
The module allows you to register method callbacks to respond to events sent by Hiero. Hiero uses this for the callback mechanism to allow Python scripts to get notifications when interesting things happen. It also allows for the creation of custom event types and for sending custom events.

An event is an object which is passed to registered callbacks.

If the event comes from Hiero itself (and is not a custom user registered event), it contains three attributes:

  1. type - indicates the type of the EventType (e.g. kShowContextMenu)

  2. subtype - indicates the subtype of the EventType (e.g. kTimeline)

  3. sender (generally a view, or action which triggered the event)

The type and subtype attributes indicate the type and subtype of the event, respectively. The sender is the object that sent the event, and varies by event type (and sometimes by subtype event).


The subtype attribute can be None. This is the case if an event is sent without a subtype. Generally, the type and subtype are strings, usually from the EventType enumeration.

The most basic event callback takes the following form:

def eventCallback(event):
  print("Event fired with type {}, subtype {} and sender {}".format(event.type, event.subtype, str(event.sender)))

Event types

Hiero registers a number of standard Event types:

Application event types

kStartup # triggered when Hiero starts up
kShutdown # triggered when Hiero shuts down

Context change event types

kContextChanged # triggered after switching between the timeline, node graph and other views


This context change event has a ‘focusInNuke’ property that is True when switching to the node graph.

Project event types

kBeforeNewProjectCreated # triggered before a new Project is created
kAfterNewProjectCreated # triggered after a new Project is created
kBeforeProjectLoad # triggered before a Project starts loading
kAfterProjectLoad # triggered after a Project has finished loading
kAfterUserProjectLoad # triggered after a Project started by the user has finished loading.
kBeforeProjectSave # triggered before a Project is saved
kAfterProjectSave # triggered after a Project has been saved
kBeforeProjectClose # triggered before a Project has closed
kAfterProjectClose # triggered after a Project has closed


These Project events have a ‘project’ property, which allows you to work with the Project that triggered the event. See <examples/> for example usage.

Playback event types

kPlaybackStarted # triggered when a playback starts
kPlaybackStopped # triggered when a playback stops
kPlaybackClipChanged # triggered when the current Clip in the Viewer changes

Dialog event types

kExportDialog # triggered when the Export Dialog is opened

Bin event types

kBinItemAdded # triggered when an item is added to the bin
kBinItemMoved # triggered when an item is moved in the bin
kBinItemRemoved # triggered when an item is removed from the bin
kBinItemRenamed # triggered when an item is renamed in the bin
kClipAdded # triggered when a clip is added to the bin
kClipKnobChanged # triggered when a clip knob is changed

Sequence event types

kSequenceEdited # triggered when a sequence is edited
kInOutPointsChanged # triggered when the in or out points change
kTrackEnabledChanged # triggered when the enabled state of a track changes

Viewer event types

kAnnotationChanged # triggered when an annotation changes
kCurrentViewerChanged # triggered when the current viewer changes

Versioning events

kVersionChanged # triggered when the version of a bin item or track item changes
kVersionLinkedChanged # triggered when the linked state of a versioned bin item or track item changes

View event types

kShowContextMenu # triggered when a right-click context menu is shown in a view
kSelectionChanged # triggered when a selection of items (e.g. Shots, Clips) in the view changes
kDrop # triggered when something is dropped into the view
kPaste # triggered when a paste action occurs in the bin or timeline view


View EventTypes (and other custom EventTypes) can be used in conjunction with the subtypes below.

Event subtypes

The following event subtypes can be used to register events which only trigger in particular view:

kTimeline # for events which occur in the TimelineEditor View
kViewer # for events which occur in the Viewer
kBin # for events which occur in the Bin View
kSpreadsheet # for events which occur in the Spreadsheet View

Registering Interest in an Event

To register interest in an event of a given type, use the registerInterest method, passing callable and optional arguments and keyword arguments.

events.registerInterest(eventType, callback, connection = events.Connection.kAny, *args, **kwargs)

When an event of eventType is fired, the callback is executed depending on its connection value.

  • events.Connection.kAny: Execute callback always, no matter how the event is triggered.

  • events.Connection.kDirect: Execute callback only if event is triggered through sendEvent (or signalEvent). Execution is synchronous (blocking).

If the callback is executed, it is passed the event object first, then the args and finally the kwargs.

To unregister interest in an event, use:

events.unregisterInterest( eventType, callback )

eventType can be a string or an EventType member, such as in the following example:

from hiero.core import events

def eventCallback(event):
  print("Event fired with type {}, subtype {} and sender {}".format(event.type, event.subtype, str(event.sender)))

events.registerInterest(events.EventType.kShowContextMenu, eventCallback)
# or:
events.registerInterest("kShowContextMenu", eventCallback)

Events can also be registered for a specific subtype (kTimeline/kViewer/kBin/kSpreadsheet). These describe specific types of similar events. For example, kShowContextMenu fires when the user right-clicks on certain views in Hiero, and the subtype can filter out events for particular views.

To register for a particular subtype of an event, you can either use a string with the event type and subtype separated by a forward slash, or you can use a tuple, as in the following lines:

from hiero.core import events

def eventCallback(event):
  print("Event fired with type {}, subtype {} and sender {}".format(event.type, event.subtype, str(event.sender)))

events.registerInterest((events.EventType.kShowContextMenu, events.EventType.kBin), eventCallback)
# or:
events.registerInterest("kShowContextMenu/kBin", eventCallback)

The following are examples of different callbacks and scenarios:

from hiero.core import events

def callbackNoSpecialArgs(event):
  print() # add some white space

def callbackWithArgs(event, customMessage="No Message", title=""):
  print() # add some white space

# register interest in any context menu event
events.registerInterest(events.EventType.kShowContextMenu, callbackNoSpecialArgs)

# register interest in any context menu event with args by call order
events.registerInterest(events.EventType.kShowContextMenu, callbackWithArgs, events.Connection.kAny, "Hello World", "Callback With Args")

# register interest in any context menu event with args that uses keywords
events.registerInterest(events.EventType.kShowContextMenu, callbackWithArgs, title="Callback With keyword Args")

# register interest in context menu events for the bin view
events.registerInterest("kShowContextMenu/kBin", callbackWithArgs, title="Callback for bin view sub event type")

With the above, if a user right-clicks in the Bin View, the following prints in the terminal and the Script Editor:

title=Callback for bin view sub event type
customMessage=No Message


title=Callback With Args
customMessage=Hello World

title=Callback With keyword Args
customMessage=No Message


Callbacks registered for events with a subtype specified are called first, then callbacks registered for the event type (with a subtype not specified) are called.

Custom Event Types

Users of the event system can register and unregister their own custom event types, using the following two methods:

from hiero.core import events

events.registerEventType( "kNewEventName" )
events.unregisterEventType( "kNewEventName" )

Triggering Events

Custom and Hiero registered events can be triggered using the sendEvent method. This will dispatch the event immediately and block the execution of the running script until all of the callbacks registered to listen for the event are processed.

from hiero.core import events

events.sendEvent( "kNewEventName", None )
# or, to use EventType...
events.sendEvent( EventType.kNewEventName, None )

In the above code, the second argument to sendEvent is the subtype, which is set to None in this example.

Putting It All Together

Below is an example of using a custom event type and subtype.

from hiero.core import events

# custom event handler that catches all custom events
def customEventHandler(event):
  # note that we use the message member of the event
  print("Custom Event Fired: {}".format(event.message))

# custom event handler that only handles custom events that are for a subtype
def customEventHandlerOnlySubType(event):
  # note that we use the message member of the event
  print("Custom Event Subtype Fired: {}".format(event.message))

# register the new event type and its subtype; both currently registered the same way

# register interest in any variants of the custom event
events.registerInterest(events.EventType.kMyEvent, customEventHandler)

# register interest in only custom events that are subtyped
events.registerInterest((events.EventType.kMyEvent, events.EventType.kMySubType), customEventHandlerOnlySubType)

# fire a general event
print("Firing general event:")
events.sendEvent(events.EventType.kMyEvent, None, message="General Event")

# fire an event specifying the subtype
print("Firing event with subtype")
events.sendEvent(events.EventType.kMyEvent,events.EventType.kMySubType, message="With Subtype")

The above example prints out the following:

Firing general event:
Custom Event Fired: General Event

Firing event with subtype
Custom Event Subtype Fired: With Subtype
Custom Event Fired: With Subtype


See the and examples which show how to register and respond to events.