New Features

Memory Management

New memory management functions and classes have been added to allow Ops more control over allocation of memory and tracking of the memory used.


A new knob type of SceneView_Knob has been added, which provides the ability to display items in a hierarchical format and allows the user to selelect distinct/individual sub-selections.

It also includes a Python interface which can be used to add/remove items and alter selection.

New Attribute type

A new std::string attribute type has been added to the Attribute class.

Box class

The Box class now has expand() and scale functions.

3D Event callbacks

It is now possible to get 3D event callbacks for user interaction in the 3D viewer.

Events include mouse clicks, drags, moves, releases and selection change notifications.

extraKnobs callback for Readers and Writers

A new callback for FileHander-derived classes has been added, to allow format-specific knobs to be created after the standard Reader / Writer knobs. This can be used to create extra tab knobs for Readers and Writers.

virtual void extraKnobs(Knob_Callback cb);


A new 3D Primitive subtype of Polymesh has been added, which can be used to represent polygons comprising a contiguous surface. This new Primitive type is more efficient than using multiple Triangle or Polygon instances, as member data like Materials are stored once for the every polygon within the Polymesh.

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