// Mirror.C // Copyright (c) 2009 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd. All Rights Reserved. // Flips the image around the center of the Format image area. // Notice that this implements the build_transform() call. This is used // to flip the transformation over for any handles before this in the // tree. #include "DDImage/Iop.h" #include "DDImage/Row.h" #include "DDImage/Format.h" #include "DDImage/ViewerContext.h" using namespace DD::Image; static const char* const CLASS = "Mirror"; static const char* const HELP = "Flips the image around the center of the Format image area."; class Mirror : public Iop { bool horizontal_; bool vertical_; protected: void _validate(bool) override; void _request(int, int, int, int, ChannelMask, int) override; void engine(int y, int x, int r, ChannelMask, Row & row) override; void build_handles(ViewerContext*) override; public: Mirror(Node* node) : Iop(node) { horizontal_ = vertical_ = false; } void knobs(Knob_Callback) override; const char* Class() const override { return CLASS; } const char* node_help() const override { return HELP; } //! Return hints to control when and how this op will be evaluated by the top-down system. OpHints opHints() const override; static const Iop::Description d; }; void Mirror::_validate(bool) { copy_info(); // this swaps the corners of the bounding box if the image is mirrored, // taking care to resize should the bounding box is smaller than the image int height = format().height(); int width = format().width(); if (horizontal_) { int t = info_.r(); info_.r(width - info_.x()); info_.x(width - t); } if (vertical_) { int t = info_.t(); info_.t(height - info_.y()); info_.y(height - t); info_.ydirection(info_.ydirection() * -1); } } void Mirror::build_handles(ViewerContext* ctx) { // do the translation only in when the viewer is in 2D and not in 3D mode if (!node_disabled() && ctx->viewer_mode() == VIEWER_2D) { validate(false); // Apply the matrix so handles draw after are correct: Matrix4 saved_matrix = ctx->modelmatrix; Matrix4& m = ctx->modelmatrix; if (horizontal_) { m.scale(-1, 1); m.translate(-format().width(), 0); } if (vertical_) { m.scale(1, -1); m.translate(0, -format().height()); } add_input_handle(0, ctx); ctx->modelmatrix = saved_matrix; } else add_input_handle(0, ctx); } void Mirror::_request(int x, int y, int r, int t, ChannelMask channels, int count) { int height = format().height(); int width = format().width(); if (horizontal_) { int T = r; r = width - x; x = width - T; } if (vertical_) { int T = t; t = height - y; y = height - T; } input0().request(x, y, r, t, channels, count); } // if the vertical_ flag is true, write each row of pixels in reverse order to // mirror about a vertical axis. // if the horizontal_ flag is true, ask for the height-y row and write it into // the y row, to mirror the image about a horizontal axis. void Mirror::engine(int y, int x, int r, ChannelMask channels, Row& row) { int height = format().height(); int width = format().width(); if (vertical_) y = height - 1 - y; if (horizontal_) { Row pixels_in(width - r, width - x); pixels_in.get(input0(), y, width - r, width - x, channels); foreach(z, channels) { if (pixels_in.is_zero(z)) { row.erase(z); } else { float* outptr = row.writable(z) + x; for (int i = x; i < r; i++) { *outptr++ = pixels_in[z][width - 1 - i]; } } } } else { row.get(input0(), y, x, r, channels); } } #include "DDImage/Knobs.h" void Mirror::knobs(Knob_Callback f) { Bool_knob(f, &horizontal_, "Horizontal"); Bool_knob(f, &vertical_, "Vertical"); } OpHints Mirror::opHints() const { return OpHints::eChainable; } static Iop* build(Node* node) { return new Mirror(node); } const Iop::Description Mirror::d(CLASS, "Transform/Mirror", build);