# localisation_helpers - convenience methods for setting Localisation policy on items of a Project
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
import hiero.core
from hiero.core import Clip
__all__ = ['setLocalisationPolicyOnClip',
[docs]def setLocalisationPolicyOnClip(clip, policy, forceUpdate):
""" Set the localisation policy on a clip, optionally forcing it to update the localised
@param: clip - a hiero.core.Clip object
@param: policy - the localisation policy from hiero.core.Clip. Options: kOnLocalize, kAutoLocalize, kOnDemandLocalize, kOffLocalize
@param: forceUpdate - if set to True the clip files will be forced to update in case the localization mode is set to 'Manual'
if forceUpdate:
[docs]def setLocalisationPolicyOnTrackItem(trackItem, policy, forceUpdate=False):
"""Sets localisation policy for the source Clip of a TrackItem
@param: track - a hiero.core.TrackItem object
@param: policy - the localisation policy from hiero.core.Clip. Options: kOnLocalize, kAutoLocalize, kOnDemandLocalize, kOffLocalize
@param: forceUpdate - if set to True the clip files will be forced to update in case the localization mode is set to 'Manual'
if not isinstance(trackItem, hiero.core.TrackItem):
raise Exception('Firs argument must be a hiero.core.TrackItem')
clip = trackItem.source()
setLocalisationPolicyOnClip(clip, policy, forceUpdate)
[docs]def setLocalisationPolicyOnTrack(track, policy, forceUpdate=False):
"""Sets localisation policy for all Clips used by TrackItems in a Track with a given policy.
@param: track - a hiero.core.Track object
@param: policy - the localisation policy from hiero.core.Clip. Options: kOnLocalize, kAutoLocalize, kOnDemandLocalize, kOffLocalize
@param: forceUpdate - if set to True the clip files will be forced to update in case the localization mode is set to 'Manual'
if not isinstance(track,(hiero.core.VideoTrack,hiero.core.AudioTrack)):
raise Exception('First argument must be a hiero.core.VideoTrack/hiero.core.AudioTrack')
for ti in track:
setLocalisationPolicyOnTrackItem(ti, policy, forceUpdate)
[docs]def setLocalisationPolicyOnSequence(sequence, policy, forceUpdate=False):
"""Sets localisation policy for all Clips used by TrackItems in a Sequence with a given policy.
@param: sequence - a hiero.core.Sequence object
@param: policy - the localisation policy from hiero.core.Clip. Options: kOnLocalize, kAutoLocalize, kOnDemandLocalize, kOffLocalize
@param: forceUpdate - if set to True the clip files will be forced to update in case the localization mode is set to 'Manual'
if not isinstance(sequence,(hiero.core.Sequence)):
raise Exception('First argument must be a hiero.core.Sequence')
for track in list(sequence.items()):
for ti in track:
setLocalisationPolicyOnTrackItem(ti, policy, forceUpdate)
[docs]def setLocalisationPolicyOnBin(bin, policy, recursive = True, forceUpdate=False ):
"""Sets localisation policy for all Clips found in a Bin and recursively found in all Sub-Bins
@param: clipList - a list of hiero.core.Clip objects
@param: policy - the localisation policy from hiero.core.Clip. Options: kOnLocalize, kAutoLocalize, kOnDemandLocalize, kOffLocalize
@param: recursive (optional, default = True) - localises all Clips found recursively in a Bin Structure
@param: forceUpdate - if set to True the clip files will be forced to update in case the localization mode is set to 'Manual'
clips =[]
if not isinstance(bin,(hiero.core.Bin)):
raise Exception('First argument must be a hiero.core.Bin')
if recursive:
# Here we're going to walk the entire Bin view, for all Clips contained in this Bin
clips += hiero.core.findItemsInBin(bin, filter = hiero.core.Clip)
# Here we just get Clips at the 1st level of the Bin
clips = bin.clips()
for clip in clips:
setLocalisationPolicyOnClip(clip, policy, forceUpdate)
[docs]def setLocalisationForAllVersionsInProject(proj, policy):
"""Sets localisation policy for all Versions of All Clips in a project
@param proj: hiero.core.Project
@param: policy - the localisation policy from hiero.core.Clip. Options: kOnLocalize, kAutoLocalize, kOnDemandLocalize, kOffLocalize
clips = hiero.core.findItemsInProject(proj,'clips')
for clip in clips:
bi = clip.binItem()
for version in list(bi.items()):
c = bi.activeItem()