# Copyright (c) 2009 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
import nuke_internal as nuke
import os
[docs]def create_curve():
root = nuke.toNode("root")
curve_name = nuke.getInput("New curve name", "f")
if curve_name is not None:
if not len(curve_name) > 0:
nuke.message("Curve name can't be blank.")
curve_knob = root.knob(curve_name)
if curve_knob is None:
root.addKnob(nuke.Double_Knob(curve_name, curve_name))
nuke.animation("root."+curve_name, "expression", ("",))
[docs]def create_read(defaulttype="Read"):
'''Create a Read node for a file selected from the file browser.
If a node is currently selected in the nodegraph and it has a 'file'
(or failing that a 'proxy') knob, the value (if any) will be used as the default
path for the file browser.'''
# Get the selected node, and the path on it's 'file' knob if it
# has one, or failing that, it's 'proxy' node, if it has that.
sel_node = None
default_dir = None
sel_node = nuke.selectedNode()
if ( sel_node is not None ) and ( sel_node != '' ):
if 'file' in sel_node.knobs():
default_dir = sel_node['file'].value()
if (default_dir == None or default_dir == '') and 'proxy' in sel_node.knobs():
default_dir = sel_node['proxy'].value()
# Revert default_dir to None if it's empty so that the file browser
# will do it's default unset behaviour rather than open on an empty path.
if default_dir == '': default_dir = None
# Raise the file browser and get path(s) for Read node(s).
files = nuke.getClipname( "Read File(s)", default=default_dir, multiple=True )
if files != None:
maxFiles = nuke.numvalue("preferences.maxPanels")
n = len(files)
for f in files:
sceneBrowserRequired = False
stripped = nuke.stripFrameRange(f)
nodeType = defaulttype
if isAudioFilename( stripped ):
nodeType = "AudioRead"
if isSceneBrowserFilename( stripped ):
sceneBrowserRequired = True
if isGeoFilename( stripped ):
nodeType = "ReadGeo2"
if isDeepFilename( stripped ):
nodeType = "DeepRead"
# only specify inpanel for the last n nodes. Old panels are kicked out using
# a deferred delete, so reading large numbers of files can internally build
# large numbers of active widgets before the deferred deletes occur.
useInPanel = True
if (maxFiles != 0 and n > maxFiles):
useInPanel = False
n = n-1
if sceneBrowserRequired:
nuke.createScenefileBrowser( f, "" )
nuke.createNode( nodeType, "file {"+f+"}", inpanel = useInPanel)
except RuntimeError as err:
[docs]def isSceneBrowserFilename(filename):
filenameLower = filename.lower()
_, ext = os.path.splitext( filenameLower )
usd_extensions = ['.usd', '.usda', '.usdz', '.usdc']
abc_extensions = ['.abc']
if ext in usd_extensions + abc_extensions:
return True
return False
[docs]def isGeoFilename(filename):
filenameLower = filename.lower()
_, ext = os.path.splitext( filenameLower )
if ext in ['.fbx', '.obj']:
return True
return False
[docs]def isDeepFilename(filename):
filenameLower = filename.lower()
_, ext = os.path.splitext( filenameLower )
if ext in ['.dtex', '.dshd', '.deepshad']:
return True
return False
[docs]def isAudioFilename(filename):
filenameLower = filename.lower()
_, ext = os.path.splitext( filenameLower )
if ext in ['.wav', '.wave', '.aif', '.aiff']:
return True
return False
[docs]def create_viewsplitjoin():
views = nuke.views()
if len(views) < 2:
nuke.message("Only one view, nothing to split and rejoin.")
sel = nuke.selectedNode()
if sel == None:
nuke.message("You need to select a node to split views from and rejoin.")
nodes = []
for i in views:
n = nuke.createNode("OneView", inpanel=False)
selx = sel.knob("xpos").getValue()
sely = sel.knob("ypos").getValue()
join = nuke.createNode("JoinViews", inpanel=False)
for idx in range(0, len(nodes)):
nodes[idx].setInput(0, sel)
nodes[idx].knob("xpos").setValue(selx + idx * 100 - (len(nodes)-1)*50)
nodes[idx].knob("ypos").setValue(sely + 90)
join.setInput(idx, nodes[idx])