#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import itertools
from hiero.core import (EffectTrackItem,
from . find_items import findItemsInAllProjects
from _nuke import Undo
class EffectTransform(object):
""" Class for handling scale and translation of effect knob values. """
def __init__(self, scaleX=1.0, scaleY=1.0, translateX=0.0, translateY=0.0):
self._scaleX = scaleX
self._scaleY = scaleY
self._translateX = translateX
self._translateY = translateY
def setScale(self, scaleX, scaleY):
self._scaleX = scaleX
self._scaleY = scaleY
def getScale(self):
return self._scaleX, self._scaleY
def setTranslate(self, translateX, translateY):
self._translateX = translateX
self._translateY = translateY
def scaleX(self, value):
return value * self._scaleX
def scaleY(self, value):
return value * self._scaleY
def translateAndScaleX(self, value):
return value * self._scaleX + self._translateX
def translateAndScaleY(self, value):
return value * self._scaleY + self._translateY
def __str__(self):
return ("EffectTransform(scaleX=%s, scaleY=%s, translateX=%s translateY=%s)"
% (self._scaleX, self._scaleY, self._translateX, self._translateY))
def _transformKnobValue(knob, transform, errorCallback):
""" Apply a transform function to a knob, taking account of animations. """
if knob.hasExpression():
errorCallback("Could not transform expression on node '%s' knob '%s'" %
(knob.node().name(), knob.name()))
elif knob.isAnimated():
for anim in knob.animations():
for key in list(anim.keys()):
oldValue = key.y
newValue = transform(key.y)
key.y = newValue
newValue = transform(knob.getValue())
def _transformArrayKnobValueFromKnob(knob, index, transform, knobDep, indexDep, errorCallback):
""" Apply a transformation to the given index in an array knob that depends on another array Knob """
#knobDep will be use to transform the knob
if knob.hasExpression(index) or knobDep.hasExpression(indexDep):
errorCallback("Could not transform expression on node '%s' knob '%s' in terms of knob '%s'" %
(knob.node().name(), knob.name(), knobDep.name()))
elif not knob.isAnimated(index) and not knobDep.isAnimated(indexDep):
#none of the knobs are animated, transform it
newValue = transform( knob.getValue(index), knobDep.getValue(indexDep))
knob.setValue(newValue, index)
elif knob.isAnimated(index) and not knobDep.isAnimated(indexDep):
#only for each key on
knobDepValue = knobDep.getValue(indexDep)
anim = knob.animation(index)
for key in list(anim.keys()):
newValue = transform(key.y, knobDepValue )
elif not knob.isAnimated(index) and knobDep.isAnimated(indexDep):
#knob is not animated, add a keyframe for each keyframe in knobDep
anim = knobDep.animation(indexDep)
knobValue = knob.getValue(index)
for key in list(anim.keys()):
newValue = transform(knobValue, knobDep.getValueAt(key.x,indexDep))
knob.setValueAt(newValue, key.x, index)
#both animated, add all missing keyframes on knob and transform them all
anim = knob.animation(index)
animDep = knobDep.animation(indexDep)
#get the union of the keyframes in both knobs
keyFrames = set(key.x for key in list(anim.keys()))
keyFrames.update(key.x for key in list(animDep.keys()))
keyFrameList = list(keyFrames)
#get a copy of the values to transform them
originalValueList = [knob.getValueAt( keyFrame, index ) for keyFrame in keyFrameList]
for (frame, originalValue) in zip(keyFrameList, originalValueList):
newValue = transform(originalValue, knobDep.getValueAt( frame, indexDep ))
knob.setValueAt(newValue, frame, index)
def _transformArrayKnobValue(knob, index, transform, errorCallback):
"Apply a transformation to the given index in an array knob. """
if knob.hasExpression(index):
errorCallback("Could not transform expression on node '%s' knob '%s'" %
(knob.node().name(), knob.name()))
elif knob.isAnimated(index):
anim = knob.animation(index)
for key in list(anim.keys()):
newValue = transform(key.y)
knob.setValueAt( newValue, key.x, index)
newValue = transform( knob.getValue(index) )
knob.setValue(newValue, index)
def _transformCropEffect(node, formatChange, errorCallback):
# Transform the crop box
transform = formatChange.getTransformForFormat()
transformXFunc = transform.translateAndScaleX
transformYFunc = transform.translateAndScaleY
boxKnob = node["box"]
for i in (0, 2):
_transformArrayKnobValue(boxKnob, i, transformXFunc, errorCallback)
for i in (1, 3):
_transformArrayKnobValue(boxKnob, i, transformYFunc, errorCallback)
def _transformTransformEffect(node, formatChange, errorCallback):
# If the transform is not linked to a clip, or is linked to one that is
# scaling to the output format, transform the translate and center knobs so it
# fits the new format.
# If it's linked to a clip that isn't being scaled, then just the center point
# needs to be offset to handle the clip being centered in the new format
if not formatChange.hasUnscaledClip():
transform = formatChange.getTransformForFormat()
knob = node["translate"]
scaleXFunc = transform.scaleX
scaleYFunc = transform.scaleY
_transformArrayKnobValue(knob, 0, scaleXFunc, errorCallback)
_transformArrayKnobValue(knob, 1, scaleYFunc, errorCallback)
knob = node["center"]
translateAndScaleXFunc = transform.translateAndScaleX
translateAndScaleYFunc = transform.translateAndScaleY
_transformArrayKnobValue(knob, 0, translateAndScaleXFunc, errorCallback)
_transformArrayKnobValue(knob, 1, translateAndScaleYFunc, errorCallback)
transform = formatChange.getTransformOffsetUnscaledClip()
translateXFunc = transform.translateAndScaleX
translateYFunc = transform.translateAndScaleY
centerKnob = node["center"]
_transformArrayKnobValue(centerKnob, 0, translateXFunc, errorCallback)
_transformArrayKnobValue(centerKnob, 1, translateYFunc, errorCallback)
def _transformTextEffect(node, formatChange, errorCallback):
reformatState = formatChange.reformatState
scaledToFormat = not reformatState or (formatChange.reformatStateType() == "to format" and
formatChange.reformatStateResizeType() != "none")
if scaledToFormat:
if formatChange.reformatState:
transform = formatChange.getTransformForReformatState()
transform = formatChange.getTransformForFormat()
transformXFunc = transform.translateAndScaleX
transformYFunc = transform.translateAndScaleY
scaleXFunc = transform.scaleX
scaleYFunc = transform.scaleY
autofit = node["autofit_bbox"]
transformKnob = node["animation_layers"]
boxKnob = node["box"]
boxXFunc = lambda x, t: x+transformXFunc(t)-t
boxYFunc = lambda y, t: y+transformYFunc(t)-t
#transform the box in terms of the center knob
for i in (0, 2):
_transformArrayKnobValueFromKnob(boxKnob, i, boxXFunc, transformKnob, 2, errorCallback)
for i in (1, 3):
_transformArrayKnobValueFromKnob(boxKnob, i, boxYFunc, transformKnob, 3, errorCallback)
_transformArrayKnobValue(transformKnob, 2, transformXFunc, errorCallback)#center
_transformArrayKnobValue(transformKnob, 3, transformYFunc, errorCallback)#center
_transformArrayKnobValue(transformKnob, 6, scaleXFunc, errorCallback)#scalex
_transformArrayKnobValue(transformKnob, 7, scaleYFunc, errorCallback)#scaley
_transformArrayKnobValue(transformKnob, 4, scaleXFunc, errorCallback)#translate
_transformArrayKnobValue(transformKnob, 5, scaleYFunc, errorCallback)#translate
transform = formatChange.getTransformOffsetUnscaledClip()
transformXFunc = transform.translateAndScaleX
transformYFunc = transform.translateAndScaleY
centerKnob = node["animation_layers"]
_transformArrayKnobValue(centerKnob, 4, transformXFunc, errorCallback)#translate
_transformArrayKnobValue(centerKnob, 5, transformYFunc, errorCallback)#translate
def _transformBurnInEffect(node, formatChange, errorCallback):
# For the burn-in, there's not much to be done. Just choose a scale factor
# and apply that to the border padding and the text scaling.
transform = formatChange.getTransformForFormatNoReformatState()
knobs = ("burnIn_xPadding",
for knob in knobs:
_transformKnobValue(node[knob], transform.scaleX, errorCallback)
EffectTransforms = { "Crop" : _transformCropEffect,
"Transform" : _transformTransformEffect,
"Text2" : _transformTextEffect,
"BurnIn" : _transformBurnInEffect }
def iterSequenceEffects(sequence):
""" Generator for iteration over the EffectTrackItems in a sequence. """
for track in sequence.videoTracks():
for subTrackItem in itertools.chain(*track.subTrackItems()):
if isinstance(subTrackItem, EffectTrackItem):
yield subTrackItem
def _calculateScaleHelper(inFormat, outFormat, resizeType, scale):
""" Helper function for calculating the scaling between two formats for a
given resize type. Maths copied from Reformat.cpp
hxscale = float(outFormat.width()) / float(inFormat.width())
hyscale = hxscale * outFormat.pixelAspect() / inFormat.pixelAspect()
vyscale = float(outFormat.height()) / float(inFormat.height())
vxscale = vyscale * inFormat.pixelAspect() / outFormat.pixelAspect()
if resizeType == "none":
return (1.0, 1.0)
elif resizeType == "fit":
return (hxscale, hyscale) if (hxscale <= vxscale) else (vxscale, vyscale)
elif resizeType == "fill":
return (hxscale, hyscale) if (hxscale >= vxscale) else (vxscale, vyscale)
elif resizeType == "width":
return (hxscale, hyscale)
elif resizeType == "height":
return (vxscale, vyscale)
elif resizeType == "distort":
return (hxscale, vyscale)
elif resizeType == "scale":
return (scale, scale)
raise RuntimeError("unhandled resize type %s",resizeType)
def reformatStateToDict(reformatState):
""" Helper to convert hiero.core.ReformatState to dict. """
return {"type":reformatState.type(),
class FormatChange(object):
""" Helper class for calculating the changes between two formats. """
def __init__(self, newFormat, oldFormat, clipFormat=None, reformatState=None):
self.newFormat = newFormat
self.oldFormat = oldFormat
self.clipFormat = clipFormat
# Allow reformatState to be either a hiero.core.ReformatState object or a
# dict. If it's the former, put it into a dict.
if isinstance(reformatState, ReformatState):
self.reformatState = reformatStateToDict(reformatState)
self.reformatState = reformatState
def reformatStateType(self):
return self.reformatState["type"] if self.reformatState else None
def reformatStateResizeType(self):
return self.reformatState["resize_type"] if self.reformatState else None
def reformatStateResizeCenter(self):
return self.reformatState["resize_center"] if self.reformatState else None
def newWidth(self):
return float(self.newFormat.width())
def newHeight(self):
return float(self.newFormat.height())
def oldWidth(self):
return float(self.oldFormat.width())
def oldHeight(self):
return float(self.oldFormat.height())
def widthRatio(self):
return self.newWidth() / self.oldWidth()
def heightRatio(self):
return self.newHeight() / self.oldHeight()
def calculateCenterOffset(self, transform):
""" Add translation required to center the image for the scale in the
given transform.
scaleX, scaleY = transform.getScale()
transform.setTranslate( (self.newWidth() - (self.oldWidth() * scaleX)) / 2.0,
(self.newHeight() - (self.oldHeight() * scaleY)) / 2.0 )
def calculateScale(self, resizeType):
""" Calculate the scaling from the old format to the new format for the given
resize type.
# Note, we use a scale value of 1 (corresponding to the Scale knob on the reformat),
# since it doesn't matter - we only return the ratio of new/old scale, and so any
# contribution from the scale knob would be cancelled out
oldScaleX, oldScaleY = _calculateScaleHelper(self.clipFormat, self.oldFormat, resizeType, 1)
newScaleX, newScaleY = _calculateScaleHelper(self.clipFormat, self.newFormat, resizeType, 1)
return (newScaleX / oldScaleX, newScaleY / oldScaleY)
def getTransformForReformatState(self):
""" Calculate the transform for a format change, taking into account the
reformat settings on a track item.
#disabled, to scale 1 and resize type none should be the same result
reformatType = self.reformatStateType()
transform = EffectTransform()
if reformatType == "to format":
resizeType = self.reformatStateResizeType()
elif reformatType in ("disabled", "scale"):
# This doesn't need to do anything apart from offsetting for the
# centering, which is handled below
raise RuntimeError("unhandled reformatType %s",reformatType)
if self.isClipReformatCentered():
return transform
def getTransformForFormatNoReformatState(self):
""" Calculate the transform for a format change. This just scales by the ratio
of the width/height of the old to new format. """
return EffectTransform(self.widthRatio(), self.heightRatio(), 0, 0)
def getTransformForFormat(self):
""" Get the transform to shift to the new format, taking into account the
clip reformat state.
if self.reformatState:
return self.getTransformForReformatState()
return self.getTransformForFormatNoReformatState()
def getTransformOffsetUnscaledClip(self):
""" If clips are not scaled to sequence format, when the format changes
transforms should just be offset to compensate for the centering of the clip
in the new format.
transform = EffectTransform()
if self.isClipReformatCentered():
of, nf, cf = self.oldFormat, self.newFormat, self.clipFormat
transform.setTranslate( (nf.width()-cf.width())/2 - (of.width()-cf.width())/2,
(nf.height()-cf.height())/2 - (of.height()-cf.height())/2 )
return transform
def isClipReformatCentered(self):
""" Check if the clip is centered in the sequence format. This is always
true if set to 'disabled'.
return self.reformatStateType() == "disabled" or self.reformatStateResizeCenter()
def hasUnscaledClip(self):
return (self.reformatState and (self.reformatStateType() != "to format" or
self.reformatStateResizeType() == "none"))
def findLinkedTrackItem(effectItem):
""" Find the main video track item linked to an effect. """
track = effectItem.parentTrack()
for item in effectItem.linkedItems():
if isinstance(item, TrackItem) and item.parentTrack() == track:
return item
return None
def transformNodeToFormatChange(node, formatChange, errorCallback):
transformFunc = EffectTransforms.get(node.Class(), None)
if transformFunc:
transformFunc(node, formatChange, errorCallback)
def transformEffectToFormat(effectItem, format, oldFormat, errorCallback):
trackItem = findLinkedTrackItem(effectItem)
if trackItem:
formatChange = FormatChange(format, oldFormat, trackItem.source().format(), trackItem.reformatState())
formatChange = FormatChange(format, oldFormat)
node = effectItem.node()
transformNodeToFormatChange(node, formatChange, errorCallback)
def transformSequenceEffectsToFormat(sequence, format, oldFormat, errorCallback):
for effectItem in iterSequenceEffects(sequence):
transformEffectToFormat(effectItem, format, oldFormat, errorCallback)
def calculateReformat(inFormat, outFormat, resizeType, center, scale):
""" Converts from inFormat to outFormat using the specified resizeType and
center to determine how the reformat should happen. Returns a tuple
(x, y, w, h) providing the format's coordinates within the new format space.
The logic of this function comes from the Reformat node, but ommitting
flip, flop and turn.
(sx, sy) = _calculateScaleHelper(inFormat, outFormat, resizeType, scale)
iw = inFormat.width()
ih = inFormat.height()
x = y = 0
if (center):
ow = outFormat.width()
oh = outFormat.height()
x = int((ow - iw) / 2.0) if sx ==1 else (ow - iw * sx) / 2.0
y = int((oh - ih) / 2.0) if sy ==1 else (oh - ih * sy) / 2.0
w = iw * sx + x
h = ih * sy + y
return (x, y, w, h)
[docs]def executeEffectNode(effectNode, frames):
""" Execute a node belonging to a soft effect in the timeline. This is similar
to the nuke.execute() function.
@param effectNode: the node to execute
@param frames: a sequence of frame numbers to execute
allEffectItems = findItemsInAllProjects(filter=EffectTrackItem)
effectForNode = next((item for item in allEffectItems if item.node() == effectNode), None)
if not effectForNode:
raise RuntimeError(f"Could not find effect item for node {effectNode.name()}")