Breaking Changes


The following deprecated constructors have been removed:

ImageTilePtr( float* ptr, int stride );
ImageTileReadOnlyPtr( const float* ptr, int stride );

These should be replaced with the alternative constructors that allow bounds checking:

ImageTilePtr(float* ptr, float* startptr, float* endptr, int stride);
ImageTileReadOnlyPtr( const float* ptr, const float* startptr, const float* endptr, int stride );


The deprecated call to make_widget() without a WidgetContext has now been removed. The version that takes a WidgetContext should be used instead:

virtual WidgetPointer make_widget(const WidgetContext& context);


The deprecated builtin functions have been removed:

static LUT* builtin(BuiltinLUTId n);
static LUT* builtin(const char* name);

Readers and Writers should use builtin( type, Reader* ) or builtin( type, Writer* ) instead to allow OCIO support. All other code should use GetBuiltinLUT or GetBuiltinLutByName instead.

Deprecated functions to get and set LUTs have also been removed:

static LUT* getLut(DataType);
static void setLut(DataType, LUT*);

To get LUTs, Readers and Writers should use GetLut( DataType, Reader* ) or GetLut( DataType, Writer* ) to allow OCIO support. All other code should use GetDefaultLutForType() instead.

To set LUTs, use SetLut(DataType, LUT*).


LightContext has been made non-copyable and non-assignable.


MultiTile.h has been removed from DDImage and replaced by MultiTileIop.h. See New Features for details.


The root_fps() function has been removed. You should now use:

extern DDImage_API float (* root_real_fps)();


The frame(double v) function has been removed. Use:

void setFrame(double v) { frame_ = v; }