// dpxWriter.C // Copyright (c) 2009 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd. All Rights Reserved. #include "DDImage/DDString.h" #include "DDImage/FileWriter.h" #include "DDImage/Row.h" #include "DDImage/ARRAY.h" #include "DDImage/DDMath.h" #include "DDImage/Knobs.h" #include "DDImage/LUT.h" #include "DDImage/Enumeration_KnobI.h" #include #include #include #include "DPXimage.h" using namespace DD::Image; static const char* const dnames[] = { "8 bit", "10 bit", "12 bit", "16 bit", nullptr }; static int bits[] = { 8, 10, 12, 16 }; static const char* const colourspaces[] = { "user-defined", "printing density", "linear", "log", "unspecified video", "SMPTE 240M", "CCIR 709-1", "CCIR 601-2 system B/G", "CCIR 601-2 system M", "NTSC", "PAL", "Z linear", "Z homogeneous", "(auto detect)", nullptr }; enum Colourspaces { eUserDefined, ePrintingDensity, eLinear, eLog, eUnspecified, eSMTP240M, e709, e601BG, e601M, eNTSC, ePAL, eZLinear, eZHomogeneous, eAutoDetect }; class DPXWriter : public FileWriter { static const Description d; int datatype; bool fill; bool YCbCr; bool bigEndian; int num_channels; int components; int bytes; int _colourspace; public: const char* _timecode, * _edgecode; DPXWriter(Write* iop) : FileWriter(iop) { datatype = 1; // 10 bits fill = false; YCbCr = false; bigEndian = true; // true for back-compatibility _timecode = _edgecode = nullptr; _colourspace = eAutoDetect; } LUT* defaultLUT() const override { if (datatype == 1 && !YCbCr) { return LUT::GetLut(LUT::LOG, this); } else if (datatype) { return LUT::GetLut(LUT::INT16, this); } else { return LUT::GetLut(LUT::INT8, this); } } bool isDefaultLUTKnob(DD::Image::Knob* knob) const override { return knob->is("datatype"); } void assignProp(R32& field, const MetaData::Bundle& metadata, const char* propname); void assignProp(U32& field, const MetaData::Bundle& metadata, const char* propname); void assignProp(U8& field, const MetaData::Bundle& metadata, const char* propname); void assignProp(char* field, size_t fieldlen, const MetaData::Bundle& metadata, const char* propname); void knobs(Knob_Callback f) override { Enumeration_knob(f, &datatype, dnames, "datatype"); Bool_knob(f, &fill, "fill"); Tooltip(f, "Compress 10/12 bit data by removing unused bits."); // Bool_knob(f, &YCbCr, "YCbCr", "4:2:2"); // Tooltip(f, "Write as YCbCr 4:2:2 data, which is 2/3 the size"); Bool_knob(f, &bigEndian, "bigEndian", "big endian"); Tooltip(f, "Force file to be big-endian, rather than native-endian. This is slower, but some programs will only read big-endian files"); Enumeration_knob(f, &_colourspace, colourspaces, "transfer"); Tooltip(f, "Set the transfer and colorimetric fields in the DPX header data to these values. By default it attempts to match it according to the used LUT but when using a custom LUT, this field can be used to override that. "); } void execute() override; const char* help() override { return "Digital Picture Exchange (DPX) is a common file format for digital intermediate and visual effects work and is a SMPTE standard\n" "Current version - SMPTE 268M-1994"; } private: DD::Image::LUT* findLutForColorspaceInfo(); }; static Writer* build(Write* iop) { return new DPXWriter(iop); } const Writer::Description DPXWriter::d("dpx\0", "DPX", build); void DPXWriter::assignProp(U8& field, const MetaData::Bundle& metadata, const char* propname) { if (metadata.find(propname) == metadata.end()) return; U8 value = metadata.getUnsignedChar(propname); field = value; } void DPXWriter::assignProp(R32& field, const MetaData::Bundle& metadata, const char* propname) { if (metadata.find(propname) == metadata.end()) return; double value = metadata.getDouble(propname); field = value; if (bigEndian) tomsb((U32*)&field, 1); } void DPXWriter::assignProp(U32& field, const MetaData::Bundle& metadata, const char* propname) { if (metadata.find(propname) == metadata.end()) return; unsigned value = (unsigned)metadata.getDouble(propname); field = value; if (bigEndian) tomsb((U32*)&field, 1); } void DPXWriter::assignProp(char* field, size_t fieldlen, const MetaData::Bundle& metadata, const char* propname) { if (metadata.find(propname) == metadata.end()) return; std::string value = metadata.getString(propname); strncpy(field, value.c_str(), fieldlen); field[fieldlen - 1] = 0; //if (bigEndian) // tomsb((U32*)&field, 1); } void DPXWriter::execute() { if (!open()) return; unsigned int flippedInf = UNDEF_R32; tomsb((U32*)&flippedInf, 1); R32 undefR32 = bigEndian ? flippedInf : UNDEF_R32; MetaData::Bundle metaData = iop->fetchMetaData(nullptr); //Write header DPXHeader header; memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header)); //FileInfo header.file.magicNumber = DPX_MAGIC; // Bug 23674 - DPX Writer should write the image data section on an 8k block boundary const unsigned int blockSize = 8*1024; unsigned int offsetToImageData = sizeof(header); unsigned int boundary = blockSize * (1 + (offsetToImageData / blockSize)); const unsigned int imageBlockPadding = boundary - offsetToImageData; header.file.offsetToImageData = boundary; //file size = header + (rows*columns*bytes/pixel) header.file.totalFileSize = sizeof(header) + imageBlockPadding + (width() * height() * 4); header.file.dittoKey = 1; //0=same, 1=new header.file.genericHeaderSize = sizeof(header.file) + sizeof(header.image) + sizeof(header.orientation); //generic header length in bytes header.file.specificHeaderSize = sizeof(header.film) + sizeof(header.video); //industry header length in bytes header.file.userDataSize = 0; //user-defined data length in bytes if (bigEndian) tomsb(&header.file.magicNumber, 9); strcpy(header.file.version, "V1.0"); strlcpy(header.file.imageFileName, filename(), 100); assignProp(header.file.imageFileName, sizeof(header.file.imageFileName), metaData, MetaData::FILENAME); time_t fileClock = time(nullptr); struct tm* fileTime = localtime(&fileClock); strftime(header.file.creationTime, 24, "%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S:%Z", fileTime); //Should add version in here sprintf(header.file.creator, "Nuke"); assignProp(header.file.creator, sizeof(header.file.creator), metaData, MetaData::CREATOR); header.file.key = UNDEF_U32; assignProp(header.file.project, sizeof header.file.project, metaData, MetaData::PROJECT); assignProp(header.file.copyright, sizeof header.file.copyright, metaData, MetaData::COPYRIGHT); assignProp(header.file.creationTime, sizeof header.file.creationTime, metaData, MetaData::FILE_CREATION_TIME); // Film info assignProp(header.film.frameId, sizeof header.film.frameId, metaData, MetaData::DPX::FRAME_ID); assignProp(header.film.frameRate, metaData, MetaData::FRAME_RATE); header.film.shutterAngle = undefR32; assignProp(header.film.shutterAngle, metaData, MetaData::SHUTTER_ANGLE); assignProp(header.film.slateInfo, sizeof header.film.slateInfo, metaData, MetaData::SLATE_INFO); header.film.framePosition = undefR32; assignProp(header.film.framePosition, metaData, MetaData::DPX::FRAMEPOS); header.film.sequenceLen = UNDEF_U32; assignProp(header.film.sequenceLen, metaData, MetaData::DPX::SEQUENCE_LENGTH); header.film.heldCount = UNDEF_U32; assignProp(header.film.heldCount, metaData, MetaData::DPX::HELD_COUNT); assignProp(header.film.frameId, sizeof header.film.frameId, metaData, MetaData::DPX::FRAME_ID); // Television data header.video.timeCode = UNDEF_U32; assignProp(header.video.timeCode, metaData, MetaData::DPX::TIME_CODE); header.video.userBits = UNDEF_U32; assignProp(header.video.userBits, metaData, MetaData::DPX::USER_BITS); header.video.interlace = UNDEF_U8; assignProp(header.video.interlace, metaData, MetaData::DPX::INTERLACE); header.video.fieldNumber = UNDEF_U8; assignProp(header.video.fieldNumber, metaData, MetaData::DPX::FIELD_NUMBER); header.video.videoSignal = UNDEF_U8; assignProp(header.video.videoSignal, metaData, MetaData::DPX::VIDEO_SIGNAL); header.video.horzSampleRate = undefR32; assignProp(header.video.horzSampleRate, metaData, MetaData::DPX::HORIZ_SAMPLE); header.video.vertSampleRate = undefR32; assignProp(header.video.vertSampleRate, metaData, MetaData::DPX::VERT_SAMPLE); header.video.frameRate = undefR32; assignProp(header.video.frameRate, metaData, MetaData::DPX::FRAME_RATE); header.video.timeOffset = undefR32; assignProp(header.video.timeOffset, metaData, MetaData::DPX::TIME_OFFSET); header.video.gamma = undefR32; assignProp(header.video.gamma, metaData, MetaData::DPX::GAMMA); header.video.blackLevel = undefR32; assignProp(header.video.blackLevel, metaData, MetaData::DPX::BLACK_LEVEL); header.video.blackGain = undefR32; assignProp(header.video.blackGain, metaData, MetaData::DPX::BLACK_GAIN); header.video.breakpoint = undefR32; assignProp(header.video.breakpoint, metaData, MetaData::DPX::BREAK_POINT); header.video.whiteLevel = undefR32; assignProp(header.video.whiteLevel, metaData, MetaData::DPX::WHITE_LEVEL); header.video.integrationTimes = undefR32; assignProp(header.video.integrationTimes, metaData, MetaData::DPX::INTEGRATION_TIMES); //Image data header.image.orientation = 0; //image orientation -- (left to right, top to bottom) header.image.numberElements = 1; //number of image elements if (bigEndian) tomsb(&header.image.orientation, 2); header.image.pixelsPerLine = width(); //x value header.image.linesPerImage = height(); //y value if (bigEndian) tomsb(&header.image.pixelsPerLine, 2); //Channel data for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { header.image.element[i].dataSign = 0; // data sign (0 = unsigned, 1 = signed ) header.image.element[i].lowData = UNDEF_U32; //reference low data code value header.image.element[i].highData = UNDEF_U32; // reference high data code value header.image.element[i].lowQuantity = undefR32; header.image.element[i].highQuantity = undefR32; if (bigEndian) tomsb(&header.image.element[i].dataSign, 5); num_channels = Writer::num_channels(); if (num_channels > 3) { // we are trying to write alpha num_channels = 4; if (YCbCr) { header.image.element[i].descriptor = DESCRIPTOR_CbYACrYA; components = 3; } else { header.image.element[i].descriptor = DESCRIPTOR_RGBA; components = 4; } } else if (num_channels > 1) { num_channels = 3; if (YCbCr) { header.image.element[i].descriptor = DESCRIPTOR_CbYCrY; components = 2; } else { header.image.element[i].descriptor = DESCRIPTOR_RGB; components = 3; } } else { num_channels = components = 1; header.image.element[i].descriptor = DESCRIPTOR_Y; } switch (datatype) { case 0: // 8 bits bytes = (width() * components + 3) & - 4; break; case 1: // 10 bits if (fill) bytes = (width() * components * 10 + 31) / 32 * 4; else bytes = (width() * components + 2) / 3 * 4; break; case 2: // 12 bits if (fill) bytes = (width() * components * 12 + 31) / 32 * 4; else bytes = (width() * components) * 2; break; case 3: // 16 bits bytes = (width() * components) * 2; break; } switch (_colourspace) { case eUserDefined: header.image.element[i].transfer = TRANSFER_USER; header.image.element[i].colorimetric = COLORIMETRIC_USER; break; case ePrintingDensity: header.image.element[i].transfer = TRANSFER_DENSITY; header.image.element[i].colorimetric = COLORIMETRIC_DENSITY; break; case eLinear: header.image.element[i].transfer = TRANSFER_LINEAR; header.image.element[i].colorimetric = COLORIMETRIC_USER; break; case eLog: header.image.element[i].transfer = TRANSFER_LOG; header.image.element[i].colorimetric = COLORIMETRIC_USER; break; case eUnspecified: header.image.element[i].transfer = TRANSFER_VIDEO; header.image.element[i].colorimetric = COLORIMETRIC_VIDEO; break; case eSMTP240M: header.image.element[i].transfer = TRANSFER_SMPTE_240M; header.image.element[i].colorimetric = COLORIMETRIC_SMPTE_240M; break; case e709: header.image.element[i].transfer = TRANSFER_CCIR_709_1; header.image.element[i].colorimetric = COLORIMETRIC_CCIR_709_1; break; case e601BG: header.image.element[i].transfer = TRANSFER_CCIR_601_2_BG; header.image.element[i].colorimetric = COLORIMETRIC_CCIR_601_2_BG; break; case e601M: header.image.element[i].transfer = TRANSFER_CCIR_601_2_M; header.image.element[i].colorimetric = COLORIMETRIC_CCIR_601_2_M; break; case eNTSC: header.image.element[i].transfer = TRANSFER_NTSC; header.image.element[i].colorimetric = COLORIMETRIC_NTSC; break; case ePAL: header.image.element[i].transfer = TRANSFER_PAL; header.image.element[i].colorimetric = COLORIMETRIC_PAL; break; case eZLinear: header.image.element[i].transfer = TRANSFER_Z_LINEAR; header.image.element[i].colorimetric = COLORIMETRIC_USER; break; case eZHomogeneous: header.image.element[i].transfer = TRANSFER_Z_HOMOGENOUS; header.image.element[i].colorimetric = COLORIMETRIC_USER; break; case eAutoDetect: { DD::Image::LUT* lutToUse = findLutForColorspaceInfo(); if (lutToUse->linear() || lutToUse == LUT::GetDefaultLutForType(LUT::LOG)) { // Although there is a "logarithmic" value defined, in practice it // appears that other apps set/expect "user" for cineon log files. header.image.element[i].transfer = TRANSFER_USER; header.image.element[i].colorimetric = COLORIMETRIC_USER; } else if (lutToUse == LUT::GetBuiltinLutByName("rec709")) { header.image.element[i].transfer = TRANSFER_CCIR_709_1; header.image.element[i].colorimetric = COLORIMETRIC_CCIR_709_1; } else { header.image.element[i].transfer = TRANSFER_LINEAR; // There is no "linear" colorimetric; fall back on "user". Probably // it's any one of Panalog, REDlog, etc, etc making this a reasonable // value anyway. header.image.element[i].colorimetric = COLORIMETRIC_USER; } break; } } header.image.element[i].bits = bits[datatype]; header.image.element[i].packing = fill ? 0 : 1; header.image.element[i].encoding = 0; // encoding for element (no run length encoding applied) if (bigEndian) tomsb(&header.image.element[i].packing, 2); header.image.element[i].dataOffset = sizeof(header) + imageBlockPadding; header.image.element[i].eolPadding = 0; // end of line padding used in element (no padding) header.image.element[i].eoImagePadding = 0; // end of image padding used in element (no padding) if (bigEndian) tomsb(&header.image.element[i].dataOffset, 3); assignProp(header.image.element[i].description, sizeof header.image.element[i].description, metaData, MetaData::ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION[i]); } //Image Orientation header.orientation.xOffset = 0; header.orientation.yOffset = 0; header.orientation.xCenter = R32( width() ) / 2.0f; header.orientation.yCenter = R32( height() ) / 2.0f; header.orientation.xOrigSize = width(); header.orientation.yOrigSize = height(); if (bigEndian) tomsb(&header.orientation.xOffset, 6); header.orientation.border[0] = 0; header.orientation.border[1] = 0; header.orientation.border[2] = 0; header.orientation.border[3] = 0; if (bigEndian) tomsb(&header.orientation.border[0], 4); header.orientation.pixelAspect[1] = 1200; header.orientation.pixelAspect[0] = (U32)(iop->format().pixel_aspect() * header.orientation.pixelAspect[1] + .5); if (bigEndian) tomsb(&header.orientation.pixelAspect[0], 2); assignProp(header.orientation.fileName, sizeof header.orientation.fileName, metaData, MetaData::DPX::FILE_NAME); assignProp(header.orientation.creationTime, sizeof header.orientation.creationTime, metaData, MetaData::DPX::CREATION_TIME); assignProp(header.orientation.inputName, sizeof header.orientation.inputName, metaData, MetaData::DPX::INPUT_DEVICE); assignProp(header.orientation.inputSN, sizeof header.orientation.inputSN, metaData, MetaData::DPX::INPUT_SN); std::string timecode = _timecode ? _timecode : ""; if (timecode.length() == 0 && metaData.getData(MetaData::TIMECODE)) { timecode = metaData.getString(MetaData::TIMECODE); } if (timecode.length()) { // Skip everything except digits, encode as BCD: unsigned tc_bcd = 0; const char* timecodec = timecode.c_str(); for (const char* q = timecodec; *q; q++) { if (*q >= '0' && *q <= '9') { tc_bcd = (tc_bcd << 4) + (*q - '0'); } } // Work out if we are the correct fps for drop frame and that the timecode is a drop frame timecode. // Note that we don't support writing drop frame at 59.98fps as the timecode format is flawed for // this frame rate, i.e. it needs the 0x40 bit for both the drop frame flag and the frame number. const double fps = metaData.getDouble(MetaData::FRAME_RATE); const bool supportsDropFrame = DPXImage::isDropFrameSupported(fps); const size_t pos = timecode.find(';'); const bool isDropFrame = (pos != std::string::npos); if(supportsDropFrame && isDropFrame) { tc_bcd |= DPXImage::kDropFrameFlag; } header.video.timeCode = tc_bcd; if (bigEndian) tomsb(&header.video.timeCode, 1); } std::string edgecode = _edgecode ? _edgecode : ""; if (edgecode.length() == 0 && metaData.getData(MetaData::EDGECODE)) { edgecode = metaData.getString(MetaData::EDGECODE); } if (edgecode.length()) { char edgeCodeNoSpace[16]; int i = 0; const char* edgecodec = edgecode.c_str(); for (const char* src = edgecodec; *src && i < 16; src++) if (!isspace(*src)) edgeCodeNoSpace[i++] = *src; while (i < 16) edgeCodeNoSpace[i++] = '0'; DPXFilmHeader* s = &(header.film); memcpy( s->filmManufacturingIdCode, edgeCodeNoSpace, 2 ); memcpy( s->filmType, edgeCodeNoSpace + 2, 2 ); memcpy( s->prefix, edgeCodeNoSpace + 4, 6 ); memcpy( s->count, edgeCodeNoSpace + 10, 4 ); memcpy( s->perfsOffset, edgeCodeNoSpace + 14, 2 ); } //Now we write out actual image data write(&header, sizeof(header)); unsigned char *pad = new unsigned char[imageBlockPadding]; memset(pad, 0, imageBlockPadding); write(pad, imageBlockPadding); delete[] pad; ChannelSet mask = channel_mask(num_channels); input0().request(0, 0, width(), height(), mask, 1); if (aborted()) return; Row row(0, width()); unsigned off = sizeof(header) + imageBlockPadding; int n = num_channels * width(); ARRAY(U16, src, n + 4); src[n] = src[n + 1] = src[n + 2] = src[n + 3] = 0; ARRAY(U32, buf, bytes / 4); for (int y = height(); y--;) { if (aborted()) return; iop->status(float(1.0f - float(y) / height())); get(y, 0, width(), mask, row); void* p = nullptr; if (!datatype) { // 8-bit data uchar* buf = (uchar*)&(src[0]); for (int z = 0; z < num_channels; z++) to_byte(z, buf + z, row[channel(z)], row[Chan_Alpha], width(), num_channels); p = buf; } else { // 10,12,16 bit data for (int z = 0; z < num_channels; z++) to_short(z, src + z, row[channel(z)], row[Chan_Alpha], width(), bits[datatype], num_channels); switch (datatype) { case 1: // 10 bits if (fill) { for (int x = 0; x < n; x++) { unsigned a = (x * 10) / 32; unsigned b = (x * 10) % 32; if (b > 22) { buf[a + 1] = src[x] >> (32 - b); buf[a] |= src[x] << b; } else if (b) { buf[a] |= src[x] << b; } else { buf[a] = src[x]; } } if (bigEndian) tomsb(buf, bytes / 4); p = buf; } else { for (int x = 0; x < n; x += 3) buf[x / 3] = (src[x] << 22) + (src[x + 1] << 12) + (src[x + 2] << 2); if (bigEndian) tomsb(buf, bytes / 4); p = buf; } break; case 2: // 12 bits if (fill) { for (int x = 0; x < n; x++) { unsigned a = (x * 12) / 32; unsigned b = (x * 12) % 32; if (b > 20) { buf[a + 1] = src[x] >> (32 - b); buf[a] |= src[x] << b; } else if (b) { buf[a] |= src[x] << b; } else { buf[a] = src[x]; } } if (bigEndian) tomsb(buf, bytes / 4); p = buf; } else { for (int x = 0; x < n; x++) src[x] <<= 4; if (bigEndian) tomsb(src, n); p = src; } break; case 3: // 16 bits if (bigEndian) tomsb(src, n); p = src; } } write(off, p, bytes); off += bytes; } close(); } static std::string StripCascadingPrefix(const std::string& inStr) { if (inStr.empty()) { return inStr; } size_t prefixEnd = inStr.find_last_of("/"); if (prefixEnd == std::string::npos) { return inStr; } return inStr.substr(prefixEnd + 1); } DD::Image::LUT* DPXWriter::findLutForColorspaceInfo() { static const std::string kDefaultPrefix = "default"; DD::Image::LUT* lutToUse = lut(); // Horrible hack: when using OCIO color management, the lut() gets reset to // linear in Write::_validate(), which was causing the wrong transfer values // to be written. In this case, try to get the name from the colorspace knob, // and lookup the LUT from that. This will probably only work when using the // nuke-default OCIO config, but that's the case this is intended to fix // If the transform type is set to display, return the default LUT. // This sets the transfer and colorimetric values in the header to USER. auto transformKnob = iop->knob("transformType"); if (transformKnob && transformKnob->get_value() == 1) { return lutToUse; } if( lutToUse->linear() ) { DD::Image::Knob* knob = iop->knob("colorspace"); DD::Image::Enumeration_KnobI* enumKnob = knob ? knob->enumerationKnob() : nullptr; if( enumKnob ) { const std::string text = enumKnob->getSelectedItemString(); DD::Image::LUT* foundLut = nullptr; const bool defaultSelected = text.substr(0, kDefaultPrefix.size()) == kDefaultPrefix; if( defaultSelected ) { // Knob is set to default, get the default LUT foundLut = defaultLUT(); } else { // Try to lookup the LUT from the name const std::string colorspaceName = StripCascadingPrefix(text); foundLut = LUT::GetBuiltinLutByName(colorspaceName.c_str()); } if( foundLut ) { lutToUse = foundLut; } } } return lutToUse; }