// tiffReader.C // Copyright (c) 2009 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd. All Rights Reserved. /* Reads TIFF files using the public domain libtiff. libtiff understands a lot of the data formats, but only outputs srgb 8-bit converted colors. We use this interface if we cannot figure out anything better, but this recognizes all the 16 bit and higher forms of data where we have test images and directly converts the uncompressed tiff data to Nuke floating point. This is an example of a file reader that is not a subclass of FileReader. Instead this uses the library's reader functions and a single lock so that multiple threads do not crash the library. This file also contains the TiffWriter, because libtiff has a single error message callback pointer and thus these both need to be able to see and use that. */ #include "DDImage/DDWindows.h" #include "tiffio.h" #include "tiff.h" #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #else #include #endif #include "DDImage/DDString.h" #include "DDImage/Knobs.h" #include "DDImage/LUT.h" #include "DDImage/Read.h" #include "DDImage/Reader.h" #include "DDImage/Row.h" #include "DDImage/MemoryHolder.h" #include "DDImage/MemHolderFactory.h" #include "DDImage/MetaData.h" #include "DDImage/Thread.h" using namespace DD::Image; #define DEFAULT_RESOLUTION 72 #define DEFAULT_RESOLUTION_UNIT 1 #define STRIP_SIZE (1 << 17) #undef TIFF_UPSIDEDOWN_OPTION class TiffReaderFormat : public ReaderFormat { friend class TiffReader; #ifdef TIFF_UPSIDEDOWN_OPTION bool upsideDown; #endif public: TiffReaderFormat() { #ifdef TIFF_UPSIDEDOWN_OPTION upsideDown = false; #endif } void knobs(Knob_Callback c) override { #ifdef TIFF_UPSIDEDOWN_OPTION Bool_knob(c, &upsideDown, "upside-down"); #endif } void append(Hash& hash) override { #ifdef TIFF_UPSIDEDOWN_OPTION hash.append(upsideDown); #endif } }; class TiffReader : public Reader, public DD::Image::MemoryHolder { TIFF* tif; Lock lock; uint16 bitspersample; uint16 samplesperpixel; uint16 planarconfig; uint16 orientation; uint32 rowsperstrip; uint32* buffer; size_t buffersize; int strip_number; // which strip is currently read unsigned stripsize; // size of one channel of pixels #ifdef TIFF_UPSIDEDOWN_OPTION bool upsideDown; #endif MetaData::Bundle _meta; const MetaData::Bundle& fetchMetaData(const char* key) override { return _meta; } void failure(const char* fmt, unsigned value); void liberror(); // DDImage/Memory api: int memoryWeight() const override { return 100; } bool memoryFree(size_t amount_to_free) override { // trylock must be used as this may be called from inside // the Memory::allocate() inside the locked part of engine(): if (!lock.trylock()) return false; if (!buffer) { lock.unlock(); return false; } Memory::deallocate(buffer); buffer = nullptr; lock.unlock(); return true; } void memoryInfo(DD::Image::Memory::MemoryInfoArray& o, const void* restrict_to) const override { if (!buffer) return; if (restrict_to && iop->node() != (const Node*)restrict_to) return; Memory::MemoryInfo memInfo = Memory::MemoryInfo(iop, buffersize * 4); std::stringstream buf; if (planarconfig) { buf.str(std::string()); buf << samplesperpixel * (bitspersample == 32 ? 4 : bitspersample > 8 ? 2 : 1) << 'x' << width() << 'x' << rowsperstrip; memInfo.addUserData(std::string("StripConfig"), buf); } else { buf.str(std::string()); buf << "4x" << width() << 'x' << height(); memInfo.addUserData(std::string("StripConfig"), buf); } memInfo.addUserData("Weight", memoryWeight()); } protected: // Protect the constructor - only to be created by MemHolderFactory TiffReader(Read*, int fd); public: ~TiffReader() override; void engine(int y, int x, int r, ChannelMask, Row &) override; void open() override; static const Reader::Description d; PlanarReadInfo planarReadInfo(const ChannelSet& channels) override { const bool isValid = true; // Specify the bounds rather than format, i.e., the data window rather than display window. // It's up to the caller to decide whether that's appropriate, it may want to set the bounds in // the passed GenericImagePlane to match the format (or some other range if it really wants). // NOTE: If the data and display windows don't match then the constructor will have set the // (bbox) bounds to be the data window plus a single pixel border. DD::Image::Box bounds(0, 0, w(), h()); // This reader doesn't really care whether the destination image is packed or not, though there may be memory // access performance implications. Since Hiero is (currently) only interested in packed we'll just specify that. bool packed = true; const DataTypeEnum dataType = bitspersample > 16 ? eDataTypeFloat32 : (bitspersample > 8 ? eDataTypeUInt16 : eDataTypeUInt8); bool useClamps = true; int minValue = 0; int maxValue = 0xff; int whitePoint = 1; // Only report the channels that are common to both the requested list and those present in the file. ChannelSet commonChannels = channels; commonChannels &= this->channels(); int nComponents = commonChannels.size(); ImagePlaneDescriptor baseDesc(bounds, packed, commonChannels, nComponents); DataInfo dataInfo(dataType, useClamps, minValue, maxValue, whitePoint); // I'm not sure we can do anything else for now. // At least it matches the behaviour from tiffReader, which set the default LUT ( LUT::GetLut(type, this) ); ColorCurveEnum colorCurve = eColorCurveSRGB; if (dataType == eDataTypeFloat32) { colorCurve = eColorCurveLinear; } GenericImagePlaneDescriptor desc(baseDesc, dataInfo, colorCurve); size_t readPassBufferSize = 0; // We don't support multithreading for now // TP 231502 const bool isDecodeThreadable = false; // We always use decodeAs8bitRGBA when the image is 32-bit RGBA regardless of the file data; // For PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE (when image is not 32-bit RGBA) we may want to decompress on multiple threads const bool is32BitRGBA = (samplesperpixel == 4) && (dataType == eDataTypeUInt8); if (planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE && !is32BitRGBA) { // Uncomment the below line if you added multithreading support; // Please have a look at TP 231502 before doing that; // The number of threads needs to be equal to the number of strips; // // isDecodeThreadable = false; // calculate the size that we need to allocate for a strip; // we use this buffer only when we can't read directly into the destination image buffer // due to the pixel-format incompatibilites; // this is used to hold a portion (strip) of the original tiff image; const tsize_t stripSize = TIFFStripSize(tif); // We're specifying a 'read-pass' buffer in so that it's the calling code that allocates it; // It might be quicker using an area of some pre-allocated memory to read a strip from the tiff image readPassBufferSize = samplesperpixel * stripSize; } // Any 32-bit RGBA images are decompressed directly into the image buffer (no additional buffer is required); // Any TIFF images which have more than 8 bits per channel and the planar config is Contig, are directly decompressed // into the image buffer (no additional buffer is reuqired); PlanarReadInfo planarInfo(desc, readPassBufferSize, isDecodeThreadable, isValid); return planarInfo; } void planarReadAndDecode(GenericImagePlane& image, const ChannelSet& channels, int priority) override { planarDecodePass(nullptr, image, channels, 0, 1, priority); } int planarReadPass(void* buffer, const ChannelSet& channels) override { // we are decompressing the image in strips; // this method will be hit always for PLANARCOFIG_SEPARATE, in which case we are using |decodeAsStripsSeparate| // method to decompress the image; // we may want to support multithreading, reason why reading was put into |decodeAsStripsSeparate| where we read into the strip // buffer of which size is readPassBufferSize calculated in |planarReadInfo|; return 0; } void planarDecodePass(void* srcBuffer, GenericImagePlane& image, const ChannelSet& channels, int threadIndex, int nDecodeThreads, int priority) override { mFnAssert(threadIndex >= 0); mFnAssert(threadIndex < nDecodeThreads); mFnAssert(nDecodeThreads > 0); // Assert that the image plane we're filling in is configured to hold the whole image, not a sub area of it, // as that's all we support at the moment and the SGI format doesn't provide anything complicated like itself. mFnAssert(image.desc().bounds().x() == 0); mFnAssert(image.desc().bounds().y() == 0); mFnAssert(image.desc().bounds().w() == w()); mFnAssert(image.desc().bounds().h() == h()); uint32 numRowsPerThread = h() / nDecodeThreads; uint32 yStart = threadIndex * numRowsPerThread; uint32 yEnd = (threadIndex != (nDecodeThreads - 1)) ? yStart + numRowsPerThread - 1 : h() - 1; switch (bitspersample) { case 8: { // 32-bit RGBA if (samplesperpixel == 4) { decodeAs8bitRGBA(image); } // 24-bit RGB else { if (planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) { decodeAsStripsContig(yStart, yEnd, image); } // planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE else { decodeAsStripsSeparate(srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); } } } break; case 16: { if (planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) { decodeAsStripsContig(yStart, yEnd, image); } // planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE else { decodeAsStripsSeparate(srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); } } break; case 32: { if (planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG) { decodeAsStripsContig(yStart, yEnd, image); } // planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE else { decodeAsStripsSeparate(srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); } } break; } } void decodeAs8bitRGBA(GenericImagePlane& image) { uchar* destBuffer = &image.writableAt(0, 0, 0); if (!TIFFReadRGBAImage(tif, w(), h(), reinterpret_cast(destBuffer))) { liberror(); } } template void decodeAsStripsContig(uint32 yStart, uint32 yEnd, GenericImagePlane& image) { // is this flipped? const bool bFlipped = !((orientation - 1) & 2); // calculate the size required to hold a line of a strip const tsize_t srcLineSize = TIFFScanlineSize(tif); // We can read directly into the image buffer for (uint32 y = yStart; y <= yEnd; y += rowsperstrip) { // the last strip may be incomplete const uint32 nRows = (y + rowsperstrip > yEnd + 1 ? yEnd + 1 - y : rowsperstrip); uint32 toY = y; // flip it if TOPLEFT or other top orientation: if (bFlipped) { toY = h() - y - nRows; } // We must do each row in a strip in sequence: // we can read directly into the image buffer type*const destBuffer = &image.writableAt(0, toY, 0); if (TIFFReadEncodedStrip(tif, TIFFComputeStrip(tif, y, 0), (void*)destBuffer, nRows * srcLineSize) < 0) { liberror(); } // if the image is flipped and the strip has more than a line // then we need to revers the lines in the strip if (bFlipped && rowsperstrip > 1) { reverseRows(reinterpret_cast(destBuffer), nRows, srcLineSize); } } } void reverseRows(uchar* buffer, uint32 rows, tsize_t lineSize) { // that's not ideal, but after profiling it seems to have a low impact over the read performace; // an alternative to this would be to read into a separate strip buffer and then to copy the rows // in the reversed order as we do for the separate planar config; though, that would not improve the time // performance significantly as we still need to loop throughout the all rows; for (uint32 i = 0; i < rows / 2; ++i) { uchar* toRow = buffer + i * lineSize; uchar* fromRow = buffer + (rows - i - 1) * lineSize; for (uint32 index = 0; index < (uint32)lineSize; ++index) { const uchar temp = *toRow; *toRow = *fromRow; *fromRow = temp; ++toRow; ++fromRow; } } } template void decodeAsStripsSeparate(const void*const tempBuffer, uint32 yStart, uint32 yEnd, GenericImagePlane& image) { const tsize_t stripSize = TIFFStripSize(tif); // is this flipped? const bool bFlipped = !((orientation - 1) & 2); // calculate the size required to hold a line of a strip const tsize_t srcLineSize = TIFFScanlineSize(tif); // We cannot read directly into the destination buffer because the channels have different alignments (RR..RGG..GBB..B); // We read first the image into the tempBuffer which was externally allocated; // This call should not come from |planarReadAndDecode| method; uchar*const strip = (uchar*)tempBuffer; for (uint32 y = yStart; y <= yEnd; y += rowsperstrip) { // the last strip may be incomplete const uint32 nRows = (y + rowsperstrip > yEnd + 1 ? yEnd + 1 - y : rowsperstrip); // We must do each row in a strip in sequence: uchar* channel = strip; for (int sample = 0; sample < samplesperpixel; ++sample) { if (TIFFReadEncodedStrip(tif, TIFFComputeStrip(tif, y, sample), (void*)(channel), nRows * srcLineSize) < 0) { liberror(); break; } channel += stripSize; } // go through each line of the strip and copy that in the destination image buffer; // please notice that we have gaps in the initial loop as we increment the y varaible by // the value of rowsperstrip, reason why we need to fill these gaps here when we copy the image; for (uint32 currLine = 0; currLine < nRows; ++currLine) { uint32 toY = y + currLine; // flip it if TOPLEFT or other top orientation: if (bFlipped) { toY = h() - y - currLine - 1; } const uint32 fromY = currLine; // parse the image buffer // image destination channels type* destR = &image.writableAt(0, toY, 0); type* destG = &image.writableAt(0, toY, 1); type* destB = &image.writableAt(0, toY, 2); for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < w(); ++columnIndex) { // get the source channels from the strip const type*const fromR = (type*)strip + (0 * rowsperstrip + fromY) * w() + columnIndex; const type*const fromG = (type*)strip + (1 * rowsperstrip + fromY) * w() + columnIndex; const type*const fromB = (type*)strip + (2 * rowsperstrip + fromY) * w() + columnIndex; *destR = *fromR; destR += samplesperpixel; *destG = *fromG; destG += samplesperpixel; *destB = *fromB; destB += samplesperpixel; // RGBA - 32-bit per channel // samplesperpixel == 4 then we have Alpha channel if (samplesperpixel == 4) { const type* fromA = (type*)strip + (3 * rowsperstrip + fromY) * w() + columnIndex; type* destA = &image.writableAt(0, toY, 3); *destA = *fromA; destA += samplesperpixel; } } } } } }; // Test to see if the block is the header of a tiff file: static bool test(int fd, const unsigned char* block, int length) { // test for big-endian: if (block[0] == 'M' && block[1] == 'M' && block[2] == 0 && block[3] == 42) return true; // test for little-endian: if (block[0] == 'I' && block[1] == 'I' && block[2] == 42 && block[3] == 0) return true; return false; } static Reader* build(Read* iop, int fd, const unsigned char* b, int n) { return MemHolderFactory::create(iop, fd); } static ReaderFormat* buildformat(Read* iop) { return new TiffReaderFormat(); } // If you uncomment the pritnf you can make sure the plugin is loaded: static inline const char* foo() { // printf("TiffReader constructed\n"); return "tiff\0tif\0tiff16\0tif16\0ftif\0ftiff\0"; } const Reader::Description TiffReader::d(foo(), build, test, buildformat); static char* errorbuffer; static void errorhandler(const char* module, const char* fmt, va_list ap) { if (!errorbuffer) errorbuffer = new char[1024]; vsnprintf(errorbuffer, 1024, fmt, ap); } void TiffReader::failure(const char* fmt, unsigned value) { if (bitspersample <= 8) return; // it is ok fprintf(stderr, "%s : can't read %d BitsPerSample because ", filename(), bitspersample); fprintf(stderr, fmt, value); fprintf(stderr, ", only top 8 bits will be read\n"); fflush(stderr); } #define USE_OUR_DECODER 1 template static bool getMetaData(TIFF* metatif, const TIFFField* field, MetaData::Bundle& metadata, const std::string& key) { const auto readCount = TIFFFieldReadCount(field); if (readCount == TIFF_VARIABLE2 || readCount == TIFF_VARIABLE || readCount > 1) { size_t count = 0; T* data; if (readCount == TIFF_VARIABLE) { uint16 gotcount = 0; TIFFGetField(metatif, TIFFFieldTag(field), &gotcount, &data); count = gotcount; } else if (readCount == TIFF_VARIABLE2) { uint32 gotcount = 0; TIFFGetField(metatif, TIFFFieldTag(field), &gotcount, &data); count = gotcount; } else { TIFFGetField(metatif, TIFFFieldTag(field), &data); count = readCount; } std::vector values; values.resize(count); for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++) { values[i] = data[i]; } metadata.setData(key, values); return true; } else if (readCount == 1) { T data; TIFFGetField(metatif, TIFFFieldTag(field), &data); metadata.setData(key, V(data)); return true; } return false; } static bool getMetaDataString(TIFF* metatif, const TIFFField* field, MetaData::Bundle& metadata, const std::string& key) { const auto readCount = TIFFFieldReadCount(field); if (readCount > 1) { char* data; TIFFGetField(metatif, TIFFFieldTag(field), &data); metadata.setData(key, data); return true; } return false; } static void fetchTiffMetaData(const char* filename, MetaData::Bundle& metadata) { TIFF* metatif = TIFFOpen(filename, "r"); // This is a workaround to a larger problem with libtiff. TIFFGetField is corrupting the memory when handling // fields that don't exist within the tif or they are misrepresented within the file. Therefore we keep a second // pointer to the tiff object so we can retain a valid instance for later usage. // We didn't fix this inside the libtiff as that would complicate the future upgrade of this library. TIFF* tiff_clone = metatif; if (metatif) { uint32 exif_offset; if (TIFFGetField(tiff_clone, TIFFTAG_EXIFIFD, &exif_offset) && TIFFReadEXIFDirectory(metatif, exif_offset)) { int cnt = TIFFGetTagListCount(metatif); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { ttag_t tag = TIFFGetTagListEntry(metatif, i); const TIFFField* field = TIFFFieldWithTag(metatif, tag); std::string exifName = MetaData::EXIF::EXIF_PREFIX + std::string("2/") + std::string(TIFFFieldName(field)); switch (TIFFFieldDataType(field)) { case TIFF_BYTE: { getMetaData(metatif, field, metadata, exifName); break; } case TIFF_UNDEFINED: { getMetaData(metatif, field, metadata, exifName); break; } case TIFF_ASCII: { getMetaDataString(metatif, field, metadata, exifName); break; } case TIFF_SHORT: { getMetaData(metatif, field, metadata, exifName); break; } case TIFF_LONG: { getMetaData(metatif, field, metadata, exifName); break; } case TIFF_SBYTE: { getMetaData(metatif, field, metadata, exifName); break; } case TIFF_SSHORT: { getMetaData(metatif, field, metadata, exifName); break; } case TIFF_SLONG: { getMetaData(metatif, field, metadata, exifName); break; } case TIFF_SRATIONAL: case TIFF_RATIONAL: case TIFF_FLOAT: { getMetaData(metatif, field, metadata, exifName); break; } case TIFF_DOUBLE: { getMetaData(metatif, field, metadata, exifName); break; } default: ; } } } TIFFClose(metatif); } } TiffReader::TiffReader(Read* r, int fd) : Reader(r) { close(fd); #ifdef TIFF_UPSIDEDOWN_OPTION TiffReaderFormat* trf = dynamic_cast(r->handler()); if (trf) { upsideDown = trf->upsideDown; } else { upsideDown = false; } #endif buffer = nullptr; TIFFSetErrorHandler(errorhandler); TIFFSetWarningHandler(nullptr); tif = TIFFOpen(filename(), "r"); if (!tif) { liberror(); return; } unsigned w; TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &w); unsigned h; TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, &h); TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, &samplesperpixel); float xres = 0.0, yres = 0.0; TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION, &xres); TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION, &yres); // Using 0 for pixel aspect ratio (par) in case it can not be determined from the header. // In this case, the value will be defaulted to 1 or 2 depending on -a (anamporphic) Nuke // option inside DD::Image::Writer::set_info function. const double par = (xres == 0.0 || yres == 0.0) ? 0.0 : xres / yres; set_info(w, h, samplesperpixel, par); TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, &bitspersample); TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, &rowsperstrip); if (rowsperstrip > h) rowsperstrip = h; uint16 photometric; if (!TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, &photometric)) photometric = PHOTOMETRIC_RGB; TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION, &orientation); TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG, &planarconfig); uint16 compression; TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, &compression); uint16 sampleformat; TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT, &sampleformat); if (sampleformat == SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP && bitspersample == 32) { _meta.setData(MetaData::DEPTH, MetaData::DEPTH_FLOAT); } else if (sampleformat == SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP && bitspersample == 16) { _meta.setData(MetaData::DEPTH, MetaData::DEPTH_HALF); } else { _meta.setData(MetaData::DEPTH, MetaData::DEPTH_FIXED(bitspersample)); } if (xres != 0.0 && yres != 0.0) { _meta.setData(MetaData::TIFF::TIFF_XRESOLUTION, xres); _meta.setData(MetaData::TIFF::TIFF_YRESOLUTION, yres); uint16 resunit = 0; TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT, &resunit); _meta.setData(MetaData::TIFF::TIFF_RESOLUTIONUNIT, resunit); } fetchTiffMetaData(filename(), _meta); // char* c = 0; TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION, &c); // info_.comment = c; // set the default colourspace: const LUT::DataType type = bitspersample > 16 ? LUT::FLOAT : (bitspersample > 8 ? LUT::INT16 : LUT::INT8); lut_ = LUT::GetLut(type, this); #if USE_OUR_DECODER if (TIFFIsTiled(tif)) { failure("TIFF is tiled", 0); } else if (photometric != PHOTOMETRIC_RGB && photometric != PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK) { failure("Photometric is %d", photometric); #if 0 } else if (compression == COMPRESSION_PACKBITS && rowsperstrip > 1) { // TIFFReadEncodedStrip() fails for some compressions, possibly due // to bugs in it? The following compreesions have been encountered // and are known to work: // COMPRESSION_NONE // COMPRESSION_LZW // Actually PACKBITS appears to work, maybe I had a bad file. failure("Compression is %d", compression); #endif } else if (sampleformat == SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP && bitspersample != 32 && bitspersample != 16 /* for bad Terragen files! */) { failure("it has %d-bit floating point data", bitspersample); } else if (sampleformat != SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP && (bitspersample > 16 || bitspersample < 8)) { failure("it has %d-bit unsigned data", bitspersample); } else { // we can use our decoder: info_.ydirection(((orientation - 1) & 2) ? -1 : 1); strip_number = -1; return; } #endif planarconfig = 0; // indicates that library should be used info_.ydirection(0); //info_.slowness = 0; // turn off any buffering } void TiffReader::liberror() { iop->error(errorbuffer && *errorbuffer ? errorbuffer : "libtiff error"); } // delay anything unneeded for info_ until this is called: // Unfortunately libtiff really wants to read everything at once... void TiffReader::open() { } TiffReader::~TiffReader() { memoryFree(0); if (tif) { #if DEBUG assert(lock.trylock()); TIFFClose(tif); lock.unlock(); #else TIFFClose(tif); #endif } } void TiffReader::engine(int y, int x, int r, ChannelMask channels, Row& row) { #ifdef TIFF_UPSIDEDOWN_OPTION if (upsideDown == 1) { y = height() - 1 - y; } #endif Guard guard(lock); if (!planarconfig) { if (!buffer) { buffersize = width() * height(); buffer = Memory::allocate( buffersize ); if (!TIFFReadRGBAImage(tif, width(), height(), buffer)) liberror(); } const uchar* ROW = (uchar*)(buffer + y * width() + x); foreach (z, channels) { #if __BIG_ENDIAN__ const uchar* ALPHA = ROW; const uchar* FROM = ROW + 4 - z; #else const uchar* ALPHA = ROW + 3; const uchar* FROM = ROW + z - 1; #endif from_byte(z, row.writable(z) + x, FROM, ALPHA, r - x, 4); } return; } // Use our converter. // First find and load the strip containing this row: if (!buffer) { stripsize = rowsperstrip * width(); if (bitspersample == 32) stripsize *= 4; else if (bitspersample > 8) stripsize *= 2; buffersize = (samplesperpixel * stripsize + 3) / 4; buffer = Memory::allocate( buffersize ); strip_number = -1; } uchar* strip = (uchar*)buffer; // flip it if TOPLEFT or other top orientation: if (!((orientation - 1) & 2)) y = height() - y - 1; // We must do each row in a strip in sequence: int sn = int(y / rowsperstrip); if (sn != strip_number) { strip_number = sn; if (planarconfig == 2) { for (int z = 0; z < samplesperpixel; z++) if (TIFFReadEncodedStrip(tif, sn * samplesperpixel + z, (void*)(strip + stripsize * z), (long)stripsize) < 0) { liberror(); break; } } else { if (TIFFReadEncodedStrip(tif, sn, (void*)strip, (long)(stripsize * samplesperpixel)) < 0) liberror(); } } y %= rowsperstrip; if (bitspersample <= 8) { if (planarconfig == 2) { const uchar* ALPHA = (samplesperpixel > 3) ? strip + (3 * rowsperstrip + y) * width() + x : nullptr; foreach (z, channels) { const uchar* FROM = strip + ((z - 1) * rowsperstrip + y) * width() + x; from_byte(z, row.writable(z) + x, FROM, ALPHA, r - x); } } else { const uchar* ALPHA = (samplesperpixel > 3) ? strip + (y * width() + x) * samplesperpixel + 3 : nullptr; foreach (z, channels) { const uchar* FROM = strip + (y * width() + x) * samplesperpixel + z - 1; from_byte(z, row.writable(z) + x, FROM, ALPHA, r - x, samplesperpixel); } } } else if (bitspersample <= 16) { // 16-bits per sample if (planarconfig == 2) { const U16* ALPHA = (samplesperpixel > 3) ? (U16*)strip + (3 * rowsperstrip + y) * width() + x : nullptr; foreach (z, channels) { const U16* FROM = (U16*)strip + ((z - 1) * rowsperstrip + y) * width() + x; from_short(z, row.writable(z) + x, FROM, ALPHA, r - x, bitspersample); } } else { const U16* ALPHA = (samplesperpixel > 3) ? (U16*)strip + (y * width() + x) * samplesperpixel + 3 : nullptr; foreach (z, channels) { const U16* FROM = (U16*)strip + (y * width() + x) * samplesperpixel + z - 1; from_short(z, row.writable(z) + x, FROM, ALPHA, r - x, bitspersample, samplesperpixel); } } } else { // Floating-point samples if (planarconfig == 2) { const float* ALPHA = (samplesperpixel > 3) ? (float*)strip + (3 * rowsperstrip + y) * width() + x : nullptr; foreach (z, channels) { const float* FROM = (float*)strip + ((z - 1) * rowsperstrip + y) * width() + x; from_float(z, row.writable(z) + x, FROM, ALPHA, r - x); } } else { const float* ALPHA = (samplesperpixel > 3) ? (float*)strip + (y * width() + x) * samplesperpixel + 3 : nullptr; foreach (z, channels) { const float* FROM = (float*)strip + (y * width() + x) * samplesperpixel + z - 1; from_float(z, row.writable(z) + x, FROM, ALPHA, r - x, samplesperpixel); } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TiffWriter.C: // Write tiff files. This is an example of a file writer that uses // a separate library. In this case the sepearte library requires it's // own fd, and unfortunately it closes it (it shouldn't because it did // not open it). I use the dup() call to get around this so that errors // are not reported by the base class upon close(). Another way around // this would be to not use the base class, but that would require // duplicating the useful .tmp behavior and Windoze drive letters here. // Also this is a demonstration of how you can make different extensions // produce different behavior by using a subclass. // Note on compression: // // Unfortunatly many libtiff's are compiled without LZW support // due to Unisys's patent, and rather than ignore this setting they // produce an error message and fail. So we cannot turn it on. // You could turn this on by setting compression = COMPRESSION_LZW. // // "Deflate" compression is much better than LZW and tests indicate // the the majority of programs can read it. So we turn this on by // default. // // Only other setting known to work is COMPRESSION_NONE. #include "DDImage/FileWriter.h" #include "DDImage/ARRAY.h" static const char* const cnames[] = { "none", "PackBits", "LZW", "Deflate", nullptr }; enum DataType { eDataType8Bit, eDataType16Bit, eDataTypeFloat, }; static const char* const dnames[] = { "8 bit", // eDataType8Bit "16 bit", // eDataType16Bit "32 bit float", // eDataTypeFloat nullptr }; uint16 ctable[] = { COMPRESSION_NONE, COMPRESSION_PACKBITS, COMPRESSION_LZW, COMPRESSION_DEFLATE }; class TiffWriter : public FileWriter { void liberror(); public: int datatype; int compress; // the enumeration, not the tiff constant! TiffWriter(Write* iop) : FileWriter(iop) { datatype = 0; compress = 3; // deflate } ~TiffWriter() override {} void execute() override; void knobs(Knob_Callback f) override { Enumeration_knob(f, &datatype, dnames, "datatype", "data type"); Enumeration_knob(f, &compress, cnames, "compression"); } /** * called by Write::updateDefaultLUT() from the main thread to figure out * what text to put in the "colorspace" widget. */ LUT* defaultLUT() const override { int thisDataType = datatype; if (iop) { if (Knob* dataTypeKnob = iop->knob("datatype")) { thisDataType = int(dataTypeKnob->get_value()); } } switch (thisDataType) { case eDataType8Bit: default: return LUT::GetLut(LUT::INT8, this); case eDataType16Bit: return LUT::GetLut(LUT::INT16, this); case eDataTypeFloat: return LUT::GetLut(LUT::FLOAT, this); } } bool isDefaultLUTKnob(DD::Image::Knob* knob) const override { return knob->is("datatype"); } static const Writer::Description d; const char* help() override { return "tiff"; } }; static Writer* build(Write* iop) { return new TiffWriter(iop); } const Writer::Description TiffWriter::d("tiff\0tif\0", build); void TiffWriter::liberror() { iop->error(errorbuffer ? errorbuffer : "libtiff error"); } void TiffWriter::execute() { TIFFSetErrorHandler(errorhandler); TIFFSetWarningHandler(nullptr); int samplesperpixel = num_channels(); int imagewidth = this->width(); int imagelength = this->height(); TIFF* tif = TIFFOpen(filename(), "w"); // "wl" ? if (!tif) { liberror(); return; } ChannelSet channels = channel_mask(samplesperpixel); input0().request(0, 0, width(), height(), channels, 1); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, (uint32)imagewidth); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH, (uint32)imagelength); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, (uint16)samplesperpixel); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, datatype == 2 ? 32 : datatype ? 16 : 8); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG, (uint16)1); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, samplesperpixel > 1 ? (uint16)PHOTOMETRIC_RGB : (uint16)PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK); MetaData::Bundle meta = input0().fetchMetaData(nullptr); if (meta.getData(MetaData::TIFF::TIFF_XRESOLUTION) != nullptr && meta.getData(MetaData::TIFF::TIFF_YRESOLUTION) != nullptr && meta.getData(MetaData::TIFF::TIFF_RESOLUTIONUNIT) != nullptr) { TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION, (double)meta.getDouble(MetaData::TIFF::TIFF_XRESOLUTION)); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION, (double)meta.getDouble(MetaData::TIFF::TIFF_YRESOLUTION)); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT, (uint16)meta.getDouble(MetaData::TIFF::TIFF_RESOLUTIONUNIT)); } else if (getPixelAspect() != 1.0) { // We can set pixel aspect ratio for non square pixels using X/Y resolution tags // with resolution unit set to RESUNIT_NONE (currently DEFAULT_RESOLUTION points // to the same value, but may change later on). // Link: https://www.awaresystems.be/imaging/tiff/tifftags/resolutionunit.html const auto& res = getPixelAspectAsResolution(); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION, (double)res.first); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION, (double)res.second); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT, (uint16)RESUNIT_NONE); } else { TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION, (double)DEFAULT_RESOLUTION); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION, (double)DEFAULT_RESOLUTION); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT, (uint16)DEFAULT_RESOLUTION_UNIT); } int bytespersample = 0; if (datatype == 2) { bytespersample = sizeof(float); } else if (datatype == 1) { bytespersample = sizeof(unsigned short); } else if (datatype == 0) { bytespersample = sizeof(unsigned char); } int bytesperline = bytespersample * width() * samplesperpixel; uint32 rowsperstrip = (uint32)((STRIP_SIZE) / bytesperline); if (rowsperstrip < 1) rowsperstrip = 1; TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, rowsperstrip); if (compress) TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, ctable[compress]); if (datatype == 2) { // float ARRAY(float, buffer, samplesperpixel * imagewidth); TIFFSetField(tif, TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT, SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP); Row row(0, width()); for (unsigned y = 0; y < (unsigned)height(); y++) { iop->status(double(y) / height()); get(height() - y - 1, 0, width(), channels, row); const float* alpha = samplesperpixel > 3 ? row[channel(3)] : nullptr; if (aborted()) break; for (int i = 0; i < samplesperpixel; i++) { to_float(i, buffer + i, row[channel(i)], alpha, width(), samplesperpixel); } if (TIFFWriteScanline(tif, (void*)buffer, y, 0) < 0) { liberror(); break; } } } else if (datatype) { // 16 bit ARRAY(U16, buffer, samplesperpixel * imagewidth); ARRAY(U16, tempbuffer, imagewidth); Row row(0, width()); for (unsigned y = 0; y < (unsigned)height(); y++) { iop->status(double(y) / height()); get(height() - y - 1, 0, width(), channels, row); const float* alpha = samplesperpixel > 3 ? row[channel(3)] : nullptr; if (aborted()) break; for (int i = 0; i < samplesperpixel; i++) { // unfortunately Writer lacks a "delta" version of to_short // so I have to interlace it here... to_short(i, tempbuffer, row[channel(i)], alpha, width(), 16); U16* TO = buffer + i; U16* FROM = tempbuffer; for (int x = width(); x--;) { *TO = *FROM++; TO += samplesperpixel; } } if (TIFFWriteScanline(tif, (void*)buffer, y, 0) < 0) { liberror(); break; } } } else { // 8 bit ARRAY(uchar, buffer, samplesperpixel * imagewidth); Row row(0, width()); for (unsigned y = 0; y < (unsigned)height(); y++) { iop->status(double(y) / height()); get(height() - y - 1, 0, width(), channels, row); const float* alpha = samplesperpixel > 3 ? row[channel(3)] : nullptr; if (aborted()) break; for (int i = 0; i < samplesperpixel; i++) to_byte(i, buffer + i, row[channel(i)], alpha, width(), samplesperpixel); if (TIFFWriteScanline(tif, (void*)buffer, y, 0) < 0) { liberror(); break; } } } TIFFClose(tif); close(); } class tiff16Writer : public TiffWriter { public: tiff16Writer(Write* iop) : TiffWriter(iop) { datatype = 1; } static const Writer::Description d; }; static Writer* build16(Write* iop) { return new tiff16Writer(iop); } const Writer::Description tiff16Writer::d("tiff16\0tif16\0", build16); // for floating point tiffs class fTiffWriter : public TiffWriter { public: fTiffWriter(Write* iop) : TiffWriter(iop) { datatype = 2; } static const Writer::Description d; }; static Writer* buildftiff(Write* iop) { return new fTiffWriter(iop); } const Writer::Description fTiffWriter::d("ftiff\0ftif\0", buildftiff); // end of tiffReader.C