import logging
import os
# Logging functions for Hiero
# This is just a thin wrapper around the Python logging module,
# but we might want to extend the interface, e.g. to have separate
# channels for different Hiero modules.
# Our log levels
kDebug = 0
kInfo = 1
kError = 2
# String used for formatting log messages.
# Currently we just get e.g. 'ERROR: Something went wrong'
_format = "%(levelname)s %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d:%(name)s(%(process)d): %(message)s"
_dateFormat = "%H:%M:%S"
_logLevel = kError
_levelMap = {
kDebug : logging.DEBUG,
kInfo : logging.INFO,
kError : logging.ERROR
# Set the default logging output level to only show errors.
logging.basicConfig( format=_format, level=_levelMap[_logLevel], datefmt=_dateFormat )
_logger = logging.getLogger('Hiero')
def _formatMessage(message, *args):
if isinstance(message, str) and message.find('%') != -1 and args:
return message % args
result = str(message)
for arg in args:
result += ' ' + str(arg)
return result
[docs]def setLogLevel(level):
""" Set the logging output level. Possible values are: kDebug, kInfo, kError """
global _logLevel
_logLevel = level
_logger.setLevel( _levelMap[level] )
[docs]def logLevel():
""" Get the current log output level. Possible values are: kDebug, kInfo, kError """
return _logLevel
[docs]def debug(message, *args):
Log message at kDebug level. If the message is a string containing formatting placeholders, args will be merged into it using the string formatting operator.
Otherwise the arguments will be concatenated into a string with spaces separating them.
_logger.debug(_formatMessage(message, *args))
[docs]def info(message, *args):
""" Log message at kInfo level. If the message is a string containing formatting placeholders, args will be merged into it using the string formatting operator.
Otherwise the arguments will be concatenated into a string with spaces separating them. """, *args))
[docs]def error(message, *args):
""" Log message at kError level. If the message is a string containing formatting placeholders, args will be merged into it using the string formatting operator.
Otherwise the arguments will be concatenated into a string with spaces separating them. """
_logger.error(_formatMessage(message, *args))
[docs]def exception(message, *args):
""" The same as error(), but also prints a stack trace. Only call from an exception handler. """
_logger.exception(_formatMessage(message, *args))
_fileLoggers: dict = {}
_logDir = os.path.join(os.environ['NUKE_TEMP_DIR'], 'logs')
[docs]def getFileLogger(name):
""" Get a logger which writes to a file in the user's NUKE_TEMP_DIR """
return _fileLoggers[name]
except KeyError:
fileLogger = _logger.getChild(name)
_fileLoggers[name] = fileLogger
fileLogger.propagate = False
logPath = os.path.join(_logDir, '{}.log'.format(name))
fileHandler = logging.FileHandler(logPath, mode="w")
fileLogFormat = "%(levelname)s %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d: %(filename)s:%(lineno)d %(funcName)s(): %(message)s"
return fileLogger