// Keymix.C // Copyright (c) 2009 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd. All Rights Reserved. static const char* const CLASS = "Keymix"; static const char* const HELP = "Copies channels from A to B only where the Mask input is non-zero."; #include "DDImage/Iop.h" #include "DDImage/Row.h" #include "DDImage/Knobs.h" using namespace DD::Image; static const char* const bbox_names[] = { "union", "B\tB side", "A\tA side", nullptr }; class Keymix : public Iop { public: ChannelSet channels; Channel maskChannel; bool invertMask; float mix; // what to do with bbox: enum { UNION, BBOX, ABOX }; int bbox_type; Keymix(Node* node) : Iop(node) { inputs(3); channels = Mask_All; maskChannel = Chan_Alpha; invertMask = false; mix = 1; bbox_type = UNION; } const char* input_label(int n, char*) const override { switch (n) { case 0: return "B"; case 1: return "A"; default: return "mask"; } } void _validate(bool) override { copy_info(); merge_info(1, channels); merge_info(2, maskChannel); if (input(2)->black_outside() && !invertMask) info_.black_outside(input0().black_outside()); ChannelSet outchans(channels); outchans &= input1().channels(); set_out_channels(outchans); // That figures out the true union, change to what user wants: switch (bbox_type) { case UNION: // we can do better if we know mask is limited: if (input(2)->black_outside() && !invertMask) { Box abox = input1().info(); abox.intersect(input1().info()); info_.set(input0().info()); info_.merge(abox); } break; case BBOX: info_.set(input0().info()); break; case ABOX: info_.set(input1().info()); break; } } void _request(int x, int y, int r, int t, ChannelMask mask, int count) override { input0().request(x, y, r, t, mask, count); ChannelSet copied = mask; copied &= (channels); if (!copied || mix <= 0) return; input(2)->request(x, y, r, t, maskChannel, count); if (input(2)->black_outside() && !invertMask) { // Constrain A input bounds to the masked area to avoid over-rendering in top-down mode. const Box& maskInfo = input(2)->info(); int xClipped = std::max(x, maskInfo.x()); int yClipped = std::max(y, maskInfo.y()); int rClipped = std::min(r, maskInfo.r()); int tClipped = std::min(t, maskInfo.t()); if (xClipped < rClipped && yClipped < tClipped) { input(1)->request(xClipped, yClipped, rClipped, tClipped, copied, count); } // Note: we request nothing from the A input if the supplied region is entirely outside mask bounds return; } input1().request(x, y, r, t, copied, count); } void engine(int y, int x, int r, ChannelMask mask, Row& out) override { input0().get(y, x, r, mask, out); ChannelSet copied = mask; copied &= (channels); if (!copied || mix <= 0) return; // get the mask first so we can check if it is zero: Row maskrow(x, r); input(2)->get(y, x, r, maskChannel, maskrow); int X = x; int R = r; if (maskrow.is_zero(maskChannel)) { if (!invertMask) return; } else if (!invertMask) { // lets restrict the range in an attempt to speed it up as much // as possible: while (X < R && maskrow[maskChannel][X] <= 0) ++X; while (R > X && maskrow[maskChannel][R - 1] <= 0) --R; } else { while (X < R && !(maskrow[maskChannel][X] < 1)) ++X; while (R > X && !(maskrow[maskChannel][R - 1] < 1)) --R; } if (X >= R) return; // row is allocated at full x,r width rather than X,R to try to avoid // memory fragmentation from allocating random sizes: Row arow(x, r); input1().get(y, X, R, copied, arow); foreach (z, copied) { const float* AFROM = arow[z]; const float* BFROM = out[z]; float* TO = out.writable(z); // copy unchanged portions on each end: if (TO != BFROM) { if (X > x) memcpy(TO + x, BFROM + x, (X - x) * sizeof(float)); if (R < r) memcpy(TO + R, BFROM + R, (r - R) * sizeof(float)); } // Do the middle part: const float* MASK = maskrow[maskChannel]; if (mix < 1) { if (invertMask) { for (int xx = X; xx < R; ++xx) { float v = (1 - MASK[xx]) * mix; if (v <= 0) TO[xx] = BFROM[xx]; else if (v < 1) TO[xx] = AFROM[xx] * v + BFROM[xx] * (1 - v); else TO[xx] = AFROM[xx]; } } else { for (int xx = X; xx < R; ++xx) { float v = MASK[xx] * mix; if (v <= 0) TO[xx] = BFROM[xx]; else if (v < 1) TO[xx] = AFROM[xx] * v + BFROM[xx] * (1 - v); else TO[xx] = AFROM[xx]; } } } else { if (invertMask) { for (int xx = X; xx < R; ++xx) { float v = MASK[xx]; if (v <= 0) TO[xx] = AFROM[xx]; else if (v < 1) TO[xx] = AFROM[xx] * (1 - v) + BFROM[xx] * v; else TO[xx] = BFROM[xx]; } } else { for (int xx = X; xx < R; ++xx) { float v = MASK[xx]; if (v <= 0) TO[xx] = BFROM[xx]; else if (v < 1) TO[xx] = AFROM[xx] * v + BFROM[xx] * (1 - v); else TO[xx] = AFROM[xx]; } } } } } void knobs(Knob_Callback f) override { Input_ChannelMask_knob(f, &channels, 1, "channels"); Tooltip(f, "Channels to copy from A. Other channels are copied unchanged from B"); Input_Channel_knob(f, &maskChannel, 1, 2, "maskChannel", "mask channel"); Tooltip(f, "Channel to use from mask input"); Bool_knob(f, &invertMask, "invertMask", "invert"); Tooltip(f, "Flip meaning of the the mask channel"); Float_knob(f, &mix, "mix"); Tooltip(f, "Dissolve between B-only at 0 and the full keymix at 1"); Enumeration_knob(f, &bbox_type, bbox_names, "bbox", "Set BBox to"); Tooltip(f, "Clip one input to match the other if wanted"); } const char* Class() const override { return CLASS; } const char* node_help() const override { return HELP; } OpHints opHints() const override { return OpHints::eChainable; } static const Description d; }; static Iop* build(Node* node) { return new Keymix(node); } const Iop::Description Keymix::d(CLASS, nullptr, build);