Blink API

Blink API Example Plug-in


A simple example plug-in that uses the Blink API to do a two-pass box blur and gain on its input.

// Copyright (c) 2013 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.

//DDImage includes
#include "DDImage/PlanarIop.h"
#include "DDImage/Knobs.h"
#include "DDImage/NukeWrapper.h"
#include "DDImage/Blink.h"

//Blink API includes
#include "Blink/Blink.h"

//Header containing the source strings for the Blink kernels we will use for image processing
#include "blurAndGainExampleKernels.h"

//Some information about the plug-in 
static const char* const CLASS = "BlinkBlurAndGain";
static const char* const HELP = "Example of a simple box blur and gain operator that uses the Blink API.";

 * Simple Blink API example plug-in that does a two-pass box blur and applies a gain.

// Blink plug-ins do their image processing on tiles rather than scanlines. They should always inherit from
// DD::Image::PlanarIops to get access to ImagePlanes, which can then be wrapped in Blink::Images for
// Blink-based image processing.
class BlinkBlurAndGain : public DD::Image::PlanarIop
  // Reference to the GPU device to process on.
  Blink::ComputeDevice _gpuDevice;

  // Whether to process on the GPU, if available
  bool _useGPUIfAvailable;

  // The radius to use for the blur kernel.
  int _radius;

  // The amount of gain to apply.
  float _gain;

  // This holds the ProgramSource for the blur kernel.
  Blink::ProgramSource _blurProgram;
  // This holds the ProgramSource for the gain kernel.
  Blink::ProgramSource _gainProgram;

  // Constructor. Initialize user controls and local variables to their default values.
  BlinkBlurAndGain(Node* node) 
    : PlanarIop(node)
    , _gpuDevice(Blink::ComputeDevice::CurrentGPUDevice())
    , _useGPUIfAvailable(true)
    , _blurProgram(BlurKernel)
    , _gainProgram(GainKernel)
    _radius = 3;
    _gain = 2.0f;

  // This function creates the controls that will be exposed to the user.
  void knobs(DD::Image::Knob_Callback f);

  void _validate(bool);

  void getRequests(const DD::Image::Box& box, const DD::Image::ChannelSet& channels, int count, DD::Image::RequestOutput &reqData) const;

  // Whether to process in stripes or full-frame.
  virtual bool useStripes() const;

  // Set the stripe height to use for processing.
  virtual size_t stripeHeight() const;

  // This function does all the work in a PlanarIop. It is guaranteed that outputPlane here will never have more than 
  // the 4 channels which can be stored in a Blink::Image.
  void renderStripe(DD::Image::ImagePlane& outputPlane);

  // Return the name of the class.
  const char* Class() const { return CLASS; }
  // Return a brief description of the node.
  const char* node_help() const { return HELP; }

  // Information to the plug-in manager of DDImage/Nuke.
  static const Iop::Description description;

void BlinkBlurAndGain::knobs(DD::Image::Knob_Callback f)
  // Add GPU knobs
  Newline(f, "Local GPU: ");
  const bool hasGPU = _gpuDevice.available();
  std::string gpuName = hasGPU ? : "Not available";
  Named_Text_knob(f, "gpuName", gpuName.c_str());
  Bool_knob(f, &_useGPUIfAvailable, "use_gpu", "Use GPU if available");

  // Add a parameter for the blur radius.
  Int_knob(f, &_radius, "radius");
  Tooltip(f, "The radius of the blur.");

  // Add a parameter for the gain amount.
  Float_knob(f, &_gain, DD::Image::IRange(0, 10), "gain");
  Tooltip(f, "The amount of gain to apply.");

void BlinkBlurAndGain::_validate(bool for_real)
  // Copy bbox channels etc from input0, which will validate it.

  // Pad the output area this node can produce by the size of the blur radius.

void  BlinkBlurAndGain::getRequests(const DD::Image::Box& box, const DD::Image::ChannelSet& channels, int count, DD::Image::RequestOutput &reqData) const
  DD::Image::Box inputBox = box;
  // Request _radius extra pixels around the input.
  reqData.request(&input0(), inputBox, channels, count);

 * Override of PlanarIop function renderStripe(...). This does the image processing to produce a stripe of the output.
void BlinkBlurAndGain::renderStripe(DD::Image::ImagePlane& outputPlane)
  // Work out the bounds of the area we need to fetch from the input. This will depend on the output bounds.
  DD::Image::Box inputBox = outputPlane.bounds();

  // Make an ImagePlaneDescriptor that describes how the inputs should be stored.
  DD::Image::ImagePlaneDescriptor inputDescriptor(inputBox, // the bounds of the input we want to fetch
                                                  outputPlane.packed(), // input data should be packed in the same way as the output plane
                                                  outputPlane.channels(), // input data should have the same channels as the output plane
                                                  outputPlane.nComps());  // input data should have the same number of components as the output plane

  // Make an ImagePlane that satisfies this description.
  DD::Image::ImagePlane inputPlane(inputDescriptor);

  // Fetch the data from input0 into our ImagePlane.

  // This function must be called on the output plane before writing to it.

  // Wrap the input and output planes as Blink images. The underlying data stays the same. 
  Blink::Image outputPlaneAsImage;
  Blink::Image inputPlaneAsImage;
  bool success = (DD::Image::Blink::ImagePlaneAsBlinkImage(outputPlane, outputPlaneAsImage) &&
                  DD::Image::Blink::ImagePlaneAsBlinkImage(inputPlane, inputPlaneAsImage));
  // Check the fetch succeeded.
  if (!success) {
    error("Unable to fetch Blink image for image plane.");

  // Has the user requested GPU processing, and is the GPU available for processing on?
  bool usingGPU = _useGPUIfAvailable && _gpuDevice.available();

  // Make a temporary image to blur into, on the GPU or CPU as appropriate. This should have the same layout as the input image.
  Blink::Image intermediateImage = usingGPU ? inputPlaneAsImage.makeLike(_gpuDevice) : inputPlaneAsImage.makeLike(Blink::ComputeDevice::CurrentCPUDevice());

  // Get a reference to the ComputeDevice to do our processing on. 
  Blink::ComputeDevice computeDevice = usingGPU ? _gpuDevice : Blink::ComputeDevice::CurrentCPUDevice();

  // Distribute our input image from the device used by NUKE to our ComputeDevice.
  Blink::Image inputImageOnComputeDevice = inputPlaneAsImage.distributeTo(computeDevice);

  // This will bind the compute device to the calling thread. This bind should always be performed before
  // beginning any image processing with Blink.
  Blink::ComputeDeviceBinder binder(computeDevice);

  // Make a vector containing the images we want to run the first kernel over.
  std::vector<Blink::Image> images;

  // Make a Blink::Kernel from the source in _blurProgram to do the horizontal blur.
  Blink::Kernel horizontalBlurKernel(_blurProgram, 
  horizontalBlurKernel.setParamValue("Radius", _radius);
  horizontalBlurKernel.setParamValue("Horizontal", true);

  // Run the horizontal blur kernel. Because we haven't specified the bounds to iterate over, these
  // will be the bounds of the last image passed in - in this case, the intermediateImage.

  // If we are on the GPU, we need to make an output image, otherwise we can just use the one from NUKE.
  Blink::Image outputImage = usingGPU ? outputPlaneAsImage.makeLike(_gpuDevice) : outputPlaneAsImage;

  // Reset the images vector to hold the images needed for the vertical blur.

  // Make a Blink::Kernel from the source in _blurProgram to do the vertical blur.
  Blink::Kernel verticalBlurKernel(_blurProgram, 
  verticalBlurKernel.setParamValue("Radius", _radius);
  verticalBlurKernel.setParamValue("Horizontal", false);

  // Run the vertical blur kernel. Because we haven't specified the bounds to iterate over, these
  // will be the bounds of the last image passed in - in this case, the outputImage.
  // The gain kernel requires only the output image as input/output.

  // Make a Blink::Kernel from the source in _gainProgram to do the gain.
  Blink::Kernel gainKernel(_gainProgram, 
  gainKernel.setParamValue("Gain", _gain);
  // Run the gain kernel over the output image.

  // If we're using the GPU, copy the result back to NUKE's output plane.
  if (usingGPU) {

 * Override of PlanarIop function; returns true.
 * renderStripe() will be called on imageplanes of size info().w() x stripeHeight().
bool BlinkBlurAndGain::useStripes() const
  return true;

 * Override of PlanarIop function;
 * returns a fixed stripe height of 256.
size_t BlinkBlurAndGain::stripeHeight() const
  return 256;

/* This is a function that creates an instance of the operator, and is
   needed for the Iop::Description to work.
static DD::Image::Iop* BlinkBlurAndGainCreate(Node* node)
  return new BlinkBlurAndGain(node);

/* The Iop::Description is how NUKE knows what the name of the operator is,
   how to create one, and the menu item to show the user. The menu item may be
   0 if you do not want the operator to be visible.
const DD::Image::Iop::Description BlinkBlurAndGain::description(CLASS, "Filter/BlinkBlurAndGain",
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