Source code for nukescripts.flags

# Copyright (c) 2009 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.

import nuke_internal as nuke

[docs]def get_fully_qualified_name(node): if node.Class() == "Root": return "" parent_name = get_fully_qualified_name(node.parent()) if parent_name == "": return return parent_name + "." +
[docs]def toggle(knob): """ "Inverts" some flags on the selected nodes. What this really does is set all of them to the same value, by finding the majority value and using the inverse of that.""" value = 0 n = nuke.selectedNodes(recursive=True) for i in n: try: val = i.knob(knob).value() if val: value += 1 else: value -= 1 except: pass status = value < 0 for i in n: knobbie_str = get_fully_qualified_name(i) + "." + knob if not nuke.exists(knobbie_str): continue knobbie = i.knob(knob) size = nuke.animation(knobbie_str, "size") if size is not None and int(size) > 0: knobbie.setKeyAt(nuke.frame()) knobbie.setValue(status) else: knobbie.setValue(status) nuke.modified(True)