// UVProject.C // Copyright (c) 2009 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd. All Rights Reserved. #include "DDImage/GeoOp.h" #include "DDImage/Scene.h" #include "DDImage/CameraOp.h" #include "DDImage/Knob.h" #include "DDImage/Knobs.h" #include "DDImage/Mesh.h" #include "DDImage/Channel3D.h" #include "DDImage/ViewFrustum.h" #include using namespace DD::Image; static const char* const CLASS = "UVProject"; static const char* const HELP = "Project uv onto points and vertices."; // Point/Vertex: enum { POINT_LIST = 0, VERTEX_LIST }; // Projection type: enum { OFF = 0, PERSPECTIVE, PLANAR, SPHERICAL, CYLINDRICAL }; static const char* const proj_types[] = { "off", "perspective", "planar", "spherical", "cylindrical", nullptr }; enum { eBoth = 0, eFront, eBack }; static const char* const SurfaceNames[] = { "both", "front", "back", nullptr }; class UVProject : public GeoOp { private: int projection; double u_scale, v_scale; bool u_invert, v_invert; int plane; Matrix4 xform; Matrix4 projectxform; Matrix4 _perspxform; const char* uv_attrib_name; float inv_u_scale = 0.0f; float inv_v_scale = 0.0f; bool _frustumCulling; // if true don't affect the uv coordinate outside the frustum int _surface; // surface to project onto Vector3 _cam_dir; // projection vector protected: void _validate(bool for_real) override { // Validate the inputs: input0()->validate(for_real); // Check if input 1 is connected and get the camera xform from it Op* op = Op::input(1); if (dynamic_cast(op)) { op->validate(for_real); CameraOp* cam = (CameraOp*)op; projectxform.translation(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f); projectxform.scale(0.5f, static_cast(cam->horizontalAperture() / cam->verticalAperture()) * 0.5f, 1.0f); projectxform *= cam->projection(); xform = cam->imatrix(); _cam_dir = cam->matrix().z_axis(); } else if (dynamic_cast(op)) { op->validate(for_real); xform = ((AxisOp*)op)->imatrix(); projectxform.makeIdentity(); _cam_dir = -((AxisOp*)op)->matrix().z_axis(); } else { xform.makeIdentity(); projectxform.makeIdentity(); } inv_u_scale = (float)(1.0 / u_scale); inv_v_scale = (float)(1.0 / v_scale); // Calculate the geometry hashes: GeoOp::_validate(for_real); } public: static const Description description; const char* Class() const override { return CLASS; } const char* node_help() const override { return HELP; } UVProject(Node* node) : GeoOp(node) { projection = PERSPECTIVE; u_scale = v_scale = 1.0; u_invert = v_invert = false; plane = PLANE_XY; uv_attrib_name = "uv"; _surface = eBoth; _frustumCulling = false; } int minimum_inputs() const override { return 2; } int maximum_inputs() const override { return 2; } bool test_input(int input, Op* op) const override { if (input == 1) return dynamic_cast(op) != nullptr; return GeoOp::test_input(input, op); } Op* default_input(int input) const override { if (input == 1) return nullptr; return GeoOp::default_input(input); } const char* input_label(int input, char* buffer) const override { switch (input) { case 0: return nullptr; case 1: return "axis/cam"; default: return nullptr; } } void knobs(Knob_Callback f) override { GeoOp::knobs(f); Enumeration_knob(f, &projection, proj_types, "projection", "projection"); Obsolete_knob(f, "destination", nullptr); Enumeration_knob(f, &plane, plane_orientation_modes, "plane", "plane"); Enumeration_knob(f, &_surface, SurfaceNames, "project_on", "project on"); Bool_knob(f, &_frustumCulling, "frustum_culling", "view frustum culling"); Tooltip(f, "Project uv onto points and vertices only inside the view frustum."); Bool_knob(f, &u_invert, "u_invert", "invert u"); Bool_knob(f, &v_invert, "v_invert", "invert v"); Double_knob(f, &u_scale, IRange(0, 2), "u_scale", "u scale"); Double_knob(f, &v_scale, IRange(0, 2), "v_scale", "v scale"); String_knob(f, &uv_attrib_name, "uv_attrib_name", "attrib name"); } int knob_changed(Knob* k) override { knob("plane")->enable(projection > PERSPECTIVE); knob("u_scale")->enable(projection > PERSPECTIVE); knob("v_scale")->enable(projection > PERSPECTIVE); knob("frustum_culling")->enable(projection == PERSPECTIVE); return 1; } /*! Hash up knobs that affect the primitive attributes. */ void get_geometry_hash() override { // Get all hashes up-to-date GeoOp::get_geometry_hash(); if (projection == OFF) return; // Hash up knobs that affect the UV attributes Hash knob_hash; knob_hash.reset(); // Take transform into account: xform.append(knob_hash); // Take projection matrix into consideration if perspective mode if (projection == PERSPECTIVE) projectxform.append(knob_hash); // Hash rest of local knobs: knob_hash.append(projection); knob_hash.append(plane); knob_hash.append(u_invert); knob_hash.append(v_invert); knob_hash.append(u_scale); knob_hash.append(v_scale); knob_hash.append(uv_attrib_name); knob_hash.append(_surface); knob_hash.append(_frustumCulling); // Take point hash into account to force uv upating when positions change knob_hash.append(geo_hash[Group_Points]); knob_hash.append(geo_hash[Group_Matrix]); // Change the point or vertex attributes hash: geo_hash[Group_Attributes].append(knob_hash); } inline bool normal_projection_pass_test(Vector3& n) const { float a = _cam_dir.dot( n ); if (_surface == eFront){ if (a < 0) return false; } else if (_surface == eBack){ if (a > 0) return false; } return true; } // get transformation from geoinfo local to camera Matrix4 getLocalToCameraMatrix(const GeoInfo& info) { Matrix4 m; if (info.matrix == Matrix4::identity()) m = xform; else m = xform * info.matrix; return m; } void projection_on_polygon(const AttributePtr norm, const AttributePtr src, Attribute* dst, GeoInfo& info, DD::Image::GroupType t_group_type, DD::Image::GroupType n_group_type ) { const unsigned num_prims = info.primitives(); // build projection matrix in local camera coordinate _perspxform = projectxform * getLocalToCameraMatrix(info); // update frustum CameraOp* cam = static_cast(Op::input(1)); // build camera view frustum in geometry local coordinate ViewFrustum frustum; if (_frustumCulling){ frustum.update(*cam, info.matrix.inverse() * cam->matrix()); } // transform all point in world coordinate const Vector3* PNTS = info.point_array(); // vertex index array std::vector varray; int vertexCount = 0; // Keep track of the cumulative number of vertices to use as a vertex offset // for PolyMeshes (see comment below). for (unsigned p = 0; p < num_prims; ++p) { // get primitive const Primitive* prim = info.primitive(p); const unsigned num_faces = prim->faces(); // check all faces in the primitive for (unsigned f = 0; f < num_faces; f++){ // get the number of vertex used by face f const unsigned num_verts = prim->face_vertices(f); // check polygon against frustum if (_frustumCulling){ // skip polygon if (frustum.getVisibility(PNTS, prim, f ) == eNotVisible ) continue; } // get all used vertices index varray.resize(num_verts); if (num_faces == 1){ for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_verts; i++) { varray[i] = prim->vertex(i); } } else{ prim->get_face_vertices(f, &varray[0]); // As with the num_faces == 1 case, we need vertex indices into the object's points list // rather than indices into the face's point list. Do the conversion here. if (prim->getPrimitiveType() == ePolyMesh) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_verts; i++) { varray[i] = prim->vertex(varray[i]); } } } // check all vertices in the face for (unsigned v = 0; v < num_verts; ++v){ // TODO: vertex_offset is always 0 for polymeshes, since the offset is dependent upon the face in this case // (each subface can have a differing number of vertices). For all other primitive type, the offset is fixed // per primitive. // Really the Primitive class needs extending to take this into account (vertex_offset() could take a face index // to achieve this). For now fix this here by using a locally calculated offset. mFnAssert( (prim->getPrimitiveType() != ePolyMesh) || (prim->vertex_offset() == 0) ); const unsigned int vertexOffset = (prim->getPrimitiveType() == ePolyMesh) ? vertexCount : prim->vertex_offset(); unsigned vi = varray[v]; unsigned ti = (t_group_type == Group_Points) ? vi : (vertexOffset + v); unsigned ni = (n_group_type == Group_Points) ? vi : (vertexOffset + v); // avoid to re-test the same vertex again if (dst->vector4(ti) != src->vector4(ti)) continue; // get vertex normal Vector3 n = norm->normal(ni); // rotate normal according world info matrix n = info.matrix.vtransform(n); // avoid to change the uv coordinate associated with the vertex if (normal_projection_pass_test(n)) { project_point(PNTS[vi], dst->vector4(ti)); } } vertexCount += num_verts; } } } void project_point_perspective(int index, GeoInfo& info, GeometryList& out) { // get normal information const AttribContext* N_ref = info.get_attribcontext("N"); const AttributePtr norm = N_ref ? N_ref->attribute : AttributePtr(); if(!norm){ Op::error( "Missing \"N\" channel from geometry"); return; } // get the original uv attribute used to restore untouched uv coordinate const AttribContext* context = info.get_attribcontext(uv_attrib_name); AttributePtr uv_original = context ? context->attribute : AttributePtr(); if(!uv_original){ Op::error( "Missing \"%s\" channel from geometry", uv_attrib_name ); return; } // we have two possibility: // the uv coordinate are stored in Group_Points or in Group_Vertices way // the same for normal DD::Image::GroupType t_group_type = context->group; // texture coordinate group type DD::Image::GroupType n_group_type = N_ref->group; // normal group type // sanity check assert(t_group_type == Group_Points || t_group_type == Group_Vertices); assert(n_group_type == Group_Points || n_group_type == Group_Vertices); // create a buffer to write on it Attribute* uv = out.writable_attribute(index, t_group_type, uv_attrib_name, VECTOR4_ATTRIB); assert(uv); // copy all original texture coordinate if available // sanity check assert(uv->size() == uv_original->size()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < uv->size(); i++) { uv->vector4(i) = uv_original->vector4(i); } // do the projection on all polygons projection_on_polygon( norm, uv_original, uv, info, t_group_type, n_group_type ); } /*! Assign UV attribute to point or vertex attribute list. */ void geometry_engine(Scene& scene, GeometryList& out) override { input0()->get_geometry(scene, out); if (projection == OFF) return; // the perspective projection need a valid if ((projection == PERSPECTIVE) && (Op::input(1)==nullptr)) return; // Call the engine on all the caches: for (unsigned i = 0; i < out.objects(); i++) { GeoInfo& info = out[i]; if (projection == PERSPECTIVE){ project_point_perspective( i, info, out ); } else { // get world transformation Matrix4 m = getLocalToCameraMatrix(info); // Remove UV vertex attribute, as this takes precedence over a point attribute info.delete_group_attribute(Group_Vertices, uv_attrib_name, VECTOR4_ATTRIB); // Create a point attribute Attribute* uv = out.writable_attribute(i, Group_Points, uv_attrib_name, VECTOR4_ATTRIB); assert(uv); // Project point location and save in UV attribute const Vector3* PNTS = info.point_array(); for (unsigned p = 0; p < info.points(); p++) project_point(m.transform(*PNTS++), uv->vector4(p)); } } } void project_point(const Vector3& in, Vector4& out); }; #define M_TWOPI M_PI * 2.0 #define DEG2RAD M_PI / 180.0 #define RAD2DEG 180.0 / M_PI /*! Take the point location and project it back through the camera. Where it ends up in the camera aperture is the UV coordinate. */ void UVProject::project_point(const Vector3& in, Vector4& out) { float a = 0.0f, b = 0.0f; switch (projection) { default: case PERSPECTIVE: out = _perspxform.transform(in, 1); break; case PLANAR: switch (plane) { case PLANE_XY: a = in.x; b = in.y; break; case PLANE_YZ: a = in.z; b = in.y; break; case PLANE_ZX: a = in.x; b = in.z; break; } out.set(a * inv_u_scale + 0.5f, b * inv_v_scale + 0.5f, 0, 1); break; case SPHERICAL: { // latitude double phi = acos(-in.y); // longitude double theta = -atan2(-in.x, in.z); // Right side if (theta <= 0.0) theta += M_TWOPI; out.set(static_cast(theta / M_TWOPI) * 0.25f * inv_u_scale, static_cast(phi / M_PI - 0.5) * inv_v_scale + 0.5f, 0, 1); break; } case CYLINDRICAL: { // longitude double theta = -atan2(-in.x, in.z); // Right side if (theta <= 0.0) theta += M_TWOPI; out.set(static_cast(theta / M_TWOPI) * 0.25f * inv_u_scale, in.y * 0.5f * inv_v_scale + 0.5f, 0, 1); break; } } if (u_invert) out.x = out.w - out.x; if (v_invert) out.y = out.w - out.y; } static Op* build(Node* node) { return new UVProject(node); } const Op::Description UVProject::description(CLASS, build); // end of UVProject.C