Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2009 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.

import nuke_internal as nuke
import re
import os.path

[docs]def getallnodeinfo(): this = nuke.toNode("this") knobdata = this.writeKnobs(nuke.TO_SCRIPT) knobdata = re.sub("}", "", knobdata) knobdata = re.sub(" {", "", knobdata) knobdata = re.sub("{", "", knobdata) output = "Node Info for : " + this.fullName() output += "\n" + nuke.showInfo() output += " -- \nKnob Info:" output += "\n\t" + knobdata classname = this.Class() if classname == "Read" or classname == "Write": fileknob = this.knob("file").value() proxyknob = this.knob("proxy").value() # fileknob and proxyknob can be None object # set to empty string in order to avoid any exception if fileknob == None: fileknob = "" if proxyknob == None: proxyknob = "" output += "\n\nFile Info:" output += "\n\tFull Res Path : \n\t\t" + fileknob output += "\n\n\tProxy Res Path : \n\t\t" + proxyknob output += "\n --" output += "\n\tFull Res File : \n\t\t" + os.path.basename(fileknob) output += "\n\n\tProxy Res File : \n\t\t" + os.path.basename(proxyknob) return output
[docs]def infoviewer(): nodes = nuke.selectedNodes(recursive=True) nuke.display("nukescripts.getallnodeinfo()", nodes[0] if nodes else nuke.selectedNode())