// dpxReader.C // Copyright (c) 2009 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd. All Rights Reserved. #ifndef FN_EXAMPLE_PLUGIN #include "Base/fnThreadLocalStorage.h" #endif // ndef FN_EXAMPLE_PLUGIN #include "DDImage/FileReader.h" #include "DDImage/Row.h" #include "DDImage/DDMath.h" #include "DDImage/Knob.h" #include "DDImage/ARRAY.h" #include "DDImage/Matrix3.h" #include "DDImage/Memory.h" #include "DDImage/MemoryHolder.h" #include "DDImage/MemHolderFactory.h" #include "DDImage/LUT.h" #include "DPXimage.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace DD::Image; const float Kb = .0722f; //.114f; const float Kr = .2126f; //.299f; ///! Sanitizes the string by replacing any non-printable characters with ///! C-style escape sequences. inline std::string SanitizeString(const std::string& s) { std::ostringstream oss; for (size_t i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { if (isprint(s[i])) oss << s[i]; else // double-cast here is intentional to (a) keep character in range 0-255 rather than -128-127 and // (b) then to print it to the stream as a number rather than as a char oss << "\\x" << std::setw(2) << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << (unsigned int)((unsigned char)s[i]); } return oss.str(); } struct Count { unsigned int value; Count() : value(0) {} }; #ifndef FN_EXAMPLE_PLUGIN typedef Foundry::Base::ThreadLocalStorage ThreadLocalCount; #endif //FN_EXAMPLE_PLUGIN #define kMaxDPXElements 8 // FileBuffer to hold data from the file for up to kMaxDPXElements DPX elements. // Derives from MemoryHolder to provide usage information to Nuke's memory manager. class FileBuffer : public MemoryHolder { public: static FileBuffer* create(Iop* iopOwner) { return MemHolderFactory::create(iopOwner); } ~FileBuffer() override { deleteBuffers(); } void resizeBuffer(int index, size_t requestedSize) { // Resize the buffer if it is bigger or smaller than the requested size (so we have enough space, // but also don't keep hold of more space than we need). if (_bufferSize[index] != requestedSize) { if (_buffer[index] != nullptr) { Memory::deallocate(_buffer[index]); } _buffer[index] = Memory::allocate(requestedSize); _bufferSize[index] = requestedSize; } } // Get and set the y-coordinate of the first and last lines stored in the buffer. void setYMin(int y) { _yMin = y; } int getYMin() const { return _yMin; } void setYMax(int y) { _yMax = y; } int getYMax() const { return _yMax; } void setYRange(int yMin, int yMax) { _yMin = yMin; _yMax = yMax; } // Get the buffer to use for the given element. uchar* getBuffer(int index) { mFnAssert(index >= 0 && index < kMaxDPXElements); return _buffer[index]; } // Get the buffer size for the given element. size_t getBufferSize(int index) const { mFnAssert(index >=0 && index < kMaxDPXElements); return _bufferSize[index]; } // Return the total amount of memory allocated across all elements. size_t getTotalBufferSize() const { size_t totalBufferSize = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kMaxDPXElements; i++) { totalBufferSize += _bufferSize[i]; } return totalBufferSize; } // Implementation of memoryFree from MemoryHolder. Frees memory, if the file buffer // is not currently being accessed by any thread. bool memoryFree(size_t amount) override { if (getTotalBufferSize() == 0) { // There's nothing to free - return immediately. return false; } // If the buffer is not currently in use, we will try to free it. if (getUserCount() == 0) { // Lock the buffer to flag to any new users that they should not try to use it, // but instead read any lines they need directly from the file. _locked = true; // Check for any new users that sneaked in before we managed to lock. if (getUserCount() > 0) { // Unlock - we can't free anything as the buffer is now in use. _locked = false; return false; } // The buffer's not in use - we can free it. deleteBuffers(); return true; } // The buffer was in use - we couldn't free anything. return false; } // Implementation of memoryInfo from MemoryHolder void memoryInfo(Memory::MemoryInfoArray& output, const void* restrict_to) const override { // Sum up the memory in all our buffers. unsigned int totalBytes = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kMaxDPXElements; i++) { totalBytes += _bufferSize[i]; } output.push_back(Memory::MemoryInfo(_iopOwner, totalBytes)); } // Implementation of memoryWeight from MemoryHolder int memoryWeight() const override { // getUserCount() provides a snapshot of whether any threads are currently accessing the // buffer. If it returns 0, it doesn't mean a thread might not be just about to access // the buffer, but we can't know one way or the other. Our best guess if that if the // buffer is currently in use, it would not be efficient to free it. If it's not in use, // we will always allow it to be freed, and any thread which was about to access it will // be forced to fall back to reading from the file instead. (This will still work, it // just might be slower.) if (getUserCount() > 0) { // The buffer is in use - prefer not to free it. return 1000; } else { // Nothing's using the buffer - it's probably OK to free it. return 0; } } // Increment the user count for the current thread. void addUser() { #ifndef FN_EXAMPLE_PLUGIN _bufferUsers.local().value++; #endif // FN_EXAMPLE_PLUGIN } // Decrement the user count for the current thread. void removeUser() { #ifndef FN_EXAMPLE_PLUGIN _bufferUsers.local().value--; #endif // FN_EXAMPLE_PLUGIN } // Get the total user count over all threads which have accessed the file buffer. unsigned int getUserCount() const { unsigned int totalUsers = 0; #ifndef FN_EXAMPLE_PLUGIN for (ThreadLocalCount::iterator it = _bufferUsers.begin(); it != _bufferUsers.end(); ++it) { totalUsers += it->value; } #endif // FN_EXAMPLE_PLUGIN return totalUsers; } // If the buffer is locked, you should not attempt to use it. bool locked() { return _locked; } protected: // Don't call this directly; use FileBuffer::create() instead, to register // the cache with Nuke's memory manager. FileBuffer(Iop* iopOwner) : _iopOwner(iopOwner) , _locked(false) { // Initialise file buffers for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kMaxDPXElements; i++) { _buffer[i] = nullptr; _bufferSize[i] = 0; } } // Clear buffers and return whether or not any buffers were in use (used by memoryFree). bool deleteBuffers() { bool wasCleared = false; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kMaxDPXElements; i++) { wasCleared |= clearBuffer(i); } return wasCleared; } // Clear buffer and return whether or not the buffer was in use (used by memoryFree). bool clearBuffer(int index) { bool wasCleared = false; if (_buffer[index] != nullptr) { Memory::deallocate(_buffer[index]); _buffer[index] = nullptr; wasCleared = true; } _bufferSize[index] = 0; return wasCleared; } private: uchar* _buffer[kMaxDPXElements]; //!< Internal file buffer to hold up to kMaxDPXElements DPX elements. size_t _bufferSize[kMaxDPXElements]; //!< The current size of the file buffer for each of the kMaxDPXElements DPX elements. int _yMin; //!< The y-coordinate of the first line stored in the buffer. int _yMax; //!< The y-coordinate of the last line stored in the buffer. Iop* _iopOwner; //!< The Iop that owns the thing that created this file buffer. For memory-tracking purposes. #ifndef FN_EXAMPLE_PLUGIN mutable ThreadLocalCount _bufferUsers; //!< Thread-local counter to keep track of whether or not the buffer is in use. #endif //FN_EXAMPLE_PLUGIN bool _locked; //!< Lock the buffer. }; // Scoped file buffer guard. Flag that we are using the buffer on construction, // and remove the flag on destruction. class FileBufferGuard { public: FileBufferGuard(FileBuffer* buffer) : _buffer(buffer) { _buffer->addUser(); } ~FileBufferGuard() { _buffer->removeUser(); } private: FileBuffer* _buffer; }; class dpxReader : public FileReader { // this is the parts of the header we keep: bool _flipEndian; bool ycbcr_hack; unsigned orientation; unsigned width; unsigned height; struct Element { U8 descriptor; U8 transfer; //!< The transfer characteristics used to transform the data when writing the file. U8 bits; bool is_nl_matte; // Set if channel contains a Northlight matte U16 packing; U32 dataOffset; U32 bytes; // bytes per line int components; // descriptor decoded into # of components ChannelSet channels; // which Nuke channels it supplies } element[kMaxDPXElements]; int _fileSize; //!< The size of the dpx file. int _numElements; //!< The number of elements with data. static const Description description; MetaData::Bundle meta; // Storage for whether or not we should read all lines at once. bool _readAllLines; // Internal file buffer controls. This buffer is used to store the entire contents of the file when // reading full frames (where possible) has been requested on the command line. FileBuffer* _requestedLinesPreloadBuffer; bool testFileBuffer() const { // Test returns true if we have a file buffer and it is not locked. return (_requestedLinesPreloadBuffer != nullptr && !_requestedLinesPreloadBuffer->locked()); } // Whether we need to invert y when reading from the file. bool invertY() const { return !(orientation & 2); } void readAllLines() { // If we have a file buffer, and it hasn't been locked due to low memory, allocate // space for reading the requested lines into. if (testFileBuffer()) { ChannelSet remaining(info_.channels()); if (ycbcr_hack && (info_.channels() & Mask_RGB)) remaining += Mask_RGB; // Determine the first and last lines we need to read from the file. const Box& requestBox = iop->requestedBox(); const int yMin = invertY() ? height - requestBox.t() : requestBox.y(); const int yMax = invertY() ? height - requestBox.y() - 1 : requestBox.t(); // Guard to prevent memory being freed while we are trying to allocate it. FileBufferGuard guard(_requestedLinesPreloadBuffer); // Test again to make sure no memory is being freed. if (!_requestedLinesPreloadBuffer->locked()) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < kMaxDPXElements; i++) { if (element[i].channels & remaining) { // Calculate the buffer size required to read all requested lines for // the current element from the file. const unsigned int nLines = yMax - yMin + 1; const size_t bufferSize = element[i].bytes * nLines; // This will reallocate the buffer if the size has changed. _requestedLinesPreloadBuffer->resizeBuffer(i, bufferSize); _requestedLinesPreloadBuffer->setYRange(yMin, yMax); // Read all requested lines from the file into our internal buffer. read((void *)_requestedLinesPreloadBuffer->getBuffer(i), element[i].dataOffset + yMin * element[i].bytes, static_cast(bufferSize)); remaining -= element[i].channels; if (!remaining) break; } } } } } public: const MetaData::Bundle& fetchMetaData(const char* key) override { return meta; } dpxReader(Read* iop, int fd, const unsigned char* block, int len) : FileReader(iop, fd, block, len) { _readAllLines = readAllLinesRequested(); if (_readAllLines) { // Use an internal file buffer to cache the requested lines from the file _requestedLinesPreloadBuffer = FileBuffer::create(iop); } else { _requestedLinesPreloadBuffer = nullptr; } // #rick: Maybe this sort of thing should by moved to FileReader? // Find out how large the whole file is for use by planarReadPass(). struct stat statBuffer; fstat(fd, &statBuffer); _fileSize = statBuffer.st_size; DPXHeader header; // Copy the header chunk raw: read(&header, 0, int(sizeof(header))); // Put the header into native-endianess: if (header.file.magicNumber != DPX_MAGIC) { _flipEndian = true; flip(&header.file.magicNumber, 2); // magicNumber & offsetToImageData flip(&header.file.totalFileSize, 5); // totalFileSize thru userDataSize flip(&header.image.orientation, 2); // orientation & numberElements flip(&header.image.pixelsPerLine, 2); // pixelsPerLine & linesPerImage for (int i = 0; i < header.image.numberElements; i++) { flip(&header.image.element[i].dataSign, 5); // dataSign, low/high stuff flip(&header.image.element[i].packing, 2); // packing & encoding flip(&header.image.element[i].dataOffset, 3); // dataOffset, eol/imagePadding } flip((U32*)(&header.film.frameRate), 1); flip((U32*)(&header.film.framePosition), 1); flip((U32*)(&header.film.sequenceLen), 1); flip((U32*)(&header.film.heldCount), 1); flip((U32*)(&header.film.shutterAngle), 1); flip((U32*)(&header.film.frameId), 1); flip((U32*)(&header.video.horzSampleRate), 10); flip(&header.video.timeCode, 2); flip((U32*)(&header.orientation.pixelAspect), 2); } else { _flipEndian = false; } width = header.image.pixelsPerLine; height = header.image.linesPerImage; _numElements = header.image.numberElements; // Figure out the pixel aspect ratio. We recognize two possible // 'invalid' values -- all 0s or all 1s. // Equality is also invalid because Shake writes that for all images // Another bug version writes the image size as the pixel aspect, // ignore that. // Note that in set_info, pixel aspect ratio will eventually be defaulted // to 1 or 2 depending on -a (anamorphic) Nuke option. // Note that equality is removed from invalid cases to support square pixels. // Based on a line above, if any customers are using Shake written anamorphic png // files and are relying on pre created format with correct aspect ratio, that format // won't be picked up now. The solution would be to set the format after loading. // This probably is a very unlikely case. double pixel_aspect = 0; if ( header.orientation.pixelAspect[0] != 0 && header.orientation.pixelAspect[1] != 0 && header.orientation.pixelAspect[0] != 0xffffffff && header.orientation.pixelAspect[1] != 0xffffffff && (header.orientation.pixelAspect[0] != width || header.orientation.pixelAspect[1] != height)) { pixel_aspect = (double)header.orientation.pixelAspect[0] / (double)header.orientation.pixelAspect[1]; } // Set the image size. We will figure out the channels later from the elements, use rgb here: set_info(width, height, 3, pixel_aspect); #define DUMP_HEADER 0 #if DUMP_HEADER printf("%s:", header.file.imageFileName); if (_flipEndian) printf(" flipEndian"); printf("\n"); // printf(" size=%dx%dx, ", header.image.pixelsPerLine, // header.image.linesPerImage); // printf(" orientation=%x\n", header.image.orientation); #endif int bitdepth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < header.image.numberElements; i++) { if (header.image.element[i].bits > bitdepth) bitdepth = header.image.element[i].bits; } ycbcr_hack = false; info_.channels(Mask_None); for (int i = 0; i < header.image.numberElements; i++) { #if DUMP_HEADER printf(" %d: ", i); // printf(" lowData=%d\n", header.image.element[i].lowData); // printf(" lowQuantity=%f\n", header.image.element[i].lowQuantity); // printf(" highData=%d\n", header.image.element[i].highData); // printf(" highQuantity=%f\n", header.image.element[i].highQuantity); printf("d %d, ", header.image.element[i].descriptor); printf("t %d, ", header.image.element[i].transfer); printf("c %d, ", header.image.element[i].colorimetric); printf("%d bits, ", header.image.element[i].bits); if (header.image.element[i].dataSign) printf("signed, "); if (header.image.element[i].packing) printf("filled=%d, ", header.image.element[i].packing); if (header.image.element[i].encoding) printf("rle=%d, ", header.image.element[i].encoding); // printf(" dataOffset=%d\n", header.image.element[i].dataOffset); if (header.image.element[i].eolPadding) printf("eolPadding=%d, ", header.image.element[i].eolPadding); // printf(" eoImagePadding=%d\n", header.image.element[i].eoImagePadding); printf("\"%s\"\n", header.image.element[i].description); #endif element[i].descriptor = header.image.element[i].descriptor; switch (element[i].descriptor) { case DESCRIPTOR_R: element[i].channels = Mask_Red; element[i].components = 1; break; case DESCRIPTOR_G: element[i].channels = Mask_Green; element[i].components = 1; break; case DESCRIPTOR_B: element[i].channels = Mask_Blue; element[i].components = 1; break; case DESCRIPTOR_A: element[i].channels = Mask_Alpha; element[i].components = 1; break; default: printf("Unknown DPX element descriptor %d\n", element[i].descriptor); case DESCRIPTOR_Y: element[i].channels = Mask_RGB; element[i].components = 1; break; case DESCRIPTOR_CbCr: element[i].channels = ChannelSetInit(6); // blue+green element[i].components = 1; if (i && element[0].descriptor == DESCRIPTOR_Y) { element[0].channels = Mask_Red; ycbcr_hack = true; } break; case DESCRIPTOR_Z: element[i].channels = Mask_Z; element[i].components = 1; break; case DESCRIPTOR_RGB: element[i].channels = Mask_RGB; element[i].components = 3; break; case DESCRIPTOR_RGBA: element[i].channels = Mask_RGBA; element[i].components = 4; break; case DESCRIPTOR_ABGR: element[i].channels = Mask_RGBA; element[i].components = 4; break; case DESCRIPTOR_CbYCrY: element[i].channels = Mask_RGB; element[i].components = 2; break; case DESCRIPTOR_CbYACrYA: element[i].channels = Mask_RGBA; element[i].components = 3; break; case DESCRIPTOR_CbYCr: element[i].channels = Mask_RGB; element[i].components = 3; break; case DESCRIPTOR_CbYCrA: element[i].channels = Mask_RGBA; element[i].components = 4; break; case DESCRIPTOR_USER_2: element[i].channels = ChannelSetInit(3); // red+green element[i].components = 2; break; case DESCRIPTOR_USER_3: element[i].channels = Mask_RGB; element[i].components = 3; break; case DESCRIPTOR_USER_4: element[i].channels = Mask_RGBA; element[i].components = 4; break; case DESCRIPTOR_USER_5: element[i].channels = Mask_RGBA; element[i].components = 5; break; case DESCRIPTOR_USER_6: element[i].channels = Mask_RGBA; element[i].components = 6; break; case DESCRIPTOR_USER_7: element[i].channels = Mask_RGBA; element[i].components = 7; break; case DESCRIPTOR_USER_8: element[i].channels = Mask_RGBA; element[i].components = 8; break; } element[i].bits = header.image.element[i].bits; element[i].packing = header.image.element[i].packing; element[i].is_nl_matte = false; //element[i].encoding = header.image.element[i].encoding; element[i].dataOffset = header.image.element[i].dataOffset; element[i].transfer = header.image.element[i].transfer; switch (element[i].bits) { case 1: // Northlight mattes use 8-bit words if(!strcmp(header.image.element[i].description, "NL CLEAN MATTE")) { element[i].bytes = (width * element[i].components + 7) / 8; element[i].is_nl_matte = true; } else element[i].bytes = (width * element[i].components + 31) / 32 * 4; break; case 8: element[i].bytes = (width * element[i].components + 3) & - 4; break; case 10: if (element[i].packing) { element[i].bytes = (width * element[i].components + 2) / 3 * 4; // detect stupid writers that did the math wrong struct stat s; fstat(fd, &s); if (element[i].dataOffset + element[i].bytes * height > size_t(s.st_size)) element[i].bytes = (width * element[i].components) / 3 * 4; } else element[i].bytes = (width * element[i].components * 10 + 31) / 32 * 4; break; case 12: if (element[i].packing) element[i].bytes = (width * element[i].components) * 2; else element[i].bytes = (width * element[i].components * 12 + 31) / 32 * 4; break; case 16: element[i].bytes = (width * element[i].components) * 2; break; case 32: // no sample files available for this case 64: // no sample files available for this default: printf("Unhandled DPX number of bits %d\n", element[i].bits); element[i].channels = Mask_None; break; } meta.setDataIfNotEmpty(MetaData::ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION[i], header.image.element[i].description); if (header.image.element[i].eolPadding != 0xffffffff) { // Add the end-of-line padding value to the number of bytes per line. // Note: Some exporters write garbage to this, so only add the padding if won't cause the image // data to overlap the next element or go past the end of the file if this is the last element. We // could still have a small garbage offset that isn't detected here but at least it won't cause // the reader to crash. size_t maxAllowedEndOfImage = ((i + 1) < header.image.numberElements) ? header.image.element[i + 1].dataOffset: static_cast(_fileSize); size_t imageSizeWithEolPadding = (element[i].bytes + header.image.element[i].eolPadding) * height; size_t endOfImageWithEolPadding = element[i].dataOffset + imageSizeWithEolPadding; if (endOfImageWithEolPadding <= maxAllowedEndOfImage) element[i].bytes += header.image.element[i].eolPadding; } info_.turn_on(element[i].channels); } std::string edgecode; DPXFilmHeader* s = &(header.film); if ( s->filmManufacturingIdCode[0] && s->filmType[0] && s->perfsOffset[0] && s->prefix[0] && s->count[0] ) { char buffer[22]; snprintf( buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%c%c %c%c %c%c%c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c %c%c", s->filmManufacturingIdCode[0], s->filmManufacturingIdCode[1], s->filmType[0], s->filmType[1], s->prefix[0], s->prefix[1], s->prefix[2], s->prefix[3], s->prefix[4], s->prefix[5], s->count[0], s->count[1], s->count[2], s->count[3], s->perfsOffset[0], s->perfsOffset[1] ); edgecode = buffer; snprintf( buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%c%c %c%c %c%c %c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c %c%c", s->filmManufacturingIdCode[0], s->filmManufacturingIdCode[1], s->filmType[0], s->filmType[1], s->prefix[0], s->prefix[1], s->prefix[2], s->prefix[3], s->prefix[4], s->prefix[5], s->count[0], s->count[1], s->count[2], s->count[3], s->perfsOffset[0], s->perfsOffset[1] ); meta.setData( MetaData::EDGECODE, SanitizeString(buffer) ); } orientation = header.image.orientation; info_.ydirection((orientation & 2) ? 1 : -1); switch (header.image.element[0].transfer) { case TRANSFER_USER: // seems to be used by some log files case TRANSFER_DENSITY: case TRANSFER_LOG: lut_ = LUT::GetLut(LUT::LOG, this); meta.setData(MetaData::DPX::TRANSFER, "log"); break; case TRANSFER_CCIR_709_1: lut_ = LUT::Builtin("rec709", this); meta.setData(MetaData::DPX::TRANSFER, "rec709"); break; case TRANSFER_LINEAR: // unfortunatly too much software writes this for sRGB... default: lut_ = LUT::GetLut(header.image.element[0].bits <= 8 ? LUT::INT8 : LUT::INT16, this); meta.setData(MetaData::DPX::TRANSFER, "sRGB"); break; } // XXXX meta.setDataIfNotEmpty(MetaData::COPYRIGHT, header.file.copyright); meta.setDataIfNotEmpty(MetaData::DPX::FILE_NAME, header.orientation.fileName); meta.setDataIfNotEmpty(MetaData::DPX::CREATION_TIME, header.orientation.creationTime); meta.setDataIfNotEmpty(MetaData::DPX::INPUT_DEVICE, header.orientation.inputName); meta.setDataIfNotEmpty(MetaData::DPX::INPUT_SN, header.orientation.inputSN); const R32 filmFrameRate = header.film.frameRate; const U32 timecode = header.video.timeCode; if(DPXValid(timecode)) { // The timecode is encoded as 0xHHMMSSFF where the drop frame flag is also encoded into the FF part as 0x40 if enabled. char buffer[12]; U32 frames = timecode & 0xFF; U32 flags = 0x0; // We only support reading drop frames for 29.97fps footage. const bool supportsDropFrame = DPXImage::isDropFrameSupported(filmFrameRate); // Note on 59.94fps drop frame footage: Because of the way in which the drop frame flag is encoded into the 0x40 bit of the // frame number, this creates a problem as the frame number itself also requires the 0x40 bit for frames above 40.... // i.e. the dropframe timecode for frame 11 and the non-dropframe timecode for frame 51 are both 0x51. // For this reason we can't tell if a 59.94fps dpx is drop frame or not just from the header timecode. // Only 29.97 if (supportsDropFrame) { frames = timecode & 0x3F; flags = timecode & 0xC0; } const bool isDropFrame = 0 != (flags & DPXImage::kDropFrameFlag); // Use ';' for dropframe, else ':' const char* timecodeFormat = isDropFrame ? "%02x;%02x;%02x;%02x" : "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x"; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), timecodeFormat, timecode >> 24, (timecode >> 16) & 255, (timecode >> 8) & 255, frames); const std::string timecodeStr = buffer; meta.setData(MetaData::TIMECODE, timecodeStr); // Television if (timecode != 0) { meta.setData(MetaData::DPX::TIME_CODE, timecode); } } if (pixel_aspect != 0) { meta.setData(MetaData::PIXEL_ASPECT, pixel_aspect); } meta.setData(MetaData::DEPTH, MetaData::DEPTH_FIXED(bitdepth)); if ((header.video.userBits != 0) && (std::isfinite(static_cast(header.video.userBits)))) { meta.setData(MetaData::DPX::USER_BITS, header.video.userBits); } if ((header.video.interlace != 0) && (std::isfinite(static_cast(header.video.interlace)))) { meta.setData(MetaData::DPX::INTERLACE, header.video.interlace); } if ((header.video.fieldNumber != 0) && (std::isfinite(static_cast(header.video.fieldNumber)))) { meta.setData(MetaData::DPX::FIELD_NUMBER, header.video.fieldNumber); } if ((header.video.videoSignal != 0) && (std::isfinite(static_cast(header.video.videoSignal)))) { meta.setData(MetaData::DPX::VIDEO_SIGNAL, header.video.videoSignal); } if ((header.video.horzSampleRate != 0) && (std::isfinite(static_cast(header.video.horzSampleRate)))) { meta.setData(MetaData::DPX::HORIZ_SAMPLE, header.video.horzSampleRate); } if ((header.video.vertSampleRate != 0) && (std::isfinite(static_cast(header.video.vertSampleRate)))) { meta.setData(MetaData::DPX::VERT_SAMPLE, header.video.vertSampleRate); } if ((filmFrameRate > 0.f) && (std::isfinite(static_cast(filmFrameRate)))) { meta.setData(MetaData::FRAME_RATE, filmFrameRate); } if ((header.video.frameRate > 0.f) && (std::isfinite(static_cast(header.video.frameRate)))) { meta.setData(MetaData::DPX::FRAME_RATE, header.video.frameRate); } if ((header.video.timeOffset != 0) && (std::isfinite(static_cast(header.video.timeOffset)))) { meta.setData(MetaData::DPX::TIME_OFFSET, header.video.timeOffset); } if ((header.video.gamma != 0) && (std::isfinite(static_cast(header.video.gamma)))) { meta.setData(MetaData::DPX::GAMMA, header.video.gamma); } if ((header.video.blackLevel != 0) && (std::isfinite(static_cast(header.video.blackLevel)))) { meta.setData(MetaData::DPX::BLACK_LEVEL, header.video.blackLevel); } if ((header.video.blackGain != 0) && (std::isfinite(static_cast(header.video.blackGain)))) { meta.setData(MetaData::DPX::BLACK_GAIN, header.video.blackGain); } if ((header.video.breakpoint != 0) && (std::isfinite(static_cast(header.video.breakpoint)))) { meta.setData(MetaData::DPX::BREAK_POINT, header.video.breakpoint); } if ((header.video.whiteLevel != 0) && (std::isfinite(static_cast(header.video.whiteLevel)))) { meta.setData(MetaData::DPX::WHITE_LEVEL, header.video.whiteLevel); } if ((header.video.integrationTimes != 0) && (std::isfinite(static_cast(header.video.integrationTimes)))) { meta.setData(MetaData::DPX::INTEGRATION_TIMES, header.video.integrationTimes); } // if (header.film.framePosition != UNDEF_R32) { meta.setData(MetaData::DPX::FRAMEPOS, header.film.framePosition); // } if (header.film.sequenceLen != UNDEF_U32) { meta.setData(MetaData::DPX::SEQUENCE_LENGTH, header.film.sequenceLen); } if (header.film.heldCount != UNDEF_U32) { meta.setData(MetaData::DPX::HELD_COUNT, header.film.heldCount); } if (header.film.shutterAngle != UNDEF_R32) { meta.setData(MetaData::SHUTTER_ANGLE, header.film.shutterAngle); } meta.setDataIfNotEmpty(MetaData::DPX::FRAME_ID, header.film.frameId); meta.setDataIfNotEmpty(MetaData::SLATE_INFO, header.film.slateInfo); if (edgecode.length() && edgecode != "00 00 000000 0000 00") { meta.setData(MetaData::EDGECODE, edgecode); } meta.setTimeStamp(MetaData::FILE_CREATION_TIME, header.file.creationTime); meta.setDataIfNotEmpty(MetaData::CREATOR, header.file.creator); meta.setDataIfNotEmpty(MetaData::PROJECT, header.file.project); meta.setDataIfNotEmpty(MetaData::COPYRIGHT, header.file.copyright); meta.setDataIfNotEmpty(MetaData::FILENAME, header.file.imageFileName); } ~dpxReader() override { delete _requestedLinesPreloadBuffer; } void CConvert(float* dest, const uchar* src, int x, int r, int delta) { const float m = 1.0f / 255; const float off = .5f - 0x80 * m; for (; x < r; x++) dest[x] = src[x * delta] * m + off; } void CConvert(float* dest, const U16* src, int x, int r, int delta, int bits) { const float m = 1.0f / ((1 << bits) - 1); const float off = .5f - (1 << (bits - 1)) * m; for (; x < r; x++) dest[x] = src[x * delta] * m + off; } void CbConvert(float* dest, const uchar* src, int x, int r, int delta) { const float m = 1.0f / 255; const float m2 = m / 2; const float off = .5f - 0x80 * m; if (!(r & 1) && r >= int(width)) { dest[r - 1] = src[(r - 2) * delta] * m + off; r--; } for (; x < r; x++) { if (x & 1) dest[x] = (src[(x - 1) * delta] + src[(x + 1) * delta]) * m2 + off; else dest[x] = src[x * delta] * m + off; } } void CbConvert(float* dest, const U16* src, int x, int r, int delta, int bits) { const float m = 1.0f / ((1 << bits) - 1); const float m2 = m / 2; const float off = .5f - (1 << (bits - 1)) * m; if (!(r & 1) && r >= int(width)) { dest[r - 1] = src[(r - 2) * delta] * m + off; r--; } for (; x < r; x++) { if (x & 1) dest[x] = (src[(x - 1) * delta] + src[(x + 1) * delta]) * m2 + off; else dest[x] = src[x * delta] * m + off; } } void CrConvert(float* dest, const uchar* src, int x, int r, int delta) { const float m = 1.0f / 255; const float m2 = m / 2; const float off = .5f - 0x80 * m; if (!x) { dest[x] = src[(x + 1) * delta] * m + off; x++; } for (; x < r; x++) { if (x & 1) dest[x] = src[x * delta] * m + off; else dest[x] = (src[(x - 1) * delta] + src[(x + 1) * delta]) * m2 + off; } } void CrConvert(float* dest, const U16* src, int x, int r, int delta, int bits) { const float m = 1.0f / ((1 << bits) - 1); const float m2 = m / 2; const float off = .5f - (1 << (bits - 1)) * m; if (!x) { dest[x] = src[(x + 1) * delta] * m + off; x++; } for (; x < r; x++) { if (x & 1) dest[x] = src[x * delta] * m + off; else dest[x] = (src[(x - 1) * delta] + src[(x + 1) * delta]) * m2 + off; } } void YConvert(float* dest, const uchar* src, int x, int r, int delta) { Linear::from_byte(dest + x, src + x * delta, r - x, delta); } void YConvert(float* dest, const U16* src, int x, int r, int delta, int bits) { Linear::from_short(dest + x, src + x * delta, r - x, bits, delta); } void AConvert(float* dest, const uchar* src, int x, int r, int delta) { Linear::from_byte(dest + x, src + x * delta, r - x, delta); } void AConvert(float* dest, const U16* src, int x, int r, int delta, int bits) { Linear::from_short(dest + x, src + x * delta, r - x, bits, delta); } void fixYCbCr(int x, int r, bool alpha, Row& row) { if (iop->raw()) return; float* R = row.writable(Chan_Red); float* G = row.writable(Chan_Green); float* B = row.writable(Chan_Blue); for (int X = x; X < r; X++) { float y = (R[X] - float(16 / 255.0f)) * float(255.0f / 219); float u = (G[X] - .5f) * float(255.0f / 224); float v = (B[X] - .5f) * float(255.0f / 224); R[X] = v * (2 - 2 * Kr) + y; G[X] = y - v * ((2 - 2 * Kr) * Kr / (1 - Kr - Kb)) - u * ((2 - 2 * Kb) * Kb / (1 - Kr - Kb)); B[X] = u * (2 - 2 * Kb) + y; } from_float(Chan_Red, R + x, R + x, alpha ? row[Chan_Alpha] + x : nullptr, r - x); from_float(Chan_Green, G + x, G + x, alpha ? row[Chan_Alpha] + x : nullptr, r - x); from_float(Chan_Blue, B + x, B + x, alpha ? row[Chan_Alpha] + x : nullptr, r - x); } // Read a line from the file, or from our internal buffer for the file, if the latter exists // and is unlocked. void get_line_from_file(void* destination, unsigned int elementIndex, unsigned int dataOffsetInFile, unsigned int lineSize, int y, size_t bytesToRead) { // If we have an internal file buffer, try to read the line from it. if (testFileBuffer()) { // Make sure the internal file buffer won't be freed while we are using it. FileBufferGuard guard(_requestedLinesPreloadBuffer); // Check again that nothing is trying to free memory. if (!_requestedLinesPreloadBuffer->locked()) { mFnAssertMsg(y >= _requestedLinesPreloadBuffer->getYMin() && y <= _requestedLinesPreloadBuffer->getYMax(), "dpxReader: out-of-bounds access to internal file buffer."); // Read the line from our internal frame buffer. const int lineOffsetInBuffer= y - _requestedLinesPreloadBuffer->getYMin(); memcpy(destination, _requestedLinesPreloadBuffer->getBuffer(elementIndex) + lineOffsetInBuffer * lineSize, bytesToRead); return; } } // Read the line from the file. read(destination, dataOffsetInFile + y * lineSize, static_cast(bytesToRead)); } void read_element8(const Element& e, unsigned int index, int y, int x, int r, Row& row) { // uncompress into an array of bytes: ARRAY(uchar, buf, width * e.components); if (e.bits == 1) { if (e.is_nl_matte) { ARRAY(U8, src, e.bytes); get_line_from_file(src, index, e.dataOffset, e.bytes, y, e.bytes); for (unsigned x = 0; x < width * e.components; x++) buf[x] = (src[x / 8] & (1 << (x & 7))) ? 255 : 0; } else { unsigned n = (e.bytes + 3) / 4; ARRAY(U32, src, n); get_line_from_file(src, index, e.dataOffset, e.bytes, y, e.bytes); if (_flipEndian) flip(src, n); for (unsigned x = 0; x < width * e.components; x++) buf[x] = (src[x / 32] & (1 << (x & 31))) ? 255 : 0; } } else { get_line_from_file(buf, index, e.dataOffset, e.bytes, y, width * e.components); } // now convert to rgb switch (e.descriptor) { case DESCRIPTOR_CbCr: // to actually get rgb we need the Y from the other element. NYI CbConvert(row.writable(Chan_Green), buf, x, r, 1); CrConvert(row.writable(Chan_Blue), buf, x, r, 1); if (ycbcr_hack) fixYCbCr(x, r, false, row); break; case DESCRIPTOR_RGBA: { const uchar* alpha = buf + x * 4 + 3; foreach(z, e.channels) from_byte(z, row.writable(z) + x, buf + x * 4 + (z - 1), alpha, r - x, 4); break; } case DESCRIPTOR_ABGR: { const uchar* alpha = buf + x * 4; foreach(z, e.channels) from_byte(z, row.writable(z) + x, buf + x * 4 + (4 - z), alpha, r - x, 4); break; } case DESCRIPTOR_CbYCrY: YConvert(row.writable(Chan_Red), buf + 1, x, r, 2); CbConvert(row.writable(Chan_Green), buf, x, r, 2); CrConvert(row.writable(Chan_Blue), buf, x, r, 2); fixYCbCr(x, r, false, row); break; case DESCRIPTOR_CbYACrYA: CbConvert(row.writable(Chan_Green), buf, x, r, 3); CrConvert(row.writable(Chan_Blue), buf, x, r, 3); YConvert(row.writable(Chan_Red), buf + 1, x, r, 3); AConvert(row.writable(Chan_Alpha), buf + 2, x, r, 3); fixYCbCr(x, r, true, row); break; case DESCRIPTOR_CbYCr: CConvert(row.writable(Chan_Green), buf, x, r, 3); YConvert(row.writable(Chan_Red), buf + 1, x, r, 3); CConvert(row.writable(Chan_Blue), buf + 2, x, r, 3); fixYCbCr(x, r, false, row); break; case DESCRIPTOR_CbYCrA: CConvert(row.writable(Chan_Green), buf, x, r, 4); YConvert(row.writable(Chan_Red), buf + 1, x, r, 4); CConvert(row.writable(Chan_Blue), buf + 2, x, r, 4); AConvert(row.writable(Chan_Alpha), buf + 3, x, r, 4); fixYCbCr(x, r, true, row); break; case DESCRIPTOR_Y: if (ycbcr_hack) { YConvert(row.writable(Chan_Red), buf, x, r, 1); break; } // else fall through: default: { int Z = 0; foreach(z, e.channels) { from_byte(z, row.writable(z) + x, buf + Z + x * e.components, nullptr /*alpha*/, r - x, e.components); if (Z + 1 < e.components) Z++; } break; } } } void read_element16(const Element& e, unsigned int index, int y, int x, int r, Row& row) { ARRAY(U16, buf, width * e.components + 2); switch (e.bits) { case 10: { unsigned n = (e.bytes + 3) / 4; unsigned x; ARRAY(U32, src, n); get_line_from_file(src, index, e.dataOffset, e.bytes, y, e.bytes); if (_flipEndian) flip(src, n); switch (e.packing) { case 0: for (x = 0; x < width * e.components; x++) { unsigned a = (x * 10) / 32; unsigned b = (x * 10) % 32; if (b > 22) buf[x] = ((src[a + 1] << (32 - b)) + (src[a] >> b)) & 0x3ff; else buf[x] = (src[a] >> b) & 0x3ff; } break; case 1: for (x = 0; x < n; x++) { buf[3 * x + 0] = (src[x] >> 22) & 0x3ff; buf[3 * x + 1] = (src[x] >> 12) & 0x3ff; buf[3 * x + 2] = (src[x] >> 02) & 0x3ff; } break; case 2: for (x = 0; x < n; x++) { buf[3 * x + 0] = (src[x] >> 20) & 0x3ff; buf[3 * x + 1] = (src[x] >> 10) & 0x3ff; buf[3 * x + 2] = (src[x] >> 00) & 0x3ff; } break; } break; } case 12: switch (e.packing) { case 0: { unsigned n = (e.bytes + 3) / 4; ARRAY(U32, src, n); get_line_from_file(src, index, e.dataOffset, e.bytes, y, e.bytes); if (_flipEndian) flip(src, n); for (unsigned x = 0; x < width * e.components; x++) { unsigned a = (x * 12) / 32; unsigned b = (x * 12) % 32; if (b > 20) buf[x] = ((src[a + 1] << (32 - b)) + (src[a] >> b)) & 0xfff; else buf[x] = (src[a] >> b) & 0xfff; } break; } case 1: { unsigned n = width * e.components; get_line_from_file(buf, index, e.dataOffset, e.bytes, y, n * 2); if (_flipEndian) flip(buf, n); for (unsigned x = 0; x < n; x++) buf[x] >>= 4; break; } case 2: { unsigned n = width * e.components; get_line_from_file(buf, index, e.dataOffset, e.bytes, y, n * 2); if (_flipEndian) flip(buf, n); for (unsigned x = 0; x < n; x++) buf[x] &= 0xfff; break; } } break; case 16: get_line_from_file(buf, index, e.dataOffset, e.bytes, y, width * e.components * 2); if (_flipEndian) flip(buf, width * e.components); break; } // now convert to rgb switch (e.descriptor) { case DESCRIPTOR_CbCr: // to actually get rgb we need the Y from the other element. NYI CbConvert(row.writable(Chan_Green), buf, x, r, 1, e.bits); CrConvert(row.writable(Chan_Blue), buf, x, r, 1, e.bits); if (ycbcr_hack) fixYCbCr(x, r, false, row); break; case DESCRIPTOR_RGBA: { const U16* alpha = buf + x * 4 + 3; foreach(z, e.channels) from_short(z, row.writable(z) + x, buf + x * 4 + (z - 1), alpha, r - x, e.bits, 4); break; } case DESCRIPTOR_ABGR: { const U16* alpha = buf + x * 4; foreach(z, e.channels) from_short(z, row.writable(z) + x, buf + x * 4 + (4 - z), alpha, r - x, e.bits, 4); break; } case DESCRIPTOR_CbYCrY: YConvert(row.writable(Chan_Red), buf + 1, x, r, 2, e.bits); CbConvert(row.writable(Chan_Green), buf, x, r, 2, e.bits); CrConvert(row.writable(Chan_Blue), buf, x, r, 2, e.bits); fixYCbCr(x, r, false, row); break; case DESCRIPTOR_CbYACrYA: CbConvert(row.writable(Chan_Green), buf, x, r, 3, e.bits); CrConvert(row.writable(Chan_Blue), buf, x, r, 3, e.bits); YConvert(row.writable(Chan_Red), buf + 1, x, r, 3, e.bits); AConvert(row.writable(Chan_Alpha), buf + 2, x, r, 3, e.bits); fixYCbCr(x, r, true, row); break; case DESCRIPTOR_CbYCr: YConvert(row.writable(Chan_Red), buf + 1, x, r, 3, e.bits); if (e.bits == 10) { // The "flowers" 10-bit sample image has the Cr/Cb reversed. This may be // a mistake, and other small test images have them the other way. // However I am leaving this reversed as that is how previous versions // of Nuke read this file. CConvert(row.writable(Chan_Blue), buf, x, r, 3, e.bits); CConvert(row.writable(Chan_Green), buf + 2, x, r, 3, e.bits); } else { CConvert(row.writable(Chan_Green), buf, x, r, 3, e.bits); CConvert(row.writable(Chan_Blue), buf + 2, x, r, 3, e.bits); } fixYCbCr(x, r, false, row); break; case DESCRIPTOR_CbYCrA: CConvert(row.writable(Chan_Green), buf, x, r, 4, e.bits); YConvert(row.writable(Chan_Red), buf + 1, x, r, 4, e.bits); CConvert(row.writable(Chan_Blue), buf + 2, x, r, 4, e.bits); AConvert(row.writable(Chan_Alpha), buf + 3, x, r, 4, e.bits); fixYCbCr(x, r, true, row); break; case DESCRIPTOR_Y: if (ycbcr_hack) { YConvert(row.writable(Chan_Red), buf, x, r, 1, e.bits); break; } // else fall through: default: { int Z = 0; foreach(z, e.channels) { from_short(z, row.writable(z) + x, buf + Z + x * e.components, nullptr /*alpha*/, r - x, e.bits, e.components); if (Z + 1 < e.components) Z++; } break; } } } void read_element(const Element& e, unsigned int index, int y, int x, int r, Row& row) { if (e.bits <= 8) read_element8(e, index, y, x, r, row); else read_element16(e, index, y, x, r, row); } void open() override { FileReader::open(); if (_readAllLines) { mFnAssert(_requestedLinesPreloadBuffer); readAllLines(); } } void engine(int y, int x, int r, ChannelMask channels, Row& row) override { if (invertY()) { y = height - y - 1; } ChannelSet remaining(channels); if (ycbcr_hack && (channels & Mask_RGB)) remaining += Mask_RGB; for (unsigned i = 0; i < kMaxDPXElements; i++) { if (element[i].channels & remaining) { read_element(element[i], i, y, x, r, row); remaining -= element[i].channels; if (!remaining) break; } } } //! Checks that the file size is large enough to contain the data the header claims is there. //! The file could still be corrupted in some way but this function can at least be used for some //! very basic error checking. bool checkFileSizeConsistency() { // It doens't make much sense to have no elements but the file would at least be big enough to hold them! if (_numElements == 0) return true; const Element& lastElement = element[_numElements - 1]; int expectedFileSize = lastElement.dataOffset + lastElement.bytes * h(); return _fileSize >= expectedFileSize; } // A 'temporary' hack to allow proper viewing of 1, 10 and 12 bit images, in the absence // of rendering code that can handle this itself. Without this the images will appear // essentially black. // Also rescales floating point output to the range [0, 1]. #define SCALE_BITS_TO_DEST_RANGE //! Finds the first dpx element which has channels matching the requested channels, //! returning the index of that element, or -1 if no match is found. If @a matchRGBandRGBA //! is true then RGBA and RGB are considered a match (with the alpha channel in either //! requestedChannels or the dpx element). The exception is if @a requestedChannels is RGBA //! and the source has RGB in one element but A in another (which means we can't fetch //! the requested channels from a singel element). int FindElement(const ChannelSet& requestedChannels, bool matchRGBandRGBA) { int foundElementIndex = -1; if (matchRGBandRGBA) { bool rgbRequested = (requestedChannels == Mask_RGB); bool rgbaRequested = (requestedChannels == Mask_RGBA); bool sourceHasAlpha = channels() & Mask_Alpha; for (int elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < _numElements; ++elementIndex) { if ((requestedChannels == element[elementIndex].channels) || (rgbRequested && (element[elementIndex].channels == Mask_RGBA)) || (rgbaRequested && (element[elementIndex].channels == Mask_RGB) && !sourceHasAlpha)) { foundElementIndex = elementIndex; break; } } } else { for (int elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < _numElements; ++elementIndex) { if (requestedChannels == element[elementIndex].channels) { foundElementIndex = elementIndex; break; } } } return foundElementIndex; } PlanarReadInfo planarReadInfo(const ChannelSet& channels) override { // #rick: Currently, we also require the image bounds to match the format. mFnAssert(x() == 0); mFnAssert(y() == 0); mFnAssert(w() == format().width()); mFnAssert(h() == format().height()); // If the file size and header are inconsistent then the planar image decoding is likely // to cause a crash by trying to read beyond the end of the read buffer (it's possible that // it's only the final element that's affected and we might not be interested in that but // we don't bother making that distinction here - the file is screwed!). if (!checkFileSizeConsistency()) return PlanarReadInfo(); // The planar reading API is designed for whole images. DD::Image::Box bounds(0, 0, w(), h()); // Only support packed channels, e.g., RGBRGBRGB... rather than RRR...GGG...BBB. The dpx format uses // packed channels within an element, which is all that concerns us here. bool packed = true; // We're expecting the user to ask for a typical 'layer' (in OpenEXR speak) of channels, // which we also expect to be found within a single dpx element. Bit length, colour curve, etc, etc, // can differ between elements so it only makes sense to pick 'ideal' values for these if we're // only pulling image data from a single element. // So, search the element(s) present until we find an exact match or if we're asking for RGBA and // the element has RGB, or vice versa. int srcElementIndex = FindElement(channels, true); // If no suitable element was found return an invalid PlanarReadInfo object. if (srcElementIndex == -1) return PlanarReadInfo(); const Element& srcElement = element[srcElementIndex]; bool isValid = true; DataTypeEnum dataType = eDataTypeNone; bool useClamps = false; int minValue = 0; int maxValue = 1; int whitePoint = 1; // Should we be setting this to something specific? ChannelSet srcChannels = srcElement.channels; switch (srcElement.bits) { case 0: dataType = eDataTypeNone; break; case 1: // We're going to unpack 1 bit to 8 bit. case 8: dataType = eDataTypeUInt8; // Don't suggest signed 8 bit, even though dpx allows it. // Not sure about this. // I think I should use lowQuantity/highQuantity but our DPXImageInfoHeader treats them as R32, hmmm? useClamps = true; minValue = 0; maxValue = (1 << srcElement.bits) - 1; break; case 10: // #mat: We only want to mark "filled" dpx frames for the optimised path - this is indicated by packing = 1 // Yes, 'packed' is confusingly indicated by packing = 0 (1 means 'filled'). if (srcElement.channels == Mask_RGB && srcElement.packing == 1) { // #mat: Only do the 10-bit read optimisation for 10/10/10/2 RGB data. Specialised formats such as // 10-bit dpx files with alpha channels won't have been tagged as a single 32-bit red channel and so // we should treat them as 16-bit shorts dataType = eDataTypeUInt32_10bit; srcChannels = ChannelSet(Mask_Red); } else { dataType = eDataTypeUInt16; } useClamps = true; minValue = 0; maxValue = (1 << srcElement.bits) - 1; break; case 12: // We're going to unpack and align 10 and 12 bit formats to 16 bit alignment. case 16: // We assume the data is always in integer rather than floating point format, so don't suggest // half floats. dataType = eDataTypeUInt16; // Don't suggest signed 16 bit, even though dpx allows it - the decoder doesn't! // Not sure about this. // I think I should use lowQuantity/highQuantity but our DPXImageInfoHeader treats them as R32, hmmm? useClamps = true; minValue = 0; maxValue = (1 << srcElement.bits) - 1; break; case 32: // We assume the data is always in integer rather than floating point format, so don't suggest // floats. dataType = eDataTypeUInt32; // Don't suggest signed 32 bit, even though dpx allows it. Nuke doesn't support 32 bit files of any type anyway. // Not sure about this. // I think I should use lowQuantity/highQuantity but our DPXImageInfoHeader treats them as R32, hmmm? useClamps = true; minValue = 0; maxValue = (1 << srcElement.bits) - 1; break; case 64: default: // #rick: assert? throw? flag for ignoring? eDataTypeNone? isValid = false; mFnAssert(false); break; } // Only report the channels common to those requested and the dpx element we're using - FindElement() // won't necessary select an element with an _exact_ channel match. ChannelSet commonChannels = channels; commonChannels &= srcChannels; int nComponents = commonChannels.size(); // #rick: // Need to decide how or whether to handle this 'better'. // We don't really want to duplicate Y data across all three channels in the destination image plane - one of the motivations // for all this generic image plane stuff is to use data as close to the source as possible and let the MUCH faster GPU handle // as much as possible. // Currently, if this case happens, Cyclone will fallback to using the default Reader implementation. // // Require the number of components in the source element to match the number of channels, e.g., 3 components for RGB channels. // This will not be the case for, say, Y data that has one component in the element but the ctor sets the element channels to RGB. isValid = (nComponents == srcElement.components); // #mat: Special case for 10-bit data - we read 3 channels from Nuke, but we output a single channel 32-bit word with packed 10-bit // data. This is perfectly fine so we don't need to go down the error path if (!isValid) { isValid = (dataType == eDataTypeUInt32_10bit && nComponents == 1); } // #rick: Would be nice to remove these exclusions, but we don't want to do the necessary processing in the dpxReader - the // whole point of this is to do as little as possible and let the GPU do what it's much faster at. // If this list is modified, remember to update the asserts in planarDecodePass(). // // Check the source element isn't one of the formats the planar decoding still doesn't support. The above tests won't exclude // everything we can't handle - for example, YCbCr with equal bits depths for the colour and luminance/luma channels can // be placed in a single 3 component, 3 channel element (like standard RGB). if ((srcElement.descriptor == DESCRIPTOR_Y) || (srcElement.descriptor == DESCRIPTOR_CbCr) || (srcElement.descriptor == DESCRIPTOR_ABGR) || // #rick: Think this will work but haven't been able to test. <<<<<<<<<< (srcElement.descriptor == DESCRIPTOR_CbYCrY) || (srcElement.descriptor == DESCRIPTOR_CbYACrYA) || (srcElement.descriptor == DESCRIPTOR_CbYCr) || (srcElement.descriptor == DESCRIPTOR_CbYCrA)) { return PlanarReadInfo(); } ImagePlaneDescriptor baseDesc(bounds, packed, commonChannels, nComponents); DataInfo dataInfo(dataType, useClamps, minValue, maxValue, whitePoint); ColorCurveEnum colorCurve; switch (srcElement.transfer) { case TRANSFER_USER: // From original comment in ctor: seems to be used by some log files case TRANSFER_DENSITY: case TRANSFER_LOG: colorCurve = eColorCurveLog; break; case TRANSFER_CCIR_709_1: colorCurve = eColorCurveRec709; break; case TRANSFER_LINEAR: // The original code uses the sRGB LUT for this. The comment in the ctor says "unfortunatly too // much software writes this for sRGB..." // Confusingly (to me), the LUT code then decides that a request for an INT8 or INT16 LUT should result // in an sRGB response. // Under Bruno's direction the code here 'does what Nuke does'. default: colorCurve = eColorCurveSRGB; break; } GenericImagePlaneDescriptor desc(baseDesc, dataInfo, colorCurve); // #rick: // It's possible that there are more than one elements with data, in which case we'd be reading potentially // much more than is required. Is this ever likely to happen in practice? // For simplicity, just specify sufficient memory for the whole file. size_t readPassBufferSize = _fileSize; // The decode step can be easily multithreaded as each pixel, line or region of the image can be decoded in isolation. bool isDecodeThreadable = true; return PlanarReadInfo(desc, readPassBufferSize, isDecodeThreadable, isValid); } //! Reads and decodes the dpx in a single call, filling the specified channels of image. Note that this is single threaded, //! it's almost certainly more optimal for the user code to call planarReadPass() followed by multiple calls to planarDecodePass() //! within separate concurrent threads. void planarReadAndDecode(GenericImagePlane& image, const ChannelSet& channels, int priority) override { // Local class (well, struct) to ensure the temporary read buffer gets freed, even if an exception is thrown. // If we weren't prohibited from introducing a dependency on boost in this part of the code I'd use a boost::scoped_array. struct AutoBuffer { AutoBuffer(int bufferSize) { _buffer = new char[bufferSize]; } ~AutoBuffer() { delete [] _buffer; } char* _buffer; }; AutoBuffer readBuffer(_fileSize); planarReadPass(static_cast(readBuffer._buffer), channels); planarDecodePass(static_cast(readBuffer._buffer), image, channels, 0, 1, priority); } //! Reads the dpx file into the specified buffer. In this case, channels is ignored - the whole file is read into the buffer. //! It's up to the user to ensure buffer points to enough memory - that can be determined with a previous call to planarReadInfo() //! and then using the value returned by calling readPassBufferSize() on the PlanarReadInfo object. int planarReadPass(void* buffer, const ChannelSet& channels) override { return read(buffer, 0, _fileSize); } //! Decodes the source buffer, obtained from a dpx file via an earlier call to planarReadPass(), into the specified //! GenericImagePlane, for the specified channels. //! //! The 'decode' is actually little more than a copy, no colour response LUT is applied. However, 10 and 12 bit source //! data is unpacked to be 16 bit aligned. //! //! The thread parameters indicate which part of the image to decode. It's up to the calling code to set this up //! appropriately, this function has no thread safety locks or checks. //! //! NOTE: Currently only supports cases where the specified channels _exactly_ match those of one of the dpx's elements. //! void planarDecodePass(void* srcBuffer, GenericImagePlane& image, const ChannelSet& channels, int threadIndex, int nDecodeThreads, int priority) override { mFnAssert(threadIndex >= 0); mFnAssert(threadIndex < nDecodeThreads); mFnAssert(nDecodeThreads > 0); // We can't handle files that have somehow been truncated and are missing data. // The planarReadInfo() function will have returned a default PlanarReadInfo which is marked // as invalid to indicate to the user that planar reading/decoding is not possible. mFnAssert(checkFileSizeConsistency()); // Assert that the image plane we're filling in is configured to hold the whole image, not a sub area of it. // Although the dpx format supports specifying the offset and size of the 'original' image (in the orientation // header) we don't bother with that, either in this new planar read/decode code or in the original. mFnAssert(image.desc().bounds().x() == 0); mFnAssert(image.desc().bounds().y() == 0); mFnAssert(image.desc().bounds().w() == w()); mFnAssert(image.desc().bounds().h() == h()); // Determine which rows this thread should decode. The end row of the last thread is always set to the // final row of the image to cope with the remainder of numRowsPerThread if the image height is not an // integer multiple of the number of threads. Note that the rows are specified _inclusively_, i.e., each thread // should loop from yStart to <= yEnd. int numRowsPerThread = height / nDecodeThreads; int yStart = threadIndex * numRowsPerThread; int yEnd = (threadIndex != (nDecodeThreads - 1)) ? yStart + numRowsPerThread - 1 : height - 1; // Get the element containing the required channels. // We require an exact match, except for RGB and RGBA, it's up to the caller to ask for the right thing, // they should have used planarReadInfo() to work set stuff up appropriately. int srcElementIndex = FindElement(channels, true); if (srcElementIndex == -1) { mFnAssert(false); // #rick: What should we really do? Throw? return; } const Element& srcElement = element[srcElementIndex]; // See whether we're decoding from RGB source into an RGBA destination. bool rgbToRgba = ((channels == Mask_RGBA) && (srcElement.channels == Mask_RGB)); // Unless we're doing the RGB-to-RGBA decode, require the number of channels to match, which // as well as excluding cases we can't currently handle also excludes RGBA source to RGB destination, // which would be permitted by the FindElement() call above. if (!rgbToRgba && (channels.size() != srcElement.channels.size())) { mFnAssert(false); // #rick: What should we really do? Throw? return; } // #rick: Should match the exclusion list in planarReadInfo(). mFnAssert(srcElement.descriptor != DESCRIPTOR_Y); mFnAssert(srcElement.descriptor != DESCRIPTOR_CbCr); mFnAssert(srcElement.descriptor != DESCRIPTOR_ABGR); // #rick: Think this will work but haven't been able to test. mFnAssert(srcElement.descriptor != DESCRIPTOR_CbYCrY); mFnAssert(srcElement.descriptor != DESCRIPTOR_CbYACrYA); // mFnAssert(srcElement.descriptor != DESCRIPTOR_CbYCr); mFnAssert(srcElement.descriptor != DESCRIPTOR_CbYCrA); #if FN_HIERO_DDIMAGE_INVERT_Y // Temp hack neede while Hiero is not using the DDImage Reader objects via Core/Media. const bool flipY = (orientation & 2); #else // If bit 2 is not set then the dpx was marked as top to bottom and we need to vertically flip, otherwise it's bottom to top. const bool flipY = !(orientation & 2); #endif switch (srcElement.bits) { case 1: mFnAssert(false); // #rick: Add support for 1 bit source, if we really need to. break; case 8: decodeFrom8(flipY, rgbToRgba, srcElement, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); break; case 10: switch(srcElement.packing) { case 0: // The packed case (packed has packing == 0, confusingly), i.e., no padding. decodeFromPacked10or12(flipY, rgbToRgba, srcElement, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); break; case 1: case 2: decodeFromFilled10(flipY, rgbToRgba, srcElement, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); break; default: mFnAssert(false); // Invalid packing value, something's gone horribly wrong. break; } break; case 12: switch(srcElement.packing) { case 0: // The packed case (packed has packing == 0, confusingly), i.e., no padding. decodeFromPacked10or12(flipY, rgbToRgba, srcElement, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); break; case 1: case 2: decodeFromFilled12(flipY, rgbToRgba, srcElement, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); break; default: mFnAssert(false); // Invalid packing value, something's gone horribly wrong. break; } break; case 16: decodeFrom16(flipY, rgbToRgba, srcElement, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); break; case 32: case 64: // Valid dpx bit depths but we don't support them (yet). mFnAssert(false); break; default: // Invalid dpx bit depth - something's gone horribly wrong. mFnAssert(false); break; } } //! Wrapper to select the appropriate instantiation of the decodeFrom8() template function. void decodeFrom8(bool flipY, bool rgbToRgba, const Element& e, const void* srcBuffer, int yStart, int yEnd, GenericImagePlane& image) { if (flipY && rgbToRgba) decodeFrom8(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (flipY) decodeFrom8(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (rgbToRgba) decodeFrom8(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else decodeFrom8(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); } //! Decodes 8 bit per channel source data for the specified rows (inclusively) into the desination image, assuming the source //! element and image contain exactly the same channels if RgbToRgba is false. If RgbToRgba is true then //! the code assumes the source contains groups of RGB channels in the source and the destination also has an alpha channel, into //! which 1s are written to the bit depth of the channels. //! The 'decode' is really just a copy - no colour curve LUT is applied. //! The source image data should be in the specified buffer, srcBuffer, which is assumed to be the start address of the //! entire dpx file, buffered in memory. The e argument indicates which dpx element holds the required image data. //! The function is templated on whether vertical flipping of the image is required, thus removing the inner loop branch //! otehrwise needed to select the approriate row of the destination image data. //! //! Warning: Currently hard-coded to write to U8 image channels. template void decodeFrom8(const Element& e, const void* srcBuffer, int yStart, int yEnd, GenericImagePlane& image) { mFnAssert(e.bits == 8); mFnAssert((!RgbToRgba && (e.channels == image.desc().channels())) || (RgbToRgba && (e.channels == Mask_RGB) && (image.desc().channels() == Mask_RGBA))); U8 alphaValue = iop->autoAlpha() ? 0xff : 0; // Hard-coded to dest U8. for (int y = yStart; y <= yEnd; ++y) { int yImage = y; if (FlipY) yImage = height - y - 1; // #rick: Hard-coded to 8 bit destination image plane. mFnAssert(image.desc().dataInfo().dataType() == eDataTypeUInt8); U8* destBuffer = &(image.writableAt(0, yImage, 0)); const U8* srcAddr = static_cast(srcBuffer) + e.dataOffset + y * e.bytes; // Note: The line may have padding, which e.bytes includes. if (RgbToRgba) { for (unsigned int column = 0; column < width; ++column) { *destBuffer++ = *srcAddr++; *destBuffer++ = *srcAddr++; *destBuffer++ = *srcAddr++; *destBuffer++ = alphaValue; } } else { int numComponentsPerRow = width * e.components; for (int componentCount = 0; componentCount < numComponentsPerRow; ++componentCount) { *destBuffer++ = *srcAddr++; } } } } //! Wrapper to select the appropriate instantiation of the decodeFromPacked10or12() template function. void decodeFromPacked10or12(bool flipY, bool rgbToRgba, const Element& e, const void* srcBuffer, int yStart, int yEnd, GenericImagePlane& image) { if (flipY && _flipEndian && rgbToRgba) decodeFromPacked10or12(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (flipY && _flipEndian) decodeFromPacked10or12(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (flipY && rgbToRgba) decodeFromPacked10or12(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (flipY) decodeFromPacked10or12(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (_flipEndian && rgbToRgba) decodeFromPacked10or12(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (_flipEndian) decodeFromPacked10or12(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (rgbToRgba) decodeFromPacked10or12(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else decodeFromPacked10or12(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); } //! Decodes _packed_ 10 or 12 bit per channel source data for the speicified rows (inclusively) into the destination image, assuming the //! source element and destination image contain exactly the same channels if RgbToRgba is false. If RgbToRgba is true then //! the code assumes the source contains groups of RGB channels in the source and the destination also has an alpha channel, into //! which 1s are written to the bit depth of the channels. //! In this dpx context, packed means that there is no padding between components, i.e., only some components are aligned //! to 8, 12 or 32 bit boundaries. Apart from the unpacking/aligning, the 'decode' is really just a copy - no colour curve LUT is applied. //! The source image data should be in the specified buffer, srcBuffer, which is assumed to be the start address of the //! entire dpx file, buffered in memory. The e argument indicates which dpx element holds the required image data. //! The function is templated on whether vertical flipping of the image is required, thus removing the inner loop branch //! otehrwise needed to select the approriate row of the destination image data. //! It's also templated on whether endian flipping is required, thus removing the inner loop branch to check whether to endian //! flip that would otherwise be required (and the flip itself, of course, if not required). //! //! Warning: Currently hard-coded to write to U16 image channels. template void decodeFromPacked10or12(const Element& e, const void* srcBuffer, int yStart, int yEnd, GenericImagePlane& image) { mFnAssert(e.packing == 0); // Yes, 'packed' is confusingly indicated by packing = 0 (1 means 'filled'). mFnAssert((e.bits == 10) || (e.bits == 12)); mFnAssert((!RgbToRgba && (e.channels == image.desc().channels())) || (RgbToRgba && (e.channels == Mask_RGB) && (image.desc().channels() == Mask_RGBA))); U32 bitMask = (1 << e.bits) - 1; U16 alphaValue = iop->autoAlpha() ? bitMask : 0; // Hard-coded to dest U16. #ifdef SCALE_BITS_TO_DEST_RANGE int numDestBits = sizeof(U16) * 8; // Hard-coded to U16 destination. // This assumes the source bit count is no greater than the dest bit count. Otherwise we'd have to use // a right rather than left shift as shifting by a negative number gives undefined behaviour. // It also assumes this bit count difference is not greater than the source bit count, otherwise the // right shift will be undefined. // In summary: Only safe for the 10 or 12 to 16 bit scaling! mFnAssert((numDestBits == 16) && ((e.bits == 10) || (e.bits == 12))); // For efficiency, use bit shifting rather than scaling via floating point maths. // We can't just bit shift left by diffBits because we need the maximum source value (10 or 12 1s) // to scale to the maximum destination value (16 1s). // The left shift alone leaves either 6 or 4 zero lsbs. Jerry suggested we fill them with the 6 or // 4 msbs from the source value. I can't decide whether that's genuinely mathematically justifiable // but it doesn't differ from the float scaled version much and crucially we get the correct // maximum value. int diffBits = numDestBits - e.bits; int rangeScaleLeftShift = diffBits; int rangeScaleRightShift = (e.bits - diffBits); // The inserted alpha value should either be 0 or all of the dest bits. alphaValue = iop->autoAlpha() ? ((1 << numDestBits) - 1) : 0; #endif for (int y = yStart; y <= yEnd; ++y) { int yImage = y; if (FlipY) yImage = height - y - 1; U16* destBuffer = &(image.writableAt(0, yImage, 0)); // Hard-coded to U16 destination. const U32* srcWordAddr = reinterpret_cast(static_cast(srcBuffer) + e.dataOffset + y * e.bytes); // #rick: Try to rewrite this to avoid the local buffer. It'll be fiddly because channels can straddle 32 bit words, // which might need flipping. The problem is to avoid flipping any words twice - I think this can only be // done with an if statement. int numWords = (e.bytes + 3) / 4; ARRAY(U32, rawBuffer, numWords); memcpy(rawBuffer, srcWordAddr, e.bytes); if (EndianFlip) flip(rawBuffer, numWords); // The first bit, within a 32 bit word, at which the component must straddle the boundary with the next 32 bit word. int firstStraddlingBit = 32 - e.bits; int numComponentsPerRow = width * e.components; for (int componentCount = 0; componentCount < numComponentsPerRow; ++componentCount) { int startBitCount = componentCount * e.bits; int relatativeStartBitCount = startBitCount % 32; // Bit index from the start of the current 32 bit word. int srcWordIndex = startBitCount / 32; if (relatativeStartBitCount > firstStraddlingBit) { // This component is close enough to the end of the current word that it must straddle the boundary into the // next word, so we need the usual right shift for the part that's in the this word and then shift the next // word to just after the bits present in the current word (then apply the e.bits mask). #ifdef SCALE_BITS_TO_DEST_RANGE U32 unscaledValue = ((rawBuffer[srcWordIndex + 1] << (32 - relatativeStartBitCount)) + (rawBuffer[srcWordIndex] >> relatativeStartBitCount)) & bitMask; *destBuffer++ = static_cast((unscaledValue << rangeScaleLeftShift) | (unscaledValue >> rangeScaleRightShift)); #else *destBuffer++ = ((rawBuffer[srcWordIndex + 1] << (32 - relatativeStartBitCount)) + (rawBuffer[srcWordIndex] >> relatativeStartBitCount)) & bitMask; #endif } else { // All the bits of this component fit in the current word so we just need to right shift them to the start // (of the current dest buffer component) and apply the e.bits mask. #ifdef SCALE_BITS_TO_DEST_RANGE U32 unscaledValue = (rawBuffer[srcWordIndex] >> relatativeStartBitCount) & bitMask; *destBuffer++ = static_cast((unscaledValue << rangeScaleLeftShift) | (unscaledValue >> rangeScaleRightShift)); #else *destBuffer++ = (rawBuffer[srcWordIndex] >> relatativeStartBitCount) & bitMask; #endif } // #rick: Consider re-writing this code in terms of rgb so I can remove this branch. Mind you, we can't get rid of the // 'straddling bit' test above anyway, and I'm told that the packed format isn't widely used. if (RgbToRgba && ((componentCount + 1) % 3 == 0)) *destBuffer++ = alphaValue; // Already scaled if SCALE_BITS_TO_DEST_RANGE defined. } } } //! Wrapper to select the appropriate instantiation of the decodeFromFilled10() template function. void decodeFromFilled10(bool flipY, bool rgbToRgba, const Element& e, const void* srcBuffer, int yStart, int yEnd, GenericImagePlane& image) { if (flipY && _flipEndian && rgbToRgba) decodeFromFilled10(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (flipY && _flipEndian) decodeFromFilled10(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (flipY && rgbToRgba) decodeFromFilled10(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (flipY) decodeFromFilled10(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (_flipEndian && rgbToRgba) decodeFromFilled10(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (_flipEndian) decodeFromFilled10(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (rgbToRgba) decodeFromFilled10(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else decodeFromFilled10(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); } //! #mat: An optimised version of decodeFromFilled10 for 10-bit filled data. Instead of expanding to 16-bit RGBA, //! we output a single 32-bit word per pixel which like the source data contains three 10-bit rgb channels. //! We reverse the order of the channels here because it appears to be more optimal to upload data to the card in //! reversed channel format (GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV) template void decodeFromFilled10Optimised(const Element& e, const void* srcBuffer, int yStart, int yEnd, GenericImagePlane& image) { mFnAssert(e.bits == 10); mFnAssert(image.desc().dataInfo().dataType() == eDataTypeUInt32_10bit); mFnAssert((e.packing == 1) || (e.packing == 2)); // #mat: untested with e.packing == 2 - should work though! U32 bitMask = (1 << e.bits) - 1; U8 alphaValue = iop->autoAlpha() ? 0x3 : 0; int bitShift1; int bitShift2; int bitShift3; if (e.packing == 1) { bitShift1 = 22; bitShift2 = 12; bitShift3 = 2; } else { bitShift1 = 20; bitShift2 = 10; bitShift3 = 0; } for (int y = yStart; y <= yEnd; ++y) { int yImage = y; if (FlipY) yImage = height - y - 1; const U8* srcWordChar = reinterpret_cast(srcBuffer); const U8* srcWordCharOffset = srcWordChar + e.dataOffset + (y * width * sizeof(unsigned int)); const U32* srcWordAddr = reinterpret_cast(srcWordCharOffset); U32* destBuffer = &(image.writableAt(0, yImage, 0)); for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { U32 srcWord = *srcWordAddr++; if (EndianFlip) srcWord = (srcWord >> 24) | (srcWord >> 8 & 0xff00) | (srcWord << 8 & 0xff0000) | (srcWord << 24); // #mat: So I've found that GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV is much faster to upload than GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2 - at least on Windows and Linux on the Quadro Q4000 card. // Thus I'm changing the order of the fetched channels here. // This should be tested on other platforms to determine whether this is platform/device/driver specific. *destBuffer++ = ((srcWord >> bitShift1) & bitMask) | (((srcWord >> bitShift2) & bitMask) << 10) | (((srcWord >> bitShift3) & bitMask) << 20) | alphaValue << 30; } } } //! Decodes _filled_ 10 bit per channel source data for the speicified rows (inclusively) into the destination image, assuming the //! source element and destination image contain exactly the same channels if RgbToRgba is false. If RgbToRgba is true then //! the code assumes the source contains groups of RGB channels in the source and the destination also has an alpha channel, into //! which 1s are written to the bit depth of the channels. //! In this dpx context, filled means that 3 components are stored in each 32 bit word with the remaining 2 bits padded. //! Apart from the unpacking/aligning, the 'decode' is really just a copy - no colour curve LUT is applied. //! The source image data should be in the specified buffer, srcBuffer, which is assumed to be the start address of the //! entire dpx file, buffered in memory. The e argument indicates which dpx element holds the required image data. //! The function is templated on whether vertical flipping of the image is required, thus removing the inner loop branch //! otehrwise needed to select the approriate row of the destination image data. //! It's also templated on whether endian flipping is required, thus removing the inner loop branch to check whether to endian //! flip that would otherwise be required (and the flip itself, of course, if not required). //! //! Warning: Currently hard-coded to write to U16 image channels. template void decodeFromFilled10(const Element& e, const void* srcBuffer, int yStart, int yEnd, GenericImagePlane& image) { mFnAssert(e.bits == 10); mFnAssert((e.packing == 1) || (e.packing == 2)); // #mat: Special case for 10-bit RGBA DPX - let's read the data but keep it in a 32-bit word. We need to deal with endian-ness issues and possibly reverse the channels however // #mat: Also let's only deal with normal packing - I haven't been able to find any footage that has (e.packing == 2) so this is untested. However we definitely don't want it to // go down the original path as the client may have only allocated enough memory for packed 10-bit data which would result in buffer overrun :-/ if (image.desc().dataInfo().dataType() == eDataTypeUInt32_10bit && (e.packing == 1 || e.packing == 2)) { decodeFromFilled10Optimised(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); return; } mFnAssert((!RgbToRgba && (e.channels == image.desc().channels())) || (RgbToRgba && (e.channels + Mask_Alpha == image.desc().channels()))); U32 bitMask = (1 << e.bits) - 1; U16 alphaValue = iop->autoAlpha() ? bitMask : 0; // Hard-coded to U16. #ifdef SCALE_BITS_TO_DEST_RANGE int numDestBits = sizeof(U16) * 8; // Hard-coded to U16 destination. // This assumes the source bit count is no greater than the dest bit count. Otherwise we'd have to use // a right rather than left shift as shifting by a negative number gives undefined behaviour. // It also assumes this bit count difference is not greater than the source bit count, otherwise the // right shift will be undefined. // In summary: Only safe for the 10 or 12 to 16 bit scaling! mFnAssert((numDestBits == 16) && ((e.bits == 10) || (e.bits == 12))); // For efficiency, use bit shifting rather than scaling via floating point maths. // We can't just bit shift left by diffBits because we need the maximum source value (10 or 12 1s) // to scale to the maximum destination value (16 1s). // The left shift alone leaves either 6 or 4 zero lsbs. Jerry suggested we fill them with the 6 or // 4 msbs from the source value. I can't decide whether that's genuinely mathematically justifiable // but it doesn't differ from the float scaled version much and crucially we get the correct // maximum value. int diffBits = numDestBits - e.bits; int rangeScaleLeftShift = diffBits; int rangeScaleRightShift = (e.bits - diffBits); // The inserted alpha value should either be 0 or all of the dest bits. alphaValue = iop->autoAlpha() ? ((1 << numDestBits) - 1) : 0; #endif int bitShift1; int bitShift2; int bitShift3; if (e.packing == 1) { bitShift1 = 22; bitShift2 = 12; bitShift3 = 2; } else { bitShift1 = 20; bitShift2 = 10; bitShift3 = 0; } for (int y = yStart; y <= yEnd; ++y) { int yImage = y; if (FlipY) yImage = height - y - 1; // #rick: // Hard-coded to a U16 image buffer. // I _think_ I can just convert this to a template function which will work for U16, U32, F32 (and U64, F64). I should check. mFnAssert(image.desc().dataInfo().dataType() == eDataTypeUInt16); U16* destBuffer = &(image.writableAt(0, yImage, 0)); const U32* srcWordAddr = reinterpret_cast(static_cast(srcBuffer) + e.dataOffset + y * e.bytes); const int numComponentsPerRow = width * e.components; const int numFilledWords = numComponentsPerRow / 3; // 10 bit filled stores 3 components per word, plus any remainder in the last word. for (int filledWordCount = 0; filledWordCount < numFilledWords; ++filledWordCount) { U32 srcWord = *srcWordAddr++; if (EndianFlip) srcWord = (srcWord >> 24) | (srcWord >> 8 & 0xff00) | (srcWord << 8 & 0xff0000) | (srcWord << 24); #ifdef SCALE_BITS_TO_DEST_RANGE U32 unscaledValue = (srcWord >> bitShift1) & bitMask; *destBuffer++ = static_cast((unscaledValue << rangeScaleLeftShift) | (unscaledValue >> rangeScaleRightShift)); unscaledValue = (srcWord >> bitShift2) & bitMask; *destBuffer++ = static_cast((unscaledValue << rangeScaleLeftShift) | (unscaledValue >> rangeScaleRightShift)); unscaledValue = ((srcWord >> bitShift3) & bitMask); *destBuffer++ = static_cast((unscaledValue << rangeScaleLeftShift) | (unscaledValue >> rangeScaleRightShift)); #else *destBuffer++ = (srcWord >> bitShift1) & bitMask; *destBuffer++ = (srcWord >> bitShift2) & bitMask; *destBuffer++ = (srcWord >> bitShift3) & bitMask; #endif if (RgbToRgba) *destBuffer++ = alphaValue; // Already scaled if SCALE_BITS_TO_DEST_RANGE defined. } int numRemainderComponents = numComponentsPerRow - numFilledWords * 3; // #rick: I'm not sure about this. It's not used for RGB, so I haven't managed to test it yet. if (numRemainderComponents > 0) { U32 srcWord = *srcWordAddr++; if (EndianFlip) srcWord = (srcWord >> 24) | (srcWord >> 8 & 0xff00) | (srcWord << 8 & 0xff0000) | (srcWord << 24); #ifdef SCALE_BITS_TO_DEST_RANGE U32 unscaledValue = (srcWord >> bitShift1) & ((1 << e.bits) - 1); *destBuffer++ = static_cast((unscaledValue << rangeScaleLeftShift) | (unscaledValue >> rangeScaleRightShift)); if (numRemainderComponents > 1) { unscaledValue = (srcWord >> bitShift2) & ((1 << e.bits) - 1); *destBuffer++ = static_cast((unscaledValue << rangeScaleLeftShift) | (unscaledValue >> rangeScaleRightShift)); } // #rick: Need to handle RgbToRgba here? #else *destBuffer++ = (srcWord >> bitShift1) & ((1 << e.bits) - 1); if (numRemainderComponents > 1) *destBuffer++ = (srcWord >> bitShift2) & ((1 << e.bits) - 1); // #rick: Need to handle RgbToRgba here? #endif } } } //! Wrapper to select the appropriate instantiation of the decodeFromFilled12() template function. void decodeFromFilled12(bool flipY, bool rgbToRgba, const Element& e, const void* srcBuffer, int yStart, int yEnd, GenericImagePlane& image) { if (flipY && _flipEndian && rgbToRgba) decodeFromFilled12(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (flipY && _flipEndian) decodeFromFilled12(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (flipY && rgbToRgba) decodeFromFilled12(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (flipY) decodeFromFilled12(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (_flipEndian && rgbToRgba) decodeFromFilled12(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (_flipEndian) decodeFromFilled12(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (rgbToRgba) decodeFromFilled12(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else decodeFromFilled12(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); } //! Decodes _filled_ 12 bit per channel source data for the speicified rows (inclusively) into the destination image, assuming the //! source element and destination image contain exactly the same channels if RgbToRgba is false. If RgbToRgba is true then //! the code assumes the source contains groups of RGB channels in the source and the destination also has an alpha channel, into //! which 1s are written to the bit depth of the channels. //! In this dpx context, filled means that each 12 bit component is stored on a 16 bit boundary, with the remaining 4 bits being padding. //! Apart from the unpacking/aligning, the 'decode' is really just a copy - no colour curve LUT is applied. //! The source image data should be in the specified buffer, srcBuffer, which is assumed to be the start address of the //! entire dpx file, buffered in memory. The e argument indicates which dpx element holds the required image data. //! The function is templated on whether vertical flipping of the image is required, thus removing the inner loop branch //! otehrwise needed to select the approriate row of the destination image data. //! It's also templated on whether endian flipping is required, thus removing the inner loop branch to check whether to endian //! flip that would otherwise be required (and the flip itself, of course, if not required). //! //! Warning: Currently hard-coded to write to U16 image channels. template void decodeFromFilled12(const Element& e, const void* srcBuffer, int yStart, int yEnd, GenericImagePlane& image) { mFnAssert(e.bits == 12); mFnAssert((!RgbToRgba && (e.channels == image.desc().channels())) || (RgbToRgba && (e.channels + Mask_Alpha == image.desc().channels()))); mFnAssert((e.packing == 1) || (e.packing == 2)); // Each component is aligned to 16 bits, i.e., there's 4 bits of padding added per component. // For packing = 1 the padding is in the 4 least significant bits, while for packing = 2 the // padding is in the 4 most significant bits (both post endian flip). These seem to be referred // to as type a and b respectively. const int bitShift = (e.packing == 1) ? 4 : 0; // The mask to apply after we may or may not have actually shifted the 12 bits of channel data. const U16 mask = (1 << 12) - 1; // Set the alpha value we'll insert, if RgbToRgba is true, to the maximum value or 0 according to the // current autoAlpha setting. U16 alphaValue = iop->autoAlpha() ? mask : 0; #ifdef SCALE_BITS_TO_DEST_RANGE int numDestBits = sizeof(U16) * 8; // Hard-coded to U16 destination. // This assumes the source bit count is no greater than the dest bit count. Otherwise we'd have to use // a right rather than left shift as shifting by a negative number gives undefined behaviour. // It also assumes this bit count difference is not greater than the source bit count, otherwise the // right shift will be undefined. // In summary: Only safe for the 10 or 12 to 16 bit scaling! mFnAssert((numDestBits == 16) && ((e.bits == 10) || (e.bits == 12))); // For efficiency, use bit shifting rather than scaling via floating point maths. // We can't just bit shift left by diffBits because we need the maximum source value (10 or 12 1s) // to scale to the maximum destination value (16 1s). // The left shift alone leaves either 6 or 4 zero lsbs. Jerry suggested we fill them with the 6 or // 4 msbs from the source value. I can't decide whether that's genuinely mathematically justifiable // but it doesn't differ from the float scaled version much and crucially we get the correct // maximum value. int diffBits = numDestBits - e.bits; int rangeScaleLeftShift = diffBits; int rangeScaleRightShift = (e.bits - diffBits); // The inserted alpha value should either be 0 or all of the dest bits. alphaValue = iop->autoAlpha() ? ((1 << numDestBits) - 1) : 0; #endif for (int y = yStart; y <= yEnd; ++y) { int yImage = y; if (FlipY) yImage = height - y - 1; // #rick: // Hard-coded to a U16 image buffer. // I _think_ I can just convert this to a template function which will work for U16, U32, F32 (and U64, F64). I should check. mFnAssert(image.desc().dataInfo().dataType() == eDataTypeUInt16); U16* destBuffer = &(image.writableAt(0, yImage, 0)); // We're assuming the file was written a component at a time, i.e., 12+4 bits, hence we loop over each 16 byte half // word, endian flipping each in isolatation (if necessary), before the appropriate bit shift and mask. const U16* srcHalfWordAddr = reinterpret_cast(static_cast(srcBuffer) + e.dataOffset + y * e.bytes); if (RgbToRgba) { for (unsigned int column = 0; column < width; ++column) { // Decode the three RGB channels from the source. U16 srcHalfWord = *srcHalfWordAddr++; if (EndianFlip) srcHalfWord = (srcHalfWord >> 8) | (srcHalfWord << 8); #ifdef SCALE_BITS_TO_DEST_RANGE U32 unscaledValue = (srcHalfWord >> bitShift) & mask; *destBuffer++ = static_cast((unscaledValue << rangeScaleLeftShift) | (unscaledValue >> rangeScaleRightShift)); #else *destBuffer++ = (srcHalfWord >> bitShift) & mask; #endif srcHalfWord = *srcHalfWordAddr++; if (EndianFlip) srcHalfWord = (srcHalfWord >> 8) | (srcHalfWord << 8); #ifdef SCALE_BITS_TO_DEST_RANGE unscaledValue = (srcHalfWord >> bitShift) & mask; *destBuffer++ = static_cast((unscaledValue << rangeScaleLeftShift) | (unscaledValue >> rangeScaleRightShift)); #else *destBuffer++ = (srcHalfWord >> bitShift) & mask; #endif srcHalfWord = *srcHalfWordAddr++; if (EndianFlip) srcHalfWord = (srcHalfWord >> 8) | (srcHalfWord << 8); #ifdef SCALE_BITS_TO_DEST_RANGE unscaledValue = (srcHalfWord >> bitShift) & mask; *destBuffer++ = static_cast((unscaledValue << rangeScaleLeftShift) | (unscaledValue >> rangeScaleRightShift)); #else *destBuffer++ = (srcHalfWord >> bitShift) & mask; #endif // Now we've decoded the three RGB values we add the alpha value. *destBuffer++ = alphaValue; // Already scaled if SCALE_BITS_TO_DEST_RANGE defined. } } else { int numComponentsPerRow = width * e.components; for (int component = 0; component < numComponentsPerRow; ++component) { U16 srcHalfWord = *srcHalfWordAddr++; if (EndianFlip) srcHalfWord = (srcHalfWord >> 8) | (srcHalfWord << 8); #ifdef SCALE_BITS_TO_DEST_RANGE U32 unscaledValue = (srcHalfWord >> bitShift) & mask; *destBuffer++ = static_cast((unscaledValue << rangeScaleLeftShift) | (unscaledValue >> rangeScaleRightShift)); #else *destBuffer++ = (srcHalfWord >> bitShift) & mask; #endif } } } } //! Wrapper to select the appropriate instantiation of the decodeFrom16() template function. void decodeFrom16(bool flipY, bool rgbToRgba, const Element& e, const void* srcBuffer, int yStart, int yEnd, GenericImagePlane& image) { if (flipY && _flipEndian && rgbToRgba) decodeFrom16(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (flipY && _flipEndian) decodeFrom16(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (flipY && rgbToRgba) decodeFrom16(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (flipY) decodeFrom16(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (_flipEndian && rgbToRgba) decodeFrom16(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (_flipEndian) decodeFrom16(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else if (rgbToRgba) decodeFrom16(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); else decodeFrom16(e, srcBuffer, yStart, yEnd, image); } //! Decodes 16 bit per channel source data for the specified rows (inclusively) into the desination image, assuming the source //! element and image contain exactly the same channels if RgbToRgba is false. If RgbToRgba is true then //! the code assumes the source contains groups of RGB channels in the source and the destination also has an alpha channel, into //! which 1s are written to the bit depth of the channels. //! The 'decode' is really just a copy - no colour curve LUT is applied. //! The source image data should be in the specified buffer, srcBuffer, which is assumed to be the start address of the //! entire dpx file, buffered in memory. The e argument indicates which dpx element holds the required image data. //! The function is templated on whether vertical flipping of the image is required, thus removing the inner loop branch //! otehrwise needed to select the approriate row of the destination image data. //! It's also templated on whether endian flipping is required, thus removing the inner loop branch to check whether to endian //! flip that would otherwise be required (and the flip itself, of course, if not required). //! //! Warning: Currently hard-coded to write to U16 image channels. template void decodeFrom16(const Element& e, const void* srcBuffer, int yStart, int yEnd, GenericImagePlane& image) { mFnAssert(e.bits == 16); mFnAssert((!RgbToRgba && (e.channels == image.desc().channels())) || (RgbToRgba && (e.channels + Mask_Alpha == image.desc().channels()))); U16 alphaValue = iop->autoAlpha() ? 0xffff : 0; // Hard-coded to dest U16. for (int y = yStart; y <= yEnd; ++y) { int yImage = y; if (FlipY) yImage = height - y - 1; // #rick: // Hard-coded to a U16 image buffer. // I _think_ I can just convert this to a template function which will work for U16, U32, F32 (and U64, F64). I should check. mFnAssert(image.desc().dataInfo().dataType() == eDataTypeUInt16); U16* destBuffer = &(image.writableAt(0, yImage, 0)); const U16* srcAddr = reinterpret_cast (static_cast(srcBuffer) + e.dataOffset + y * e.bytes); if (RgbToRgba) { for (unsigned int column = 0; column < width; ++column) { // Note: We're assuming the data has been written out in 16 bit half word, so we (potentially) endian flip each // half word rather than 32 bit word. U16 srcComponent = *srcAddr++; if (EndianFlip) srcComponent = (srcComponent >> 8) | (srcComponent << 8); *destBuffer++ = srcComponent; srcComponent = *srcAddr++; if (EndianFlip) srcComponent = (srcComponent >> 8) | (srcComponent << 8); *destBuffer++ = srcComponent; srcComponent = *srcAddr++; if (EndianFlip) srcComponent = (srcComponent >> 8) | (srcComponent << 8); *destBuffer++ = srcComponent; *destBuffer++ = alphaValue; } } else { int numComponentsPerRow = width * e.components; for (int componentCount = 0; componentCount < numComponentsPerRow; ++componentCount) { U16 srcComponent = *srcAddr++; // Note: We're assuming the data has been written out in 16 bit half word, so we (potentially) endian flip each // half word rather than 32 bit word. if (EndianFlip) srcComponent = (srcComponent >> 8) | (srcComponent << 8); *destBuffer++ = srcComponent; } } } } }; static bool test(int fd, const unsigned char* block, int length) { DPXHeader* header = (DPXHeader*)block; U32 m = header->file.magicNumber; if (m == DPX_MAGIC || m == DPX_MAGIC_FLIPPED) return true; return false; } static Reader* build(Read* iop, int fd, const unsigned char* b, int n) { return new dpxReader(iop, fd, b, n); } const Reader::Description dpxReader::description("dpx\0", build, test); // end dpxReader.C