Maths Functions¶
The following maths functions are defined on both scalar and vector float types, i.e. float, float1, float2, float3
and float4
On vectors the math function is applied to each component element-wise. For example: sin(float2(1.0f, 2.0f))
is equivalent to float2(sin(1.0f), sin(2.0f))
When a function takes multiple arguments the same logic is applied to each argument element-wise. See the SpecificationMathsKernel for an example of the following maths functions used in a single kernel.
Trigonometric functions¶
// floatn sin(floatn a);
pixel = sin(pixel);
// floatn cos(floatn a);
pixel = cos(pixel);
// floatn tan(floatn a);
pixel = tan(pixel);
// floatn asin(floatn a);
pixel = asin(pixel);
// floatn acos(floatn a);
pixel = acos(pixel);
// floatn atan(floatn a);
pixel = atan(pixel);
// floatn atan2(floatn a, floatn b);
pixel = atan2(pixel, pixel);
Logarithmic, exponential and power functions¶
// floatn exp(floatn x);
// Returns the natural exponent, e^x.
pixel = exp(pixel);
// floatn log(floatn x);
// Returns the natural log, log x of base e.
pixel = log(pixel);
// floatn log2(floatn x);
// Returns the log x of base 2.
pixel = log2(pixel);
// floatn log10(floatn x);
// Returns the log x of base 10.
pixel = log10(pixel);
// floatn pow(floatn x, floatn a);
// Returns x^a.
pixel = pow(pixel, pixel);
// floatn sqrt(floatn x);
// Returns the positive square root of x.
pixel = sqrt(pixel);
// floatn rsqrt(floatn x);
// Returns the inverse square root of x, i.e. 1.0f/sqrt(x).
pixel = rsqrt(pixel + 1.0f);
Rounding functions¶
// floatn floor(floatn x);
// Returns x rounded to an integer towards negative infinity.
pixel = floor(pixel);
// floatn ceil(floatn x);
// Returns x rounded to an integer towards positive infinity.
pixel = ceil(pixel);
// floatn round(floatn x);
// Returns x rounded to the nearest integer, ties rounded to even.
pixel = round(pixel);
Absolute and sign functions¶
// floatn fabs(floatn x);
// Returns the absolute value of x.
pixel = fabs(pixel);
// floatn sign(floatn x);
// Returns the value of the sign bit of x i.e. 1.0f for positive values,
// -1.0f for negative values and 0.0f for +/-0.0f.
pixel = sign(pixel);
Remainder functions¶
// floatn fmod(floatn x, floatn y);
// Returns the floating point remainder of the division of x / y.
pixel = fmod(pixel, SampleType(dst)(0.5f));
Clamping functions¶
// floatn min(floatn x, floatn y);
pixel = min(pixel, SampleType(dst)(0.5f));
// floatn max(floatn x, floatn y);
pixel = max(pixel, SampleType(dst)(0.5f));
// floatn clamp(floatn x, floatn y, floatn z);
pixel = clamp(pixel, SampleType(dst)(0.0f), SampleType(dst)(1.0f));
Interpolation functions¶
// floatn lerp(floatn a, floatn b, floatn t);
// Returns the linear interpolation/extrapolation between two points a and b
// i.e. a + t(b - a)
pixel = lerp(pixel, SampleType(dst)(1.0f), SampleType(dst)(0.5f));
Introduced in Nuke 16.0
Special maths functions¶
These functions don’t follow the standard pattern on vectors like the above functions, but instead compute something bespoke.
// float dot(floatn x, floatn y);
// Returns the dot product of x dot y.
float dotProduct = dot(pixel, pixel);
// float3 cross(float3 x, float3 y);
// Returns the cross product of x cross y.
float3 crossProduct = cross(float3(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f), float3(4.0f, 5.0f, 6.0f));
// int length(floatn x);
// Returns the number of elements in a vector i.e. length(float2(1.0f, 2.0f)) -> 2
int len = length(pixel);
// floatn normalize(floatn x);
// Returns the L2-Norm of x.
pixel = normalize(pixel);
// float median(float data[], int size);
// Returns the median value in an array of data of length size.
float arr[6] = {1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f, 6.0f};
float med = median(arr, 6);