Source code for nukescripts.all_plugins

# Copyright (c) 2009 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.

import nuke_internal as nuke

# List of libraries which may be in the plugins directory that are dependencies,
# not plugins themselves

def _filterPlugin(plugin):
  for filter in PLUGINS_FILTER:
    if filter in plugin:
      return True
  return False

[docs]def load_all_plugins(): """ Scan all of Nuke's plugin load paths and attempt to load any .dylib, .so, or .dll files as a plugin, skipping any files listed in PLUGINS_FILTER. """ tried = 0 failed = 0 p = nuke.plugins(nuke.ALL, "*."+nuke.PLUGIN_EXT) for i in p: if _filterPlugin(i): continue tried += 1 print(i) try: try_load = nuke.load(i) except: print(i, "failed to load.") failed += 1 if failed > 0: print(failed, "of", tried, "plugin(s) total did not load") else: print("All available binary plugins (",tried,") successfully loaded")