The Python interface for used by SplineWarp
Use help(‘_splinewarp’) to get detailed help on the classes exposed here.
A collection of named attributes. |
An animated transform, where each part of the transform is represented as a curve over time. |
An animated control point. |
An animated curve. |
A key value in a parametric curve represented as a value at a particular time. |
A base class for animated curves. |
A 4x4 matrix with methods for affine transformations. |
A transform at a single point in time. |
A 2-component vector. |
A 3-component vector. |
A 4-component vector. |
A control point at a particular point in time. |
A baked out curve for a specific frame and view. |
The knob which holds the tree of paint elements (Layers, Shapes and Strokes). |
Constants for use in parameters which require a curve type. |
The base class for the different types of elements you can create in the RotoPaint node. |
Constants for use in parameters which require an extrapolation type. |
A base class for objects which have a set of flags that can be set. |
Constants for use in parameters which require a flag type. |
Constants for use in parameters which require an interpolation type. |
A layer, used to group other elements in the paint tree. |
Constants for use in parameters which require a rotation order. |
A Roto or SplineWarp shape, which may be animated. |
A control point in a roto shape. |
A paint stroke, which may be animated. |
Constants for use in parameters which require a transform order. |