# Copyright (c) 2009 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
import nuke_internal as nuke
import nukescripts
import random
import os
import textwrap
[docs]def copy_knobs(args):
thisGroup = nuke.thisGroup()
if( thisGroup is not nuke.root() and ( thisGroup.locked() or thisGroup.subgraphLocked() ) ):
raise RuntimeError("Can't paste knob values because " + thisGroup.name() + " is locked")
selNodes = thisGroup.selectedNodes()
groupCopy = nuke.nodes.Group(name = "____tempcopyknobgroup__")
with groupCopy:
excludedKnobs = ["name", "xpos", "ypos"]
nodes = groupCopy.nodes()
for i in groupCopy.nodes():
for j in selNodes:
k1 = i.knobs()
k2 = j.knobs()
intersection = dict([(item, k1[item]) for item in list(k1.keys()) if item not in excludedKnobs and item in k2])
for k in list(intersection.keys()):
x1 = i[k]
x2 = j[k]
except Exception as e:
raise e
[docs]def connect_selected_to_viewer(inputIndex):
"""Connects the selected node to the given viewer input index, ignoring errors if no node is selected."""
selection = None
selection = nuke.selectedNode()
except ValueError: # no node selected
if selection is not None and selection.Class() == 'Viewer':
selection = None
nuke.connectViewer(inputIndex, selection)
[docs]def toggle_monitor_out():
"""Toggles monitor out (switches it on if it's off, or vice versa) for the currently active viewer."""
viewer = nuke.activeViewer()
if viewer is not None:
enableKnob = nuke.toNode('ViewerMonitorOut').knob("enable")
enableKnob.setValue(not enableKnob.value())
[docs]def clear_selection_recursive(group = nuke.root()):
"""Sets all nodes to unselected, including in child groups."""
for n in group.selectedNodes():
groups = [i for i in group.nodes() if i.Class() == 'Group']
for i in groups:
[docs]def goofy_title():
"""Returns a random message for use as an untitled script name.
Can be assigned to nuke.untitled as a callable.
Put a goofy_title.txt somewhere in your NUKE_PATH to customise."""
goofyFile = None
for dir in nuke.pluginPath():
fileName = os.path.join(dir, "goofy_title.txt")
if os.path.exists(fileName):
goofyFile = fileName
if goofyFile is None:
return "Missing goofy_title.txt"
file = open(goofyFile)
lines = file.readlines()
lines = [line.strip() for line in lines]
lines = [line for line in lines if len(line) > 0 and line[0] != '#']
if len(lines) < 1:
return "Empty goofy_title.txt"
return random.choice(lines)
[docs]def declone(node):
if node.clones() == 0:
args = node.writeKnobs(nuke.WRITE_ALL | nuke.WRITE_USER_KNOB_DEFS | nuke.WRITE_NON_DEFAULT_ONLY | nuke.TO_SCRIPT)
newnode = nuke.createNode(node.Class(), knobs = args)
nuke.inputs(newnode, nuke.inputs(node))
num_inputs = nuke.inputs(node)
for i in range(num_inputs):
newnode.setInput(i, node.input(i))
node.setInput(0, newnode)
[docs]def showname():
'''Shows the current script path and, if the selected node is a Read or Write node, the filename from it.'''
# get the nuke script path
# we always need this
nukescript = nuke.value("root.name")
# look if there is a selected node
# if not, output the script only
p = nuke.Panel("Current Info", 500)
n = nuke.selectedNode()
if n.Class() == "Read" or n.Class() == "Write":
a = nuke.value(n.name()+".first", nuke.value("root.first_frame"))
b = nuke.value(n.name()+".last", nuke.value("root.last_frame"))
curfile = n.knob("file").value()+" "+str(a)+"-"+str(b)
p.addSingleLineInput("Filename", curfile)
p.addSingleLineInput("Script", nukescript)
p.addSingleLineInput("Script", nukescript)
p.addSingleLineInput("Script", nukescript)
[docs]def swapAB(n):
"""Swaps the first two inputs of a node."""
thisGroup = nuke.thisGroup()
if thisGroup is not nuke.root() and ( thisGroup.locked() or thisGroup.subgraphLocked() ) :
lockedReason = "published" if thisGroup.subgraphLocked() else "locked"
raise RuntimeError("Can't swap nodes because " + thisGroup.name() + " is " + lockedReason)
if max(n.inputs(), n.minimumInputs()) > 1:
a = n.input(0)
n.setInput(0, n.input(1))
n.setInput(1, a)
[docs]def print_callback_info(verbose=False, callbackTypes=None):
Returns a list of all currently active callbacks, with the following optional
verbose=False : prints the documentation as well as the callback
callbackTypes=None : limit the callback info to a particular callback
type (e.g. ['OnCreates'])
# list of all callback types
all_Callback_Types = [ 'onUserCreates',
#if no callbackTypes defined or is an invalid type, then default search all callback types
is_valid_type = (type(callbackTypes) is dict) or (type(callbackTypes) is list)
if ( not callbackTypes or (not is_valid_type ) ):
callbackTypes = all_Callback_Types
callback_defs = {}
for callbackType in callbackTypes:
callback_defs[callbackType] = eval('nuke.%s' %(callbackType))
# find the max target name length
maxTargetNameLen = max( list(map( len,' '.join( [ (k+'').join( list(callback_defs[k].keys()) ) for k in list(callback_defs.keys()) ] ).split(' ') )) )
indent = (maxTargetNameLen+8)*' '
sortedCallbackTypes = sorted( callback_defs.keys() )
for callbackType in sortedCallbackTypes:
for callbackTarget in list(callback_defs[callbackType].keys()):
for func, a, b, c in callback_defs[callbackType][callbackTarget]:
id = '%s%s%s : '%(callbackType[:-1],'_'*(maxTargetNameLen-len(callbackType)-len(callbackTarget)+1),callbackTarget)
print('%s%s' %(id, func.__name__))
if verbose:
doc = func.__doc__
if not doc:
docNoReturns = str(doc).lstrip().replace('\n','')
docNoConsecutiveSpaces = " ".join(docNoReturns.split())
docWrappedText = textwrap.wrap(docNoConsecutiveSpaces, 60)
for line in docWrappedText:
print(indent + line.replace('\n', '\n' + indent))