DD::Image::rPoint Member List

This is the complete list of members for DD::Image::rPoint, including all inherited members.

_color (defined in DD::Image::rPoint)DD::Image::rPoint
add_to_displacement_render(Scene *, PrimitiveContext *) (defined in DD::Image::rPrimitive)DD::Image::rPrimitive [inline, virtual]
add_to_render(Scene *, PrimitiveContext *)DD::Image::rPoint [virtual]
append(Hash &h) const (defined in DD::Image::Box3)DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
Box3() (defined in DD::Image::Box3)DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
Box3(float x, float y, float z) (defined in DD::Image::Box3)DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
Box3(const Vector3 p) (defined in DD::Image::Box3)DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
Box3(const Vector3 p1, const Vector3 p2) (defined in DD::Image::Box3)DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
cast_shadows() const (defined in DD::Image::rPrimitive)DD::Image::rPrimitive
center() const (defined in DD::Image::Box3)DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
Class() (defined in DD::Image::rPoint)DD::Image::rPoint [inline, virtual]
clear() (defined in DD::Image::Box3)DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
d() const DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
distance(float x, float y) const DD::Image::rPoint [virtual]
distance_squared(float x, float y) const DD::Image::rPoint [virtual]
duplicate() const (defined in DD::Image::rPrimitive)DD::Image::rPrimitive [inline, virtual]
empty() const DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
eRPoint enum value (defined in DD::Image::rPrimitive)DD::Image::rPrimitive
eRTriangle enum value (defined in DD::Image::rPrimitive)DD::Image::rPrimitive
eUnknownRPrimitive enum value (defined in DD::Image::rPrimitive)DD::Image::rPrimitive
expand(const Box3 &v)DD::Image::Box3
expand(const Vector3 &p)DD::Image::Box3
f() const DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
geoinfo() const (defined in DD::Image::rPrimitive)DD::Image::rPrimitive [inline]
geoinfo_DD::Image::rPrimitive [protected]
getPrimitiveType() const (defined in DD::Image::rPoint)DD::Image::rPoint [inline, virtual]
h() const DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
inside(const Vector3 &p) const DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
intersect(float x, float y) const (defined in DD::Image::rPoint)DD::Image::rPoint [virtual]
intersect(float x, float y, float *dist) const (defined in DD::Image::rPoint)DD::Image::rPoint [virtual]
intersect(const Box3 &v) (defined in DD::Image::Box3)DD::Image::Box3
intersect_dist_squared(float x, float y, float *dist_squared) const (defined in DD::Image::rPoint)DD::Image::rPoint [virtual]
intersect_scanline(float y, int &X, int &R, VArray &out, VArray &du, VArray &dv) const DD::Image::rPoint [virtual]
max() const (defined in DD::Image::Box3)DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
min() const (defined in DD::Image::Box3)DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
n() const DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
operator delete(void *mem) (defined in DD::Image::rPrimitive)DD::Image::rPrimitive
operator delete[](void *mem) (defined in DD::Image::rPrimitive)DD::Image::rPrimitive
operator new(size_t size) (defined in DD::Image::rPrimitive)DD::Image::rPrimitive
operator new[](size_t size) (defined in DD::Image::rPrimitive)DD::Image::rPrimitive
parent() const (defined in DD::Image::rPrimitive)DD::Image::rPrimitive [inline]
parent_DD::Image::rPrimitive [protected]
print_info(const char *title=0) const (defined in DD::Image::Box3)DD::Image::Box3
project(const Matrix4 &m, Box &bbox) const DD::Image::Box3
r() const DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
radius (defined in DD::Image::rPoint)DD::Image::rPoint
radius() const (defined in DD::Image::Box3)DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
receive_shadows() const (defined in DD::Image::rPrimitive)DD::Image::rPrimitive
render_mode (defined in DD::Image::rPoint)DD::Image::rPoint
rPoint(const GeoInfo *info, const Primitive *p, Point::RenderMode mode, float r) (defined in DD::Image::rPoint)DD::Image::rPoint
rPoint(const GeoInfo *info, const Primitive *p, int mode, float r) (defined in DD::Image::rPoint)DD::Image::rPoint
rPoint(const GeoInfo *info, const Primitive *p, Point::RenderMode mode, const Vector4 &color, float r) (defined in DD::Image::rPoint)DD::Image::rPoint
rPoint(const GeoInfo *info, const Primitive *p, int mode, const Vector4 &color, float r) (defined in DD::Image::rPoint)DD::Image::rPoint
rPoint(const rPoint &) (defined in DD::Image::rPoint)DD::Image::rPoint
rPrimitive(const GeoInfo *info, const Primitive *p) (defined in DD::Image::rPrimitive)DD::Image::rPrimitive
rPrimitive(const rPrimitive &)DD::Image::rPrimitive
rPrimitiveType enum name (defined in DD::Image::rPrimitive)DD::Image::rPrimitive
set(float x, float y, float z, float r, float t, float f) (defined in DD::Image::Box3)DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
set(Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2) (defined in DD::Image::Box3)DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
set(const Box3 &v) (defined in DD::Image::Box3)DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
set_max(float x, float y, float z) (defined in DD::Image::Box3)DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
set_min(float x, float y, float z) (defined in DD::Image::Box3)DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
subdivide(std::vector< rPrimitive * > &primitives, SubdivisionContext *stx) (defined in DD::Image::rPrimitive)DD::Image::rPrimitive [inline, virtual]
t() const DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
trace(Scene *)DD::Image::rPoint [virtual]
transform(const Matrix4 &m)DD::Image::Box3
v (defined in DD::Image::rPoint)DD::Image::rPoint
w() const DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
x() const (defined in DD::Image::Box3)DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
y() const (defined in DD::Image::Box3)DD::Image::Box3 [inline]
~rPrimitive()DD::Image::rPrimitive [virtual]

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