// exrWriter.C // Copyright (c) 2009 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd. All Rights Reserved. /* Reads exr files using libexr. This is an example of a file reader that is not a subclass of FileWriter. Instead this uses the library's reader functions and a single lock so that multiple threads do not crash the library. 04/14/03 Initial Release Charles Henrich 12/04/03 User selectable compression, Charles Henrich float precision, and autocrop 10/04 Defaulted autocrop to off spitzak 5/06 black-outside and reformatting spitzak */ #include "DDImage/DDWindows.h" #include "DDImage/Writer.h" #include "DDImage/Row.h" #include "DDImage/Knobs.h" #include "DDImage/Tile.h" #include "DDImage/DDString.h" #include "DDImage/MetaData.h" #include "DDImage/LUT.h" #include "DDImage/NukePreferences.h" #include "DDImage/Application.h" #include "DDImage/Memory.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "exrGeneral.h" #ifdef FN_OS_WINDOWS #include #else #include #endif // turn on debug output for exr writes // #define _DEBUG_EXR_ using namespace DD::Image; namespace { const char* const kFirstPartKnobName = "first_part"; const char* const kFirstPartKnobLabel = "first part"; } namespace Foundry { namespace Nuke { class exrWriter : public Writer { private: template struct scopedMemoryBuffer { T* buff; scopedMemoryBuffer() : buff(nullptr) { } ~scopedMemoryBuffer() { deallocate(); } void deallocate() { Memory::deallocate(buff); buff = nullptr; } void allocate(const size_t buffsize) { deallocate(); buff = Memory::allocate(buffsize); } }; void autocrop_tile(Tile& img, ChannelMask channels, int* bx, int* by, int* br, int* bt); int datatype; int compression; float _dwCompressionLevel; bool autocrop; bool _acesFormat; bool writeHash; int _hero; int _leftView; int _rightView; int _metadataMode; bool _doNotWriteNukePrefix; bool _followStandard; int _multipartInterleaveMode; bool _truncateChannelNames; bool _writeFullLayerNames; DD::Image::Knob* _firstPartKnob; // return the name of the selected layer of the _firstPartKnob inline std::string getFirstPartMenuValue() const; // manage the state of the _firstPartKnobs state. void updateFirstPartMenuState(); // If an environment variable is set // use the .tmp format // otherwise default to a .tmp std::string getTempFileName(); public: // Multipart interleave modes enum MultipartInterleaveMode { eInterleave_Channels_Layers_Views, // This makes a single part file for backwards compatibility eInterleave_Channels_Layers, // This separates views for forwards compatibility with EXR 2.0 eInterleave_Channels // This separates views and layers for faster reading of individual layers }; // Multpart mode labels static const char* const multipartModeLabels[]; // String comparison for possibly null strings struct LessThanStr { bool operator()(const char* s1, const char* s2) const; }; exrWriter(Write* iop); ~exrWriter() override; const Iop* firstInput(const std::set& wantViews) const; void execute() override; void knobs(Knob_Callback f) override; int knob_changed(Knob *k) override; static const Writer::Description d; // Make it default to linear colorspace: LUT* defaultLUT() const override { return LUT::GetLut(LUT::FLOAT, this); } int split_input(int i) const override { // BW: It may be that executingViews is empty. This is user controlled // using the "views" knob on the Write node. return int(executingViews().size() ? executingViews().size() : 1); } //! This writer is capable of writing out the overscan, so passthrough should not //! clip to the format. bool clipToFormat() const override { return false; } /** * return the view which we are expecting on input N */ int view(const int inputIndex) const { // Assign inputs directly from the executingViews set std::set views = executingViews(); // Iterate through the views int currentInputIndex = 0; std::set::const_iterator itView = views.begin(); while (itView != views.end()) { // Return if we've reached the input index if (currentInputIndex == inputIndex) { return *itView; } // Move to the next input currentInputIndex++; itView++; } // BW: It may be that executingViews is empty. This is user controlled // using the "views" knob on the Write node. In other cases we do not // expect view() to be called for non-existent inputs. mFnAssertMsg(views.empty(), "exrWriter: View for input not found"); return 0; } /** * return the input which we are expecting for view V */ int inputIndex(int view) const { // Inputs are assigned directly from the executingViews set // ACES compliant EXR: For the stereoscopic images the ACES image container restricts // the set of image views that can appear in a file to the left view and right view only const int acesViews[] = {_leftView, _rightView}; const std::set acesViewsMap(acesViews, acesViews + 2); const bool isStereoscopic = (executingViews().size() > 1) && (_multipartInterleaveMode == eInterleave_Channels_Layers_Views); const std::set views = _acesFormat && isStereoscopic ? acesViewsMap : executingViews(); // Iterate through the views int currentInputIndex = 0; std::set::const_iterator itView = views.begin(); while (itView != views.end()) { // Return if we've found the view if (*itView == view) { return currentInputIndex; } // Move to the next input currentInputIndex++; itView++; } // BW: It may be that executingViews is empty. This is user controlled // using the "views" knob on the Write node. In other cases we do not // expect inputIndex() to be called for non-existent inputs. mFnAssertMsg(views.empty(), "exrWriter: Input for view not found"); return 0; } bool compressionHasLevel() const { const Imf::Compression compressionVal = ctypes[this->compression]; const bool hasLevel = ( compressionVal == Imf::DWAA_COMPRESSION || compressionVal == Imf::DWAB_COMPRESSION ); return hasLevel; } const OutputContext& inputContext(int i, OutputContext& o) const override { o = iop->outputContext(); o.setView(view(i)); return o; } const char* help() override { static const std::string kHelp = std::string( "OpenEXR is a high dynamic-range (HDR) image file format originally developed by Industrial Light & Magic for use in computer imaging applications.\n" "Current version - v") + OPENEXR_VERSION_STRING; return kHelp.c_str(); } }; const char* const exrWriter::multipartModeLabels[] = { "channels, layers and views", "channels and layers", "channels", nullptr }; /* * purpose : Is s2 less than s1 * Returns true if s1 appears before s2 in alphanumeric order. * Returns false if s2 appears before s1 in alphanumeric order. * Returns false if s1 and s2 are equal * * Edge cases: * Returns false if both strings are NULL. * Returns true if s1 is NULL * Retruns false if s2 is NULL. */ bool exrWriter::LessThanStr::operator()(const char* s1, const char* s2) const { // Collate null pointers if (s1 == nullptr && s2 == nullptr) return false; if (s1 == nullptr) return true; if (s2 == nullptr) return false; // does s1 appear before s2 return strcmp(s1, s2) < 0; } static Writer* build(Write* iop) { return new exrWriter(iop); } const Writer::Description exrWriter::d("exr\0sxr\0", build); exrWriter::exrWriter(Write* iop) : Writer(iop) , datatype(0) , compression(1) , _dwCompressionLevel(45.0f) , autocrop(false) , _acesFormat(false) , writeHash(true) , _hero(1) , _leftView(1) , _rightView(2) , _metadataMode(eDefaultMetaData) , _doNotWriteNukePrefix(false) , _followStandard(0) // Default to backwards compatibility , _multipartInterleaveMode(eInterleave_Channels_Layers_Views) , _truncateChannelNames(false) , _writeFullLayerNames(false) , _firstPartKnob(nullptr) { setFlags(DONT_CHECK_INPUT0_CHANNELS); //RP:defaulting compression level to the same as in in OpenEXR //FROM:ImfDwaCompressor.cpp // Compression level is controlled by setting an int/float/double attribute // on the header named "dwaCompressionLevel". This is a thinly veiled name for // the "base-error" value mentioned above. The "base-error" is just // dwaCompressionLevel / 100000. The default value of 45.0 is generally // pretty good at generating "visually lossless" values at reasonable // data rates. Setting dwaCompressionLevel to 0 should result in no additional // quantization at the quantization stage (though there may be // quantization in practice at the CSC/DCT steps). But if you really // want lossless compression, there are plenty of other choices // of compressors ;) } exrWriter::~exrWriter() { } const Iop* exrWriter::firstInput(const std::set& wantViews) const { for (int i = 0; i < iop->inputs(); ++i) { if (wantViews.find(view(i)) == wantViews.end()) continue; return iop->input(i); } return &input0(); } void exrWriter::execute() { // get all the views std::set execViews = executingViews(); // get the write nodes views to execute std::set wantViews = iop->executable()->viewsToExecute(); if (_acesFormat) { // ACES compliant EXR: For the stereoscopic images the ACES image container restricts // the set of image views that can appear in a file to the left view and right view only const int acesViews[] = { _leftView, _rightView }; const std::set acesViewsMap(acesViews, acesViews + 2); const bool isStereoscopic = (_multipartInterleaveMode == eInterleave_Channels_Layers_Views && execViews.size() > 1); if (isStereoscopic) { execViews = acesViewsMap; mFnAssertMsg(execViews.size() == 2, "exrWriter: ACES compliant EXR files are restricted to two views only"); } } if (_acesFormat || wantViews.size() == 0) { wantViews = execViews; } int floatdepth = datatype ? 32 : 16; Imf::Compression compression = ctypes[this->compression]; ChannelSet channels(firstInput(wantViews)->channels()); channels &= (iop->channels()); // This applays only for ACES compliant EXR files; // // When exporting less than three channels from the RGB set then the // remaining channels are exported as black as we always need to // export at least the RGB channels in order to write out an // ACES compliant EXR file. // // For non ACES files there is no restriction in terms of the number // of channels to be written into the exported file; ChannelSet blackChannels = Mask_None; if (_acesFormat) { // ACES compliant EXR: The ACES image container restricts the set of image // channels that can appear in a file to RGB and RGBA channels &= Mask_RGBA; if (channels.size() < 3) { blackChannels = Mask_RGB; blackChannels -= channels; channels = Mask_RGB; } mFnAssertMsg(channels & Mask_RGBA || channels & Mask_RGB, "exrWriter: ACES compliant EXR files are restricted to RGB or RGBA channels"); // ACES compliant EXR: The compression attribute shall always contain the value 0 // indicating no compression, in an ACES compliant EXR file compression = Imf::NO_COMPRESSION; // ACES compliant EXR: The red, green, blue, and alpha values // are of type half (16-bit floating-point) floatdepth = 16; } if (!channels) { iop->critical("exrWriter: No channels selected (or available) for write\n"); return; } if (premult() && !lut()->linear() && (channels & Mask_RGB) && (input0().channels() & Mask_Alpha)) channels += (Mask_Alpha); // TO DO: // these vectors are the ID and name of the views we will // write out. it would be nice to have a unified single // struct to encapsulate this data. std::vector viewIDs; std::vector viewNames; if (wantViews.size() == 1) { _hero = *wantViews.begin(); } // now since we want to write out the Hero View first if it has been requested // select that from the view map, and add it to our vectors first. if (execViews.find(_hero) != execViews.end()) { viewIDs.push_back(_hero); viewNames.push_back(OutputContext::viewName(_hero, iop)); } // get the rest of the views. for (std::set::const_iterator i = execViews.begin(); i != execViews.end(); ++i) { if (*i != _hero) { viewIDs.push_back(*i); viewNames.push_back(OutputContext::viewName(*i, iop)); } } DD::Image::Box bound; bool sizewarn = false; bool firstInputBbox = true; for (int i = 0; i < iop->inputs(); ++i) { if (wantViews.find(view(i)) == wantViews.end()) continue; Iop* input = iop->input(i); int bx = input->x(); int by = input->y(); int br = input->r(); int bt = input->t(); if (input->black_outside()) { if (bx + 2 < br) { bx++; br--; } if (by + 2 < bt) { by++; bt--; } } input->request(bx, by, br, bt, channels, 1); if (br - bx > input0().format().width() * 1.5 || bt - by > input0().format().height() * 1.5) { // print this warning before it possibly crashed due to requesting a // huge buffer! if (sizewarn) { fprintf(stderr, "!WARNING! Bounding Box Area is > 1.5 times larger " "than format. You may want crop your image before writing it.\n"); sizewarn = true; } } if (autocrop) { Tile img(*input, input->x(), input->y(), input->r(), input->t(), channels, true); if (iop->aborted()) { //iop->critical("exrWriter: Write failed [Unable to get input tile]\n"); return; } autocrop_tile(img, channels, &bx, &by, &br, &bt); bt++; /* We (aka nuke) want r & t to be beyond the last pixel */ br++; } if (firstInputBbox) { bound.y(by); bound.x(bx); bound.r(br); bound.t(bt); } else { bound.y(std::min(bound.y(), by)); bound.x(std::min(bound.x(), bx)); bound.r(std::max(bound.r(), br)); bound.t(std::max(bound.t(), bt)); } firstInputBbox = false; } const Format& inputFormat = firstInput(wantViews)->format(); Imath::Box2i C_datawin; C_datawin.min.x = bound.x(); C_datawin.min.y = inputFormat.height() - bound.t(); C_datawin.max.x = bound.r() - 1; C_datawin.max.y = inputFormat.height() - bound.y() - 1; Imath::Box2i C_dispwin; C_dispwin.min.x = 0; C_dispwin.min.y = 0; C_dispwin.max.x = inputFormat.width() - 1; C_dispwin.max.y = inputFormat.height() - 1; // Bug 33310 - nuke.cancel() in write node fails to cancel if (iop->aborted()) { // abort before writing anything so that we don't end up with partial files written return; } try { // The number of distinct channels including disparity channels // Note: Disparity channels do not belong to any view int numchannels = channels.size(); // Determine the number of parts to write // Resolve the layers // Note that not all channels belong to a layer. // We need to find all of the layers (including NULL for channels outside a layer) typedef std::set StringSet; StringSet layerSet; // We need to map all of the channels (to avoid losing channels outside a layer) typedef std::multimap StringChannelMap; StringChannelMap layerChannelMap; foreach(z, channels) { // Note that the layer name may be null const char* layerName = getLayerName(z); // Fix up rgb to rgba (regardless of presence of alpha) if (layerName && !strcmp(layerName, "rgb")) layerName = "rgba"; layerSet.insert(layerName); layerChannelMap.insert( std::pair(layerName, z) ); } const size_t numLayers = layerSet.size(); // The number of views size_t numViews = wantViews.size(); // The number of parts size_t numParts = 0; switch (_multipartInterleaveMode) { case eInterleave_Channels_Layers_Views: // All in one numParts = 1; break; case eInterleave_Channels_Layers: // Part per view numParts = numViews; break; case eInterleave_Channels: // Part per view per layer numParts = numViews * numLayers; break; }; mFnAssert(numParts); // Create an array of headers (one for each part) Imf::Header exrHeaderTemplate(C_dispwin, C_datawin, static_cast(iop->format().pixel_aspect()), Imath::V2f(0, 0), 1, Imf::INCREASING_Y, compression); exrHeaderTemplate.setType(Imf::SCANLINEIMAGE); exrHeaderTemplate.setVersion(1); //If the compression method is either DWAA or DWAB set the value, it defaults to 45 if ( compressionHasLevel() ) { Imf::addDwaCompressionLevel( exrHeaderTemplate, _dwCompressionLevel ); } scopedMemoryBuffer floatSamples; scopedMemoryBuffer halfSamples; if (floatdepth == 32) { floatSamples.allocate(viewIDs.size() * channels.size() * bound.area()); } else { halfSamples.allocate(viewIDs.size() * channels.size() * bound.area()); } const int scanlineWidth = bound.w(); // Create an array of frame buffers (to match) std::vector fbufs(numParts); std::vector exrheaders(numParts, exrHeaderTemplate); // Set the multiview attribute if necessary const bool isStereoscopic = (numParts == 1 && wantViews.size() > 1); if (isStereoscopic) { // only write multi view string if a stereo file Imf::StringVectorAttribute multiViewAttr; multiViewAttr.value() = viewNames; exrheaders[0].insert("multiView", multiViewAttr); } if (_acesFormat) { // This attribute and value shall indicate that the file and // all attribute values are compliant with ACES specification. Imf::IntAttribute acesImageContainerFlagAttr = Imf::IntAttribute(1); exrheaders[0].insert("acesImageContainerFlag", acesImageContainerFlagAttr); // Add the chromaticities attribute Imf::ChromaticitiesAttribute chromaAttr; chromaAttr.value() = acesDefaultChromaticites; exrheaders[0].insert("chromaticities", chromaAttr); } Iop* metaInput = nullptr; for (size_t viewIdx = 0; viewIdx < viewIDs.size(); ++viewIdx) { if (wantViews.find(viewIDs[viewIdx]) == wantViews.end()) { continue; } if (metaInput == nullptr || viewIDs[viewIdx] == _hero) { const int inputIdx = inputIndex( viewIDs[viewIdx] ); metaInput = iop->input(inputIdx); } } if (metaInput == nullptr) { metaInput = iop->input(0); } const MetaData::Bundle& metadata = metaInput->fetchMetaData(nullptr); Hash nodeHash = iop->getHashOfInputs(); metadataToExrHeader( (enum ExrMetaDataMode) _metadataMode, metadata, exrheaders[0], iop, writeHash ? &nodeHash : nullptr, _doNotWriteNukePrefix, _writeFullLayerNames ); std::map channelsperview; // Index the channels per view to allow for missing disparity channels std::vector< std::map > rowChannelIndices(viewIDs.size()); int currentPart = 0; const int pixelbase = C_datawin.min.y * scanlineWidth + C_datawin.min.x; uint64_t currentViewOffset = 0; // Loop through each view for (int v = 0; v < int(viewIDs.size()); v++) { mFnAssert(static_cast(currentPart) < numParts); if (wantViews.find(viewIDs[v]) == wantViews.end()) { continue; } // ideally to write the orders in the correct layer // we could encapsulate as much of this in a function as possible // then write out our selected layer to the first // header int currentChannel = 0; // channels var stores all the channels including disparity, // we should only include disparity in calculation for main view and should be ignored for others // this variable will store the number of disparity channels in a non-main view uint32_t totalSkippedChannels = 0; // Loop through layers StringSet::const_iterator itLayerSet = layerSet.begin(); StringSet::const_iterator endLayerSet = layerSet.end(); for ( ; itLayerSet != endLayerSet; ++itLayerSet) { mFnAssert(static_cast(currentPart) < numParts); // Get the layer name const char* layerName = *itLayerSet; // For multipart files if (numParts > 1) { // Set the view attribute exrheaders[currentPart].setView(viewNames[v]); // Set the name attribute std::string name; if (layerName && _multipartInterleaveMode == eInterleave_Channels) { name += layerName; name += '.'; } name += viewNames[v]; exrheaders[currentPart].setName(name); } // Find the channels in this layer // iterator to beginning of all 'layername' : channel elements StringChannelMap::const_iterator itLayerChannelMap = layerChannelMap.lower_bound(layerName); // iterator to next element after of all 'layername' : channel elements StringChannelMap::const_iterator upperLayerChannelMap = layerChannelMap.upper_bound(layerName); ChannelSet layerChannels; for( ; itLayerChannelMap != upperLayerChannelMap; ++itLayerChannelMap) { layerChannels += itLayerChannelMap->second; } // Loop through channels foreach(z, layerChannels) { std::string channame; switch (z) { case Chan_Red: channame = "R"; break; case Chan_Green: channame = "G"; break; case Chan_Blue: channame = "B"; break; case Chan_Alpha: channame = "A"; break; default: channame = iop->channel_name(z); break; } // Add the view name if necessary if (_acesFormat && isStereoscopic) { if (viewIDs.size() > 1 && viewIDs[v] != _rightView) { channame = "left." + channame; } } else { if (executingViews().size() > 1 && viewIDs[v] != _hero && _multipartInterleaveMode == eInterleave_Channels_Layers_Views) { if (_followStandard) { size_t i = channame.find('.'); if (i != channame.npos){ std::string layerName = channame.substr(0, i); std::string channelName = channame.substr(i + 1); channame = layerName + "." + OutputContext::viewName(viewIDs[v], iop) + "." + channelName; } else { channame = OutputContext::viewName(viewIDs[v], iop) + "." + channame; } } else { channame = OutputContext::viewName(viewIDs[v], iop) + "." + channame; } // Skip disparity channels for all but the default (hero) view if (z == Chan_Stereo_Disp_Left_X || z == Chan_Stereo_Disp_Left_Y || z == Chan_Stereo_Disp_Right_X || z == Chan_Stereo_Disp_Right_Y) { ++totalSkippedChannels; continue; } } // Remove the layer name if necessary // Note that the view will not be part of the Nuke channel name. if (!_writeFullLayerNames && _multipartInterleaveMode == eInterleave_Channels) { size_t i = channame.find('.'); if (i != channame.npos){ // changing chan name from Layer.Channel to Channel channame = channame.substr(i + 1); } } } // truncate channel name to a maximum of 31 chars static const size_t MAX_CHANNEL_SIZE = 31; if (_truncateChannelNames && (channame.size() > MAX_CHANNEL_SIZE) ) { channame = channame.substr( 0, MAX_CHANNEL_SIZE ); } channelsperview[v].insert(z); if (floatdepth == 32) { exrheaders[currentPart].channels().insert(channame.c_str(), Imf::Channel(Imf::FLOAT)); } else { exrheaders[currentPart].channels().insert(channame.c_str(), Imf::Channel(Imf::HALF)); } // Calculate the offset of the view in the image for current part uint64_t offset = currentViewOffset + currentChannel * bound.area(); if (floatdepth == 32) { // pixelbase is offset in pixels between base of array and 0,0 fbufs[currentPart].insert(channame.c_str(), Imf::Slice(Imf::FLOAT, (char*)(&floatSamples.buff[offset] - (pixelbase)), sizeof(float), sizeof(float) * scanlineWidth)); rowChannelIndices[v][z] = currentChannel; currentChannel++; } else { // pixelbase is offset in pixels between base of array and 0,0 fbufs[currentPart].insert(channame.c_str(), Imf::Slice(Imf::HALF, (char*)(&halfSamples.buff[offset] - (pixelbase)), sizeof(half), sizeof(half) * scanlineWidth)); rowChannelIndices[v][z] = currentChannel; currentChannel++; } } // next channel // Move to the next layer // a new part for every layer. if(_multipartInterleaveMode == eInterleave_Channels) { currentPart++; } } // next layer // Move to the next view if(_multipartInterleaveMode == eInterleave_Channels_Layers){ currentPart++; } currentViewOffset += (channels.size() - totalSkippedChannels) * bound.area(); } // next view std::string temp_name = getTempFileName(); // Scope use of the output file { // 354277 Multi-part EXR: Add the ability to specify which channel should be written as main // this section of the code was a quick way to modify the existing code path, without having // to radically alter the code or do a first-layer-header-pass then a rest-pass over // the exrHeaders which may have resulted in lots of code duplication or atleast // refactoring. if(_multipartInterleaveMode == eInterleave_Channels && _firstPartKnob && _firstPartKnob->isEnabled() && exrheaders.size() > 1) { // the first part will be view selected by the heroView, and the layer selected by firstPart. // selected layer name std::string selectedLayerName = getFirstPartMenuValue(); // because we had to "Fix up rgb to rgba (regardless of presence of alpha)" if(selectedLayerName == "rgb") { selectedLayerName = "rgba"; } // we want to make sure that all the layer.view parts for the specified layer are written out // before the other layers. size_t partPos = 0; for(auto viewName : viewNames) { // exr headers store the layer in the name part of exrheaders regardless of _writeFullLayerNames std::string layerDotViewName = selectedLayerName; layerDotViewName.append("."); layerDotViewName.append(viewName); // make a list of the the parts in the desired order auto it = std::find_if(exrheaders.begin(), exrheaders.end(), [&](const Imf::Header& in) { return in.name() == layerDotViewName; }); if(it != exrheaders.end()) { // reorder frame buffer vector first before 'it' becomes invalidated. size_t indx = static_cast(std::distance(exrheaders.begin(), it)); mFnAssert(fbufs.size() > indx); // there arent enough frame buffers for one per part. // swap header, exrheader[0] still has all the important information, // and should still be the first element when calling Imf::MultiPartOutputFile // otherwise Imf::MultiPartOutputFile will thow an exception if // a openEXR header shared attribute mismatch occurs if(partPos == 0) { std::swap(exrheaders[0].name(), it->name()); std::swap(exrheaders[0].channels(), it->channels()); std::swap(exrheaders[0].view(), it->view()); std::swap(exrheaders[0], *it); } std::rotate(exrheaders.begin() + partPos, exrheaders.begin() + indx, exrheaders.begin() + indx + 1); std::rotate(fbufs.begin() + partPos, fbufs.begin() + indx, fbufs.begin() + indx + 1); ++partPos; } } } #ifdef _DEBUG_EXR_ std::cout << "-------------- writing out exr data --------------" << std::endl; for(size_t i = 0; i < numParts; ++i) { if(exrheaders[i].hasName()){ std::cout << "part "<< i << " name : " << exrheaders[i].name() << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "part name : None" << std::endl; } for(auto slice_it = fbufs[i].begin(); slice_it != fbufs[i].end(); ++slice_it) { std::cout << "\tchannel : " << slice_it.name() << std::endl; } } #endif // _DEBUG_EX // When doing a terminal render use the DD::Image::Thread::numThreads // as the globalThreadCount gor openEXR write, // When in GUI mode and the global thread count is 0, // set the openEXR thread count to DD::Image::Thread::numThreads // else use the value set by UI if (!Application::IsGUIActive() || Imf::globalThreadCount() == 0 ) { Imf::setGlobalThreadCount(Thread::numThreads); } // Create an output file Imf::MultiPartOutputFile outfile(temp_name.c_str(), &exrheaders[0], static_cast(numParts)); for (size_t i = 0; i < numParts; ++i) { Imf::OutputPart outpart(outfile, static_cast(i)); // set the frame buffer as the output outpart.setFrameBuffer(fbufs[i]); Row renderrow(bound.x(), bound.r()); Row writerow(bound.x(), bound.r()); const int yOffset = -bound.y(); const int scanlineWidth = bound.w(); for (int scanline = bound.t() - 1; scanline >= bound.y(); scanline--) { const int adjustedScanline = bound.t() - 1 - scanline + yOffset; currentViewOffset = 0; for (int v = 0; v < int(viewIDs.size()); v++) { channels = channelsperview[v]; if (wantViews.find(viewIDs[v]) == wantViews.end()) { continue; } const int inputIdx = inputIndex( viewIDs[v] ); writerow.pre_copy(renderrow, channels); { Row rw(bound.x(), bound.r()); iop->inputnget(inputIdx, scanline, bound.x(), bound.r(), channels, rw, 1.0f/static_cast(wantViews.size())); if (iop->aborted()) { break; } renderrow.copy(rw, channels, bound.x(), bound.r()); } const int inputR = iop->input(inputIdx)->r(); const int inputX = iop->input(inputIdx)->x(); if (bound.is_constant()) { foreach(z, channels) { renderrow.erase(z); } currentViewOffset += channels.size() * bound.area(); continue; } foreach(z, channels) { if (_acesFormat) { // This applays only for ACES compliant EXR files; // // If the EXR file is ACES ('write out an ACES compliant EXR file' knob is checked by the customer) // in that case we've extended the channels to Mask_RGB at the top of this method, only if the // original requested channels are a subset of the RGB set; // // Remove the channels that haven't been requested by the customer, and // let them be written as black into the exported file; // // blackChannel will be Mask_None if the file is not Aces // if (blackChannels.contains(z)) { renderrow.erase(z); } } else { mFnAssertMsg(blackChannels == Mask_None, "exrWriter: blackChannels must be Mask_None for none-aces files"); } const float* from = renderrow[z]; const float* alpha = renderrow[Chan_Alpha]; float* to = writerow.writable(z); if (!lut()->linear() && z <= Chan_Blue) { to_float(z - 1, to + C_datawin.min.x, from + C_datawin.min.x, alpha + C_datawin.min.x, C_datawin.max.x - C_datawin.min.x + 1); from = to; } if (bound.r() > inputR) { float* end = renderrow.writable(z) + bound.r(); float* start = renderrow.writable(z) + inputR; while (start < end) { *start = 0; start++; } } if (bound.x() < inputX) { float* end = renderrow.writable(z) + bound.x(); float* start = renderrow.writable(z) + inputX; while (start > end) { *start = 0; start--; } } // Get the row channel index for this view and channel const int currentChannel = rowChannelIndices[v][z]; //First adjust the yoffset and then calculate the offset in the image uint64_t offset = (adjustedScanline - yOffset) * scanlineWidth; offset += currentViewOffset + currentChannel * bound.area(); if (floatdepth == 32) { std::copy(&from[C_datawin.min.x], &from[C_datawin.max.x] + 1, &floatSamples.buff[offset]); } else { std::transform(from + C_datawin.min.x, from + C_datawin.max.x + 1, &halfSamples.buff[offset], [](float v) { return half(v); }); } } currentViewOffset += channels.size() * bound.area(); } progressFraction( (double(bound.t() - scanline) / (bound.t() - bound.y()) + i) / numParts); } outpart.writePixels(bound.h()); } } // Scope use of the output file if (!FileIop::renameFile(temp_name.c_str(), filename())) iop->critical("Can't rename .tmp to final, %s", strerror(errno)); } catch (const std::exception& exc) { iop->critical("EXR: Write failed [%s]\n", exc.what()); } } void exrWriter::knobs(Knob_Callback f) { Bool_knob(f, &_acesFormat, "write_ACES_compliant_EXR", "write ACES compliant EXR"); Tooltip(f, "Write out an ACES compliant EXR file"); Bool_knob(f, &autocrop, "autocrop"); Tooltip(f, "Reduce the bounding box to the non-zero area. This is normally " "not needed as the zeros will compress very small, and it is slow " "as the whole image must be calculated before any can be written. " "However this may speed up some programs reading the files."); Bool_knob(f, &writeHash, "write_hash", "write hash"); SetFlags(f, Knob::INVISIBLE); Tooltip(f, "Write the hash of the node graph into the exr file. Useful to see if your image is up to date when doing a precomp."); Knob*const dataTypeKnob = Enumeration_knob(f, &datatype, dnames, "datatype"); if (dataTypeKnob) { dataTypeKnob->enable(!_acesFormat); } Knob*const compressionKnob = Enumeration_knob(f, &compression, cnames, "compression"); if (compressionKnob) { compressionKnob->enable(!_acesFormat); } const bool isStereoscopic = (executingViews().size() > 1) && (_multipartInterleaveMode == eInterleave_Channels_Layers_Views); const bool isAcesStereo = isStereoscopic && _acesFormat; Knob*const multiViewKnob = iop->knob("views"); if (multiViewKnob) { multiViewKnob->enable(!isAcesStereo); multiViewKnob->visible(!isAcesStereo); } Knob* compressionLevel = Float_knob(f, &_dwCompressionLevel, IRange(0.0f, 500.0f),"dw_compression_level","compression level"); if (compressionLevel) { const bool doesCompressionHaveLevel = compressionHasLevel(); compressionLevel->enable(doesCompressionHaveLevel); compressionLevel->visible(doesCompressionHaveLevel); } Obsolete_knob(f, "stereo", nullptr); Knob*const heroViewKnob = OneView_knob(f, &_hero, "heroview"); Tooltip(f, "If stereo is on, this is the view that is written as the \"main\" image"); if (heroViewKnob) { heroViewKnob->enable(!isAcesStereo); heroViewKnob->visible(!isAcesStereo); } Knob*const leftViewKnob = OneView_knob(f, &_leftView, "left_view", "Left view"); Tooltip(f, "If stereo is on, this is the view that is written as the \"left\" image"); if (leftViewKnob) { leftViewKnob->enable(isAcesStereo); leftViewKnob->visible(isAcesStereo); } Knob*const rightViewKnob = OneView_knob(f, &_rightView, "right_view", "Right view"); Tooltip(f, "If stereo is on, this is the view that is written as the \"right\" image"); if (rightViewKnob) { rightViewKnob->enable(isAcesStereo); rightViewKnob->visible(isAcesStereo); } Enumeration_knob(f, &_metadataMode, metadata_modes, "metadata"); Tooltip(f, "Which metadata to write out to the EXR file." "

'no metadata' means that no custom attributes will be created and only metadata that fills required header fields will be written.

'default metadata' means that the optional timecode, edgecode, frame rate and exposure header fields will also be filled using metadata values."); Bool_knob(f, &_doNotWriteNukePrefix, "noprefix", "do not attach prefix" ); Tooltip(f, "By default unknown metadata keys have the prefix 'nuke' attached to them before writing them into the file. Enable this option to write the metadata 'as is' without the nuke prefix."); Newline(f); Enumeration_knob(f, &_multipartInterleaveMode, multipartModeLabels, "interleave"); Tooltip(f,"Interleave strategy of channels, layers and views within the rendered .exr. A single or multi-part exr will be created as per the options below, with layers and parts sorted alphanumerically.

" "channels, layers and views
" "Creates a single-part .exr and ensures backwards compatibility with applications using OpenEXR 1.x.

" "channels and layers
" "Creates a multi-part .exr with one part per view. This can speed up Read performance as Nuke will only read the part pertaining to the specified view.

" "channels
" "Creates a multi-part exr with one part per layer."); _firstPartKnob = InputOnly_Channel_knob(f, nullptr, 4, 0, kFirstPartKnobName, kFirstPartKnobLabel); Tooltip(f,"Enabled when the 'channels' interleave strategy is selected and the channels knob is set to 'all'
" "i.e. the output is a multi-part exr with one part per layer.

" "Specifies the layer that will be assigned to the first part of the multi-part .exr. All remaining parts will be stored in alphanumeric order.
" "In a multi-view setup, the layer for each view will be assigned to the topmost parts
" "i.e. part0: rgba.left, part1: rgba.right

" "The 'none' acts as the default behaviour where all parts will be stored in alphanumeric order."); SetFlags(f, Knob::NO_CHECKMARKS | Knob::NO_ALPHA_PULLDOWN | Knob::NO_ANIMATION | Knob::ALWAYS_SAVE); // update our First Part menu, if we are responding to changes from the write node updateFirstPartMenuState(); Newline(f); Bool_knob(f, &_followStandard, "standard layer name format"); Tooltip(f, "Older versions of Nuke write out channel names in the format: view.layer.channel. " "Check this option to follow the EXR standard format: layer.view.channel"); Newline(f); Bool_knob(f, &_writeFullLayerNames, "write_full_layer_names", "write full layer names"); Tooltip(f, "Older versions of Nuke just stored the layer name in the part " "name of multi-part files. Check this option to always write the " "layer name in the channel names following the EXR standard."); SetFlags(f, Knob::DISABLED); Newline(f); Bool_knob(f, &_truncateChannelNames, "truncateChannelNames", "truncate channel names"); Tooltip(f, "Truncate channel names to a maximum of 31 characters for backwards compatibility"); } int exrWriter::knob_changed(Knob *k) { int changed = 0; if ( k == &Knob::showPanel || k->is("metadata") ) { Knob* noPrefixKnob = iop->knob( "noprefix"); // Its possible that replaceable knobs may not exist if file_type knob is blank. This is allowed. if (noPrefixKnob) { noPrefixKnob->enable( ExrMetaDataMode(_metadataMode) >= eAllMetadataExceptInput ); } changed = 1; } if ( k == &Knob::showPanel || k->is("interleave") ) { // set the state of the First Part knob. updateFirstPartMenuState(); Knob* writeFullLayerNamesKnob = iop->knob( "write_full_layer_names"); if (writeFullLayerNamesKnob) { writeFullLayerNamesKnob->enable( _multipartInterleaveMode == eInterleave_Channels ); } Knob* truncateChannelNamesKnob = iop->knob( "truncateChannelNames"); if (truncateChannelNamesKnob) { truncateChannelNamesKnob->enable( _multipartInterleaveMode == eInterleave_Channels_Layers_Views ); } changed = 1; } Knob* compressionKnob = iop->knob("compression"); if (k == &Knob::showPanel || k == compressionKnob) { Knob* compressionLevel = iop->knob("dw_compression_level"); if( compressionLevel ) { if ( compressionHasLevel() ) { compressionLevel->enable(true); compressionLevel->show(); } else{ compressionLevel->enable(false); compressionLevel->hide(); } } changed = 1; } const bool isStereoscopic = (executingViews().size() > 1) && (_multipartInterleaveMode == eInterleave_Channels_Layers_Views); const bool isAcesStereo = isStereoscopic && _acesFormat; Knob*const dataTypeKnob = iop->knob("datatype"); Knob*const multiViewKnob = iop->knob("views"); Knob*const leftViewKnob = iop->knob("left_view"); Knob*const rightViewKnob = iop->knob("right_view"); Knob*const heroViewKnob = iop->knob("heroview"); if (k->is("write_ACES_compliant_EXR")) { compressionKnob->enable(!_acesFormat); dataTypeKnob->enable(!_acesFormat); multiViewKnob->enable(!isAcesStereo); multiViewKnob->visible(!isAcesStereo); heroViewKnob->enable(!isAcesStereo); heroViewKnob->visible(!isAcesStereo); leftViewKnob->enable(isAcesStereo); leftViewKnob->visible(isAcesStereo); rightViewKnob->enable(isAcesStereo); rightViewKnob->visible(isAcesStereo); changed = 1; } return changed; } void exrWriter::autocrop_tile(Tile& img, ChannelMask channels, int* bx, int* by, int* br, int* bt) { int xcount, ycount; *bx = img.r(); *by = img.t(); *br = img.x(); *bt = img.y(); foreach (z, channels) { for (ycount = img.y(); ycount < img.t(); ycount++) { for (xcount = img.x(); xcount < img.r(); xcount++) { if (img[z][ycount][xcount] != 0) { if (xcount < *bx) *bx = xcount; if (ycount < *by) *by = ycount; break; } } } for (ycount = img.t() - 1; ycount >= img.y(); ycount--) { for (xcount = img.r() - 1; xcount >= img.x(); xcount--) { if (img[z][ycount][xcount] != 0) { if (xcount > *br) *br = xcount; if (ycount > *bt) *bt = ycount; break; } } } } if (*bx > *br || *by > *bt) *bx = *by = *br = *bt = 0; } void exrWriter::updateFirstPartMenuState() { const bool isAllSelected = iop ? iop->channels().all() : false; const bool isChannels = _multipartInterleaveMode == eInterleave_Channels; const bool enabled = isAllSelected && isChannels; if(_firstPartKnob) { _firstPartKnob->enable(enabled); } } std::string exrWriter::getFirstPartMenuValue() const { std::string ret = "none"; if(_firstPartKnob && _firstPartKnob->get_value() > 0) { ret = getLayerName(static_cast(static_cast(_firstPartKnob->get_value()))); } return ret; } // TP 326656 if environment variable is set // save the .tmp files using the 'filename'.exr.tmp format // this code will be called once to detect the environment variable, and // set an internal function pointer to the correct generate method. std::string exrWriter::getTempFileName() { std::string tempName = createFileHash(); const char* const useFilenameAsTempName = std::getenv("NUKE_EXR_TEMP_NAME"); if(useFilenameAsTempName && !std::strcmp(useFilenameAsTempName, "1")) { tempName = std::string(filename()).append("."); #ifdef FN_OS_WINDOWS tempName.append(std::to_string(_getpid())); #else tempName.append(std::to_string(getpid())); #endif } tempName.append(".tmp"); return tempName; } } }