## Uses meta-data from the incoming image stream to break a PSD files into layers
# Each layer is combined together with a PSDMerge node which emulates the blending modes
import nuke_internal as nuke
import random
import math
import threading
[docs]class Layer():
def __init__(self):
self.attrs = {}
[docs]def getLayers(metadata):
layers = []
for key in metadata:
if key.startswith( 'input/psd/layers/' ):
splitKey = key.split( '/' )
num = int( splitKey[3] )
attr = splitKey[4]
attr += '/' + splitKey[5]
while ( len(layers) <= num ):
layers.append( Layer() )
layers[num].attrs[ attr ] = metadata[key]
return layers
[docs]def breakoutLayers( node, sRGB = True ):
if not node:
blendMap = {}
blendMap['norm'] = "normal"
blendMap['scrn'] = "screen"
blendMap['div '] = "color dodge"
blendMap['over'] = "overlay"
blendMap['mul '] = "multiply"
blendMap['dark'] = "darken"
blendMap['idiv'] = "color burn"
blendMap['lbrn'] = "linear burn"
blendMap['lite'] = "lighten"
blendMap['lddg'] = "linear dodge"
blendMap['lgCl'] = "lighter color"
blendMap['sLit'] = "soft light"
blendMap['hLit'] = "hard light"
blendMap['lLit'] = "linear light"
blendMap['vLit'] = "vivid light"
blendMap['pLit'] = "pin light"
blendMap['hMix'] = "hard mix"
blendMap['diff'] = "difference"
blendMap['smud'] = "exclusion"
blendMap['fsub'] = "subtract"
blendMap['fdiv'] = "divide"
blendMap['hue '] = "hue"
blendMap['sat '] = "saturation"
blendMap['colr'] = "color"
blendMap['lum '] = "luminosity"
metaData = node.metadata()
layers = getLayers(metaData)
xspacing = 80
dotXfudge = 34
dotYfudge = 4
backdropXfudge = -( xspacing//2 ) + 10
backdropYfudge = -40
spacing = 70
x = node.xpos()
y = node.ypos()
curY = y + spacing * 2
if not sRGB:
colorSpace = nuke.nodes.Colorspace()
colorSpace['channels'].setValue( 'all' )
colorSpace['colorspace_out'].setValue( 'sRGB')
colorSpace.setInput(0, node )
colorSpace.setXYpos( x, curY )
inputNode = colorSpace
inputNode = node
curX = x
curY = y + spacing * 2
topY = curY
lastLayer = None
background = None
i = 0
for l in layers:
if l.attrs['divider/type'] > 0: ## hidden divider or start of group
i = i + 1
if i > 100:
nuke.message( "Too many layers, stopping at layer 100." )
name = l.attrs['nukeName']
curY = topY
if i % 2 :
tileColor = 2829621248
tileColor = 1751668736
backdrop = nuke.nodes.BackdropNode(tile_color = tileColor, note_font_size=18)
backdrop.setXYpos( curX + backdropXfudge, curY + backdropYfudge )
curY += spacing//2
dot = nuke.nodes.Dot()
dot.setInput( 0, inputNode )
dot.setXYpos( curX + dotXfudge , curY + dotYfudge)
curY += spacing
inputNode = dot
shuffle = nuke.nodes.Shuffle()
shuffle['label'].setValue( name )
shuffle['in'].setValue( name )
shuffle['in2'].setValue( 'none' )
shuffle['red'].setValue( 'red' )
shuffle['green'].setValue( 'green' )
shuffle['blue'].setValue( 'blue' )
shuffle['alpha'].setValue( 'alpha' )
## if no 'alpha' assume alpha of 1
alphaChan = name + ".alpha"
if not alphaChan in inputNode.channels():
shuffle['alpha'].setValue( 'white' )
shuffle['black'].setValue( 'red2' )
shuffle['white'].setValue( 'green2' )
shuffle['red2'].setValue( 'blue2' )
shuffle['green2'].setValue( 'alpha2' )
shuffle['out'].setValue( 'rgba' )
shuffle['out2'].setValue( 'none' )
shuffle.setInput(0, inputNode )
shuffle.setXYpos( curX, curY )
curY += spacing
crop = nuke.nodes.Crop()
crop['box'].setValue( l.attrs['x'], 0 )
crop['box'].setValue( l.attrs['y'], 1 )
crop['box'].setValue( l.attrs['r'], 2 )
crop['box'].setValue( l.attrs['t'], 3 )
crop.setInput(0, shuffle )
crop.setXYpos( curX, curY )
curY += spacing * 2
layer = crop
merge = None
operation = blendMap[ l.attrs['blendmode'] ]
print("unknown blending mode " + l.attrs['blendmode'])
operation = "normal"
if lastLayer:
psdMerge = nuke.nodes.PSDMerge()
psdMerge['operation'].setValue( operation )
psdMerge.setInput(0, lastLayer )
psdMerge.setInput(1, layer )
psdMerge.setXYpos( curX, curY )
psdMerge['sRGB'].setValue( sRGB )
psdMerge['mix'].setValue( (l.attrs['opacity'] / 255.0) )
if ( l.attrs['mask/disable'] != True ):
psdMerge['maskChannelInput'].setValue( name + '.mask' )
if ( l.attrs['mask/invert'] == True ) :
psdMerge['invert_mask'].setValue( True )
lastLayer = psdMerge
dot = nuke.nodes.Dot()
dot.setInput( 0, layer )
dot.setXYpos( curX + dotXfudge, curY + dotYfudge )
lastLayer = dot
curY += spacing
backdrop['bdwidth'].setValue( xspacing * 2 + backdropXfudge * 2 + 50)
backdrop['bdheight'].setValue( ( curY - backdrop.ypos() ) - backdropYfudge - 50 )
backdrop['label'].setValue( l.attrs['name'] )
curY += spacing
curX = curX + xspacing * 2 + backdropXfudge * 2 + 50
if not sRGB:
colorSpace2 = nuke.nodes.Colorspace()
colorSpace2['channels'].setValue( 'all' )
colorSpace2['colorspace_in'].setValue( 'sRGB')
colorSpace2.setInput(0, lastLayer )
colorSpace2.setXYpos( lastLayer.xpos(), lastLayer.ypos() + 2 * spacing )
[docs]class BreakoutThreadClass(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, node):
self.node = node
[docs] def run(self):
nuke.executeInMainThread( breakoutLayers, self.node )
[docs]def doReaderBreakout():
## horrible workaround for Bug 24578 that doesn't allow creating gizmos from a script button
global readerBreakoutThread
readerBreakoutThread = BreakoutThreadClass( nuke.thisNode() )