// Convolve.C // Copyright (c) 2009 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd. All Rights Reserved. static const char CLASS[] = "Convolve"; static const char HELP[] = "This node takes two inputs. Input B is the image you wish to " "perform the convolution on, Input A is the convolution matrix. " "@i;It is very much recommended that you Crop input A to a small " "area! @n;The cropped area is what is used, the center of the " "filter is the center of the crop."; #include #include "DDImage/Iop.h" #include "DDImage/DDString.h" #include "DDImage/Thread.h" #include "DDImage/Row.h" #include "DDImage/Tile.h" #include "DDImage/Knobs.h" #include "DDImage/DDMath.h" #include "DDImage/NukeWrapper.h" #include "DDImage/MultiTileIop.h" #include "DDImage/MultiTileIopEngineDefinitions.h" #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_AMD64) #include #elif defined(__aarch64__) || defined(_M_ARM64) #include "sse2neon/sse2neon.h" #else #error "Unsupported architecture!" #endif using namespace DD::Image; class Convolve : public MultiTileIop { bool K_normalize; int filterWidth; int filterHeight; Channel channel; ChannelSet _sumChannels; float _sum[Chan_Last + 1]; template void generateSum(const TileType& tile, ChannelMask channels); Lock _sumLock; public: Convolve(Node*); void _validate(bool) override; void _request(int, int, int, int, ChannelMask, int) override; void knobs(Knob_Callback) override; const char* Class() const override { return CLASS; } const char* node_help() const override { return HELP; } static const Description d; Iop* inputToRead() const override; template inline void doEngine(int y, int x, int r, ChannelMask channels, Row& row); mFnDDImageMultiTileIop_DeclareFunctions_engine(int y, int x, int r, ChannelMask m, Row& row); }; static Iop* Convolve_c(Node* node) { return new NukeWrapper(new Convolve(node)); } const Iop::Description Convolve::d(CLASS, "Filter/Convolve", Convolve_c); Convolve::Convolve(Node* node) : MultiTileIop(node), K_normalize( true ), filterWidth( 0 ), filterHeight( 0 ), channel(Chan_Black) { inputs(2); } void Convolve::knobs(Knob_Callback f) { Input_Channel_knob(f, &channel, 1, 0, "channel"); Tooltip(f, "Use this channel from A input as the convolution matrix. " "If this is turned off, each output channel uses the corresponding " "channel from the A input."); Bool_knob(f, &K_normalize, "normalize", "Normalize"); Tooltip(f, "Divide the result by the sum of all the numbers in the " "convolution matrix from A."); } void Convolve::_validate(bool for_real) { input0().validate(for_real); info_ = input0().info(); input1().validate(for_real); filterWidth = input1().w(); filterHeight = input1().h(); info_.clipmove(-filterWidth / 2, -filterHeight / 2, (filterWidth - 1) / 2, (filterHeight - 1) / 2); _sumChannels.clear(); } template void Convolve::generateSum(const TileType& tile, ChannelMask channels) { Guard guard(_sumLock); DD::Image::ChannelSet newChannels = channels; newChannels -= _sumChannels; if (newChannels.empty()) { return; } memset(_sum, 0, sizeof(float) * (Chan_Last + 1)); const int xStart = tile.x(); const int xEnd = tile.r(); ChannelSet toProcess = channel ? channel : channels; foreach (z, toProcess) { if (!(tile.channels() & z)) { _sum[z] = 1.0f; continue; } for (int y = tile.y(); y < tile.t(); ++y) { typename TileType::RowPtr filterptr = tile[z][y]; for (int i = xStart; i < xEnd; ++i) { _sum[z] += filterptr[i]; } } } if (channel) { foreach (z, channels) { if (z == channel) continue; _sum[z] = _sum[channel]; } } _sumChannels = channels; } void Convolve::_request(int x, int y, int r, int t, ChannelMask channels, int count) { // always get the entire filter: input(1)->request(input(1)->x(), input(1)->y(), input(1)->r(), input(1)->t(), channel ? channel : channels, count); x -= (filterWidth - 1) / 2; r += (filterWidth) / 2; y -= (filterHeight - 1) / 2; t += (filterHeight) / 2; input(0)->request(x, y, r, t, channels, count); _sumChannels.clear(); } static size_t GetFloatAlignOffset(const float* buffer) { size_t alignedStart = (size_t)buffer; size_t offset = alignedStart & 15; if ( 0 == offset ) { return 0; } size_t startBit = 16 - offset; size_t startFloat = startBit / 4; return startFloat; } static void FnConvolve(float* outptr, const float* inptr, float filterValue, int start, int end) { #if 0 for (int xx = start; xx < end; ++xx) { outptr[xx] += inptr[xx] * filterValue; } return; #endif int i = start; size_t startFloat = GetFloatAlignOffset(&outptr[start]) + start; for (; i < int(startFloat); ++i) { outptr[i] += inptr[i] * filterValue; } int lastValToCpy = ((end - startFloat) / 4) * 4 + startFloat; __m128 f = _mm_load_ps1(&filterValue); for (; i < lastValToCpy; i += 4) { __m128 input = _mm_loadu_ps(&inptr[i]); __m128 output = _mm_load_ps(&outptr[i]); output = _mm_add_ps(output, _mm_mul_ps(input, f)); _mm_store_ps(&outptr[i], output); } for (; i < end; ++i) { outptr[i] += inptr[i] * filterValue; } } Iop* Convolve::inputToRead() const { return &input1(); } template void Convolve::doEngine(int y, int x, int r, ChannelMask channels, Row& row) { // Get the entire convolution matrix: TileType tile(input1(), channel ? channel : channels); // If aborted is true, the tile is no good, so quit without looking at it: if (aborted()) return; // Account for filter width and height when processing pixel at the edges. // This is consistent with the logic in DD::Image::Convolve and works correctly // whether a filter dimension is odd or even. const int leftOffset = (filterWidth - 1) / 2; const int rightOffset = (filterWidth) / 2; const int bottomOffset = (filterHeight - 1) / 2; Row inrow( x - leftOffset, r + rightOffset ); float* outptrs[Chan_Last + 1]; foreach (z, channels) { outptrs[z] = row.writable(z); memset(outptrs[z] + x, 0, (r - x) * sizeof(float)); } const int inX = x - leftOffset; const int inY = y - bottomOffset; const int inR = r + rightOffset; const int inT = y - bottomOffset + tile.h(); // Create an Interest on input0 Interest interest(input0(), inX, inY, inR, inT, channels); // We don't want to require any memory to be held in the cache but prefer to use the Interest as a hint. // Unlock directly so that the memory can be freed if necessary. interest.unlock(); const int fx0 = tile.x(); const int fxr = tile.r(); for (int Y = 0; Y < tile.h(); Y++) { const int fy = tile.t() - Y - 1; input0().get( inY + Y, inX, inR, channels, inrow ); foreach (z, channels) { Channel z1 = channel ? channel : z; if (!(tile.channels() & z1)) { row.erase(z); continue; } typename TileType::RowPtr filterptr = tile[z1][fy]; if (!inrow.is_zero(z)) { float* outptr = outptrs[z]; const float* inptr = inrow[z] - leftOffset; for (int counter = fxr - 1; counter >= fx0; --counter) { float f = filterptr[counter]; if (f) { //Attempt to hand SSE this inner loop. FnConvolve(outptr, inptr, f, x, r); //Old version is in here. //for (int xx=x; xx