 0 }; static const CurveDescription lookupCurvesDefaults[] = { { "master", "y C 0 1" }, {0} }; static const char* const pulldownKnobEntries[] = { "list entry 1", "panel entry1", 0 }; static const char* const pyPulldownKnobEntries[] = { "list entry 1", "nuke.message(\"entry1\")", 0 }; static const char* const cascadingEnumerationKnobNames[] = { "title1/entry1", "title1/entry2", "title2/entry1", 0 }; typedef std::vector< std::vector > ListStore; //Convenience for List_knob. typedef std::map DynamicBitmaskName; //Convenience for Dynamic_Bitmask_knob. class KnobParade : public NoIop { //Define data storage member variables for all Knob's requiring them. const char* _stringKnob; const char* _fileKnob; int _intKnob; int _enumKnob; unsigned int _bitmaskKnob; bool _boolKnob; double _doubleKnob; float _floatKnob; ConvolveArray _arrayKnob; ChannelSet _channelSetKnob; ChannelSet _channelMaskKnob; ChannelSet _inputChannelSetKnob; ChannelSet _inputChannelMaskKnob; Channel _channelKnob[4]; Channel _inputChannelKnob[4]; float _xyKnob[2]; float _xyzKnob[3]; float _whKnob[2]; float _bboxKnob[4]; FormatPair _formatKnob; float _colorKnob[3]; float _aColorKnob[4]; Matrix4 _transform2dKnob; const char* _multilineStringKnob; Matrix4 _axisKnob; float _uvKnob[2]; float _box3Knob[6]; LookupCurves _lookupCurvesKnob; float _eyedropperKnob[8]; float _rangeKnob[8]; double _keyerKnob[4]; unsigned int _colorChipKnob; int _colorspaceKnob; double _scaleKnob[2]; int _oneViewKnob; std::set _multiViewKnob; std::map _viewViewKnob; std::pair _viewPairKnob; ListStore _listKnob; double _pixelAspectKnob; const char* _passwordKnob; int _toolboxKnob; int _cascadingEnumerationKnob; DynamicBitmaskName _dynamicBitmaskName; unsigned int _dynamicBitmaskKnob; float _positionVectorKnob[6]; const char* _cachedFileKnob; int _multiIntKnob[6]; float _multiFloatKnob[6]; const char* _writeFileKnob; Histogram_Data* _histogramKnob; public: //Initialise members to their default values in the Op constructor. KnobParade(Node* node) : NoIop(node), _stringKnob(""), _fileKnob(""), _intKnob(0), _enumKnob(0), _bitmaskKnob(0), _boolKnob(false), _doubleKnob(0.0f), _floatKnob(0.0f), _arrayKnob(), _channelSetKnob(Chan_Black), _channelMaskKnob(Chan_Black), _inputChannelSetKnob(Chan_Black), _inputChannelMaskKnob(Chan_Black), _multilineStringKnob(""), _lookupCurvesKnob(lookupCurvesDefaults), _colorChipKnob(0), _colorspaceKnob(0), _oneViewKnob(0), _pixelAspectKnob(1.0f), _passwordKnob(""), _toolboxKnob(0), _cascadingEnumerationKnob(0), _dynamicBitmaskKnob(0), _cachedFileKnob(""), _writeFileKnob("") { for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { _eyedropperKnob[i] = 0.0f; _rangeKnob[i] = (1.0f/8.0f)*(float)i; } for (int i=0; i<6; i++) { _multiIntKnob[i] = 0; _multiFloatKnob[i] = 0.0f; } for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { _channelKnob[i] = Chan_Black; _inputChannelKnob[i] = Chan_Black; _bboxKnob[i] = 0.0f; _aColorKnob[i] = 0.0f; } for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { _xyzKnob[i] = 0.0f; _colorKnob[i] = 0.0f; } for (int i=0; i<2; i++) { _xyKnob[i] = 0.0f; _whKnob[i] = 0.0f; _uvKnob[i] = 0.0f; _scaleKnob[i] = 1.0f; } _formatKnob.format(0); //Get default script format. _transform2dKnob.makeIdentity(); //Zero to no transform. _axisKnob.makeIdentity(); _box3Knob[0] = 0.0f; _box3Knob[1] = 0.0f; _box3Knob[2] = 0.0f; _box3Knob[3] = 1.0f; _box3Knob[4] = 1.0f; _box3Knob[5] = 1.0f; _keyerKnob[0] = 0.0f; _keyerKnob[1] = 0.2f; _keyerKnob[2] = 0.8f; _keyerKnob[3] = 1.0f; for (int i=1; i(i, i)); //Add all views mapped to themselves. } if (outputContext().viewcount()>0) { _viewPairKnob.first = 1; _viewPairKnob.second = 1; } std::vector tempVec1, tempVec2; tempVec1.push_back("vec1 entry1"); tempVec1.push_back("vec1 entry2"); tempVec2.push_back("vec2 entry1"); tempVec2.push_back("vec2 entry1"); _listKnob.push_back(tempVec1); _listKnob.push_back(tempVec2); _dynamicBitmaskName[0] = "a"; _dynamicBitmaskName[1] = "b"; _dynamicBitmaskName[3] = "d"; _positionVectorKnob[0] = 0.0f; _positionVectorKnob[1] = 0.0f; _positionVectorKnob[2] = 0.0f; _positionVectorKnob[3] = 1.0f; _positionVectorKnob[4] = 1.0f; _positionVectorKnob[5] = 1.0f; //Fill Histogram_knob data structure with (in this case linear in) info. _histogramKnob = new Histogram_Data; int j = 0; while (j<100) { for(int i=0; iaddLumIn(((float)j)/100.0f); j++; } } ~KnobParade() { //Special case for Histogram_knobs - the data store is reference counted, so decrement on Op destruction. _histogramKnob->removeUser(); } bool test_input(int n, Op* op) const { return true; } void knobs(Knob_Callback f) { Tab_knob(f, "Data"); //No slider by default Int_knob(f, &_intKnob, "Int_knob"); Float_knob(f, &_floatKnob, "Float_knob"); Double_knob(f, &_doubleKnob, "Double_knob"); UV_knob(f, _uvKnob, "UV_knob"); //Uses the convolveArray struct for data storage. Array_knob(f, &_arrayKnob, 3, 3, "Array_knob"); MultiInt_knob(f, _multiIntKnob, 6, "MultiInt_knob"); MultiFloat_knob(f, _multiFloatKnob, 6, "MultiFloat_knob"); Divider(f, "Color"); //Can use Vector3 class of data storage - pass the address of the Vector3.x element Color_knob(f, _colorKnob, "Color_knob"); //Can use Vector4 class for data storage AColor_knob(f, _aColorKnob, "AColor_knob"); //8-bit rrggbb00 store. Use from_sRGB() on these to get float. ColorChip_knob(f, &_colorChipKnob, "ColorChip_knob"); SetFlags(f, Knob::STARTLINE); //STARTLINE not set by default. //Specialised Enumeration_knob to handle OCIO colorspaces; "scene_linear" = OCIO::SCENE_LINEAR Knob* colorspace = Colorspace_knob(f, &_colorspaceKnob, "scene_linear", "Colorspace_knob"); if (f.makeKnobs() && colorspace) { colorspace->colorspaceKnob()->configChanged(true); } Divider(f, "String"); String_knob(f, &_stringKnob, "String_knob"); File_knob(f, &_fileKnob, "File_knob"); Cached_File_knob(f, &_cachedFileKnob, "Cached_File_knob"); //Stores 2 filenames - one for proxy and one for full res. Write_File_knob(f, &_writeFileKnob, "Write_File_knob"); Multiline_String_knob(f, &_multilineStringKnob, "Multiline_String_knob"); //Only char**, no string version. Generally more aimed at Python Panel use. Password_knob(f, &_passwordKnob, "Password_knob"); Divider(f, "Selection"); //Intro to bitmasks. Bitmask_knob(f, &_bitmaskKnob, bitmaskKnobNames, "Bitmask_knob"); //Does not have startline set by default. Bool_knob(f, &_boolKnob, "Bool_knob"); SetFlags(f, Knob::STARTLINE); Tab_knob(f, "Transforms"); //Double & float variants XY_knob(f, _xyKnob, "XY_knob"); //Only float XYZ_knob(f, _xyzKnob, "XYZ_knob"); //Double & float variants WH_knob(f, _whKnob, "WH_knob"); //Double & float variants BBox_knob(f, _bboxKnob, "BBox_knob"); //Initialisation using FormatPair and .format Format_knob(f, &_formatKnob, "Format_knob"); Box3_knob(f, _box3Knob, "Box3_knob"); //Allows range setting on construction. //Double variant only. Scale_knob(f, _scaleKnob, "Scale_knob"); //Automatically takes proxy scale handling into account when //dealing with proxy scales of a different aspect ratio. PixelAspect_knob(f, &_pixelAspectKnob, "PixelAspect_knob"); //Float only variant //Draws arrow in 3d view. PositionVector_knob(f, _positionVectorKnob, "PositionVector_knob"); Divider(f, "Transform2d_knob"); Transform2d_knob(f, &_transform2dKnob, "Transform2d_knob"); Divider(f, "Axis_knob"); //Matrix can be got from the knob called 'matrix' Axis_knob(f, &_axisKnob, "Axis_knob"); Tab_knob(f, "Buttons Menus and Lists"); Divider(f, "Buttons"); //Use knob_changed and check against knob name to implement action Button(f, "Button"); SetFlags(f, Knob::STARTLINE); Script_knob(f, "puts test", "Script_knob"); SetFlags(f, Knob::STARTLINE); PyScript_knob(f, "", "PyScript_knob"); SetFlags(f, Knob::STARTLINE); Divider(f, "Menus"); Enumeration_knob(f, &_enumKnob, enumerationKnobNames, "Enumeration_knob"); //Two parts to each enum entry - first is title, second is the actual command Pulldown_knob(f, pulldownKnobEntries, "Pulldown_knob"); PyPulldown_knob(f, pyPulldownKnobEntries, "PyPulldown_knob"); //The menu name argument should be a python created menu. In this case //we'll reuse the snapping menu seen on Axis derived nodes. Menu_knob(f, "Axis/Snap", "Menu_knob"); CascadingEnumeration_knob(f, &_cascadingEnumerationKnob, cascadingEnumerationKnobNames, "CascadingEnumeration_knob"); Dynamic_Bitmask_knob(f, &_dynamicBitmaskKnob, &_dynamicBitmaskName, "Dynamic_Bitmask_knob"); Divider(f, "Lists"); List_knob(f, &_listKnob, "List_knob"); //Handles data storage and mem management itself. Needs to have relevant //cols added on creation only (hence f.makeKnobs check). Knob* tableKnob = Table_knob(f, "Table_knob"); if (f.makeKnobs()) { Table_KnobI* tableKnobI = tableKnob->tableKnob(); tableKnobI->addColumn("col1", "col1", Table_KnobI::FloatColumn, true); tableKnobI->addColumn("col1", "col1", Table_KnobI::FloatColumn, true); if(tableKnobI->getRowCount() == 0) { tableKnobI->addRow(); } } Tab_knob(f, "Layout Chans and Views"); BeginGroup(f, "BeginGroup"); BeginClosedGroup(f, "BeginClosedGroup"); EndGroup(f); EndGroup(f); //Named and unnamed versions for access in knob_changed/etc for hiding. //STARTLINE not set by default. Text_knob(f, "Text_knob"); SetFlags(f, Knob::STARTLINE); //No labelling, and no impact at start of line - using Text_knob in addition. //STARTLINE not set by default. Text_knob(f, " "); SetFlags(f, Knob::STARTLINE); Spacer(f, 250); Text_knob(f, "<-Spacer"); Newline(f); Text_knob(f, "<-Newline"); Newline(f); Divider(f, "Divider"); Help_knob(f, "Help_knob"); Text_knob(f, "<-Help_knob"); //Use the Knob::TOOLBAR_* enumerations to position around the sides of the viewer. //Be wary of what knobs you put inside a toolbar - it's only really designed for //containing small entry knobs, enumerations, toolboxes and buttons (using the SMALLUI knob). BeginToolbar(f, "BeginToolbar/EndToolbar", "BeginToolbar/EndToolbar", Knob::TOOLBAR_LEFT); EndToolbar(f); BeginTabGroup(f, "BeginTabGroup/\nEndTabGroup"); Tab_knob(f, "Tab_knob"); EndTabGroup(f); //ExoGroups are groups of controls which appear on every tab. See the rotopaint //node for an example of this. Without anything contained within the group //nothing will appear on the panel. It's not a group in the conventional sense //as it does not the embedded params in twirlies or tabs. Text_knob(f, "BeginExoGroup/EndExoGroup"); BeginExoGroup(f, "BeginExoGroup/EndExoGroup"); //Text_knob(f, "Filler"); EndExoGroup(f); Divider(f, "Channels"); //All variants on CHANNEL_MASK_KNOB. All script and input only channel variants. //TODO: mask vs set. ChannelSet_knob(f, &_channelSetKnob, "ChannelSet_knob"); ChannelMask_knob(f, &_channelMaskKnob, "ChannelMask_knob"); Input_ChannelSet_knob(f, &_inputChannelSetKnob, 0, "Input_ChannelSet_knob"); Input_ChannelMask_knob(f, &_inputChannelMaskKnob, 0, "Input_ChannelMask_knob"); //Both variants on CHANNEL_KNOB. All script and input only channel variants. Channel_knob(f, _channelKnob, 4, "Channel_knob"); Input_Channel_knob(f, _inputChannelKnob, 4, 0, "Input_Channel_knob"); Divider(f, "Views"); //Initialising view knobs OneView_knob(f, &_oneViewKnob, "OneView_knob"); MultiView_knob(f, &_multiViewKnob, "MultiView_knob"); std::pair viewViewLabels("in", "out"); ViewView_knob(f, &_viewViewKnob, "ViewView_knob", &viewViewLabels); ViewPair_knob(f, &_viewPairKnob, "ViewPair_knob"); Tab_knob(f, "Curves"); //Can pass a type enum to define the curve drawing style, including options for //colouring background and plots plus synchronising/wrapping curve data. Text_knob(f, "LookupCurves_knob"); SetFlags(f, Knob::STARTLINE); LookupCurves_knob(f, &_lookupCurvesKnob, "LookupCurves_knob"); ClearFlags(f, Knob::STARTLINE); Tab_knob(f, "Histogram"); //Uses the Histogram_Data class for data storage. Histogram_knob(f, _histogramKnob, "Histogram_knob"); Tab_knob(f, "Specialist"); //Needs a 8 array. Stores 4 sampled colours plus x, y, r, t for sampled area. //Use of knob_changed to be able to grab at other channels. Text_knob(f, "Eyedropper_knob"); SetFlags(f, Knob::STARTLINE); Eyedropper_knob(f, _eyedropperKnob, "Eyedropper_knob"); ClearFlags(f, Knob::STARTLINE); //Float and double variants. Range_knob(f, _rangeKnob, 8, "Range_knob"); //Double only, no float variant. Keyer_knob(f, _keyerKnob, "Keyer_knob"); //Takes on the characteristics of whatever its linked to Link_knob(f, "Float_knob", "Link_knob"); //View only knob detailing the metadata on the incoming stream. //Used by ViewMetadata node. ModifyMetaData uses List_knob. MetaData_knob(f, "MetaData_knob"); //Manages its own data storage. MetaKeyFrame_knob(f, "MetaKeyFrame_Knob"); //Convenience knob. Use RippleKnobI header to access methods. Ripple_knob(f, "Ripple_knob"); //Knobs not available or not recommended for use. //MultiArray_knob - not recommended. Look into Table knobs. //Python_knob - used by the Python API. Not for use via NDK. //CP_knob - deprecated. //PLUGIN_PYTHON_KNOB - see PythonGeo example for usage example. //Toolbox_knob - relies on compiled in icons, as opposed to those included in the icon path. //ControlPointCollection_knob - part of WIP control point/roto abstraction. //TransformJack_knob. WIP. Viewer handle only transform jack, with adjustable display elements. //Knobs not demonstrated but available for use. //GeoSelect_knob. Only available on GeoOps, and one already created by parent class under the name 'geo_select'. } void _validate(bool for_real) { NoIop::_validate(for_real); } const char* node_help() const { return HELP; } static const Iop::Description d; const char* Class() const { return d.name; } }; static Iop* build(Node* node) { return new KnobParade(node); } const Iop::Description KnobParade::d("KnobParade", 0, build);