
class nukescripts.FlipbookApplication[source]

Bases: object

An interface, for so far as Python supports it. To add support for a flipbook this needs to be subclassed and the 3 methods implemented. The default implementation just raises an exception so any sub implementer will soon find out whether his implementation works.



Return the preferred directory for rendering.


Return the capabilities of the flipbook application in a dict. Currently used are: canPreLaunch: bool, whether the flipbook can display a frames that are still being rendered by Nuke. maximumViews: int, the number of views supported by this flipbook, should be 1 or higher. fileTypes: list, the extensions of the file types supported by this format. Must all be lowercase, e.g [“exr”, “jpg”, …]. A wildcard [“*”] can also be used to indicate support for any file type Nuke supports “roi: bool, whether the flipbook supports region-of-interest :return: dict with the capabilities above.


Called whenever this flipbook is selected and one of the knobs added in dialogKnobs was changed.


This is called when the user has selected this flipbook application, and will be interested in any knobs that you might have to show for custom settings.


Called whenever this flipbook is selected to retrieve extra options from the node selected to flipbook and the flipbook dialog.


Return the name of the flipbook.


Return the executable path required to run a flipbook.


Execute the flipbook on a path.


Execute the flipbook on a node.


Return the preferred directory for rendering. :return: String


Return the capabilities of the flipbook application in a dict. Currently used are: canPreLaunch: bool, whether the flipbook can display a frames that are still being rendered by Nuke. maximumViews: int, the number of views supported by this flipbook, should be 1 or higher. fileTypes: list, the extensions of the file types supported by this format. Must all be lowercase, e.g [“exr”, “jpg”, …].

A wildcard [“*”] can also be used to indicate support for any file type Nuke supports

“roi: bool, whether the flipbook supports region-of-interest :return: dict with the capabilities above.

dialogKnobChanged(dialog, knob)[source]

Called whenever this flipbook is selected and one of the knobs added in dialogKnobs was changed. :param dialog: The FlipbookDialog that contains the knob :param knob: The knob added in dialogKnobs that was modified. :return: None


This is called when the user has selected this flipbook application, and will be interested in any knobs that you might have to show for custom settings. :param dialog: The FlipbookDialog that has requested the knobs to be added to it, e.g. dialog.addKnob(…) :return: None

getExtraOptions(flipbookDialog, nodeToFlipbook)[source]

Called whenever this flipbook is selected to retrieve extra options from the node selected to flipbook and the flipbook dialog. :param flipbookDialog: the flipbook dialog :param nodeToFlipbook: node selected to flipbook :return: a dictionary with the extra options


Return the name of the flipbook. :return: String


Return the executable path required to run a flipbook. :return: String

run(path, frameRanges, views, options)[source]

Execute the flipbook on a path. :param path: The path to run the flipbook on. This will be similar to /path/to/foo%03d.exr :param frameRanges: A FrameRanges object representing the range that should be flipbooked. Note that in 6.2v1-2 this was a FrameRange object. :param views: A list of strings comprising of the views to flipbook. Willnot be more than the maximum supported by the flipbook. :param options: A dictionary of options to use. This may contain the keys pixelAspect, roi, dimensions, audio and lut. These contain a float, a dict with bounding box dimensions, a dict with width and height, a path to audio file and a string indicating the LUT conversion to apply. :return: None

runFromNode(nodeToFlipbook, frameRanges, views, options)[source]

Execute the flipbook on a node. This method will use the node’s filename to call run() :param node: The node to run the flipbook :param frameRanges: A FrameRanges object representing the range that should be flipbooked. Note that in 6.2v1-2 this was a FrameRange object. :param views: A list of strings comprising of the views to flipbook. Willnot be more than the maximum supported by the flipbook. :param options: A dictionary of options to use. This may contain the keys pixelAspect, roi, dimensions, audio and lut. These contain a float, a dict with bounding box dimensions, a dict with width and height, a path to audio file and a string indicating the LUT conversion to apply. :return: None