Source code for nukescripts.run_framecycler

# Copyright (c) 2009 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.

# Run framecycler on a Read or Write node. See the flipbook command
# for how we run framecycler on *any* node.

import platform
import sys
import os.path
import re
import _thread
import nuke_internal as nuke
import subprocess

[docs]def framecycler_stereo_available(): """This function used to detect if we were running on Mac OS Tiger; we no longer support Tiger, so this function always returns true now.""" return True
[docs]def run_app(app, in_args): args = [app] for a in in_args: args.append(a) try: p = subprocess.Popen(args=args, executable=app, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output, errors = p.communicate() return output except: return ""
[docs]def framecycler_linux_version(): default_path = "CentOS5" output = run_app("/usr/bin/lsb_release", ["-a"]) if len(output) == 0: output = run_app("/usr/local/bin/lsb_release", ["-a"]) if len(output) == 0: output = run_app("/bin/lsb_release", ["-a"]) if len(output) == 0: return default_path try: if output.find('CentOS') >= 0: match ='Release:\s*[\d.]+', output) if match != None: substring = versionMatch ='[\d.]+', substring) versionString = if (float(versionString)) < 5.0: return "CentOS4.4" except: pass return default_path
fc_path="" if fc_path == "": try: fc_path = os.environ["FC_PATH"] except: try: fc_path = os.path.join(os.environ["FC_HOME"], "bin", "framecycler") except: fc_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(nuke.EXE_PATH), "FrameCycler") fc_suffix = "" if nuke.env['WIN32']: fc_path = os.path.join(fc_path+"Windows", "bin", "framecycler") elif not nuke.env['WIN32'] and not nuke.env['MACOS']: fc_path = os.path.join(fc_path+framecycler_linux_version(), "bin", "framecycler") else: fc_path = os.path.join(fc_path + "OSX", "bin", "FrameCycler") if nuke.env['WIN32']: fc_path = fc_path + ".exe"
[docs]def framecycler_sequence(frange, filename, cmd_args_size): sequence = [] for i in range(min(frange.frames(), cmd_args_size)): sequence.append( "Q[" ) sequence.append( filename ) sequence.append( "%d-%d" % (frange.getFrame(i), frange.getFrame(i)) ) sequence.append( "]Q" ) return sequence
[docs]def framecycler_this(node, start, end, incr, view): """Run framecycler on a Read or Write node. See the flipbook command for how we run framecycler on *any* node.""" global fc_path if not os.access(fc_path, os.X_OK): raise RuntimeError("Framecycler cannot be executed (%s)." % (fc_path,) ) filename = nuke.filename(node) if filename is None or filename == "": raise RuntimeError("Framecycler cannot be executed on '%s', expected to find a filename and there was none." % (node.fullName(),) ) sequence_interval = str(start)+"-"+str(end) (filename, subs) = re.subn("(%[0-9]+)d", "#", filename) # if the step beetwen frames is bigger then one # we have to build the framecycler syntax in a special way # the idea is to add multiple queue sequence of 1 frame if subs == 0 or incr > 1: sequence_interval = "" (filename, subs) = re.subn("%V", view[0], filename) (filename, subs) = re.subn("%v", view[0][0], filename) os.path.normpath(filename) w = nuke.value(".actual_format.width") h = nuke.value(".actual_format.height") cropa = nuke.value(".actual_format.x") cropb = nuke.value(".actual_format.y") cropc = str(nuke.expression(".actual_format.r"+"-"+cropa)) cropd = str(nuke.expression(".actual_format.t"+"-"+cropb)) pa = nuke.value(".actual_format.pixel_aspect") args = [] fc_path = os.path.normpath(fc_path) if nuke.env['WIN32']: args.append( "\"" + fc_path + "\"" ) filename = filename.replace("/", "\\") filename = "\"" + filename + "\"" else: args.append( fc_path ) if incr == 1: args.append(filename) args.append(sequence_interval) if cropa is not None or cropb is not None or cropc != w or cropd != h: args.append("-c") args.append(cropa) args.append(cropb) args.append(cropc) args.append(cropd) resample = "" if float(pa)>1: args.append("-r") args.append("100%") args.append(str(int(100/float(pa)))+"%") elif float(pa)<1: args.append("-r") args.append(str(int(100/float(pa)))+"%") args.append("100%") if len(view) > 1: args.append("-stereo") if incr > 1: # I didn't find any python call that return the maximum argument size for command line. # I hope that 1000 is enough. maximun_cmd_args_size = 1000 frange = nuke.FrameRange(start, end, incr) sequence = framecycler_sequence( frange, filename, maximun_cmd_args_size ) args += sequence nuke.IrToken() os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAITO, fc_path, args)