发行说明Modo 13.0v1



26 March 2019



Mac OS 10.12.x, 10.13.x, and 10.14.x (64-bit only)

Windows 10 (64-bit only)

Linux 64-bit operating system (CentOS/RHEL 7+)


Intel processor(s), Core i3 or higher

1 GB available hard disk space (for Modo installation).

6 GB available hard disk space (for full content).

At least 4 GB RAM

Display with 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution

Internet connection for product activation and online videos access

The Advanced viewport mode requires an NVIDIA or AMD graphics card with at least 1 GB of graphics memory and drivers that support OpenGL 3.2 or higher.


注意:  This information is our best recommendation for the average user. Requirements vary by usage, and individual users may have different requirements from those listed here.

2.5+ GHz quad-core processor

250+ GB disk space available for caching and temporary files, SSD is preferable

16 GB RAM with additional virtual memory*

Display with 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution

An NVIDIA or AMD graphics card with the latest drivers

2+ GB of graphics memory

OpenGL 4.4 or higher support



NVIDIA: 419 or later*

AMD: 8.982.8.1 or later*



下面列出的配置是Foundry经过测试的配置Modo 13.0v1。由于市场上不断变化的性质和种类繁多的计算机硬件,Foundry无法正式认证硬件。下面的列表可以用作建议,并不保证它可以满足您的特定需求。




MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid-2015)

iMac (Late 2012)

Mac Pro (Late 2013)

MacBook Pro (Mid-2015)


XPS 15 9560

Precision 3520


HP Z800

HP Z640

HP Z600


AMD Ryzen Threadripper

Intel i7-4770k

Intel i7-7700k

Intel i7-8700

Xeon E3-1505M v6

Xeon E5504

Xeon 5620



AMD Prosumer显卡

Radeon™ Vega RX

Radeon™ R9 M370X

Radeon™ Pro WX8200

Radeon™ Pro WX7100


FirePro™ D700

NVIDIA Prosumer显卡

GeForce 675MX

GeForce 970

GeForce 1050 (laptop)

GeForce GTX 1070 Ti (Linux)

GeForce 1080


Quadro® K620

Quadro® M620

Quadro® M4000













Disable Link -您可以通过选择链接并按H键。您可以使用来重新启用它们U键。

Node Alignment - You can now align and separate your nodes in various ways using the new node alignment commands.
















文件I / O


Unity Bridge插件使用网络连接从以下位置动态发送,创建和更新几何,材质,纹理和相机数据Modo到Unity以及从Unity到Modo




Fusion! - Designates which polygons of a MeshFusion Source Mesh will be included in MeshFusion's boolean operations.

Fusion+ - Marks polygons to be used by MeshFusion.

Fusion- - Marks polygons to be excluded from MeshFusion completely.








Array Blend

Array Count

Array Element by Index

Array Element Type

Array Operator

Curves to Array

Filter Array

Locators to Array

Merge Arrays

Mesh Data Array

Offset Array

Particles to Array

Sort Array

String to Array




Curve to Bezier网格操作是一种专用操作,允许您将现有曲线转换为贝塞尔曲线。用于创建Bezier切线的法线通常来自使用“网格数据数组”生成的数组,但是您可以使用任何有效的矢量数组输入。








“按图案选择”选择操作基于您定义的图案创建选择。模式选择使用“ True,False”模式指定元素。选择其索引在模式中存在的元素。例如,模式“ True,False”选择所有其他元素,而模式“ False,False,True”选择每三个元素。


Preserve Volume选项已添加到“平滑”工具的过程版本中。以前,此选项仅适用于直接建模版本。






注意:  Previous to Modo 13.0 the Numeric Switch node was called Switch.




AMD Radeon™ProRender

AMD的GPU加速路径追踪器Radeon Pro Render现在已成为Modo的功能强大的渲染选项集合。


材质预设已折叠,可以利用完整的材质在“着色器树”中更清晰地显示材质。如果浏览器中的“材质预设”已更改任何属性,则这些更改将自动填充到“着色器树”中的参考。在大型团队环境中,这对于在许多情况下保持一致的物料使用非常重要。 Modo场景文件。


英伟达® OptiX降噪器更新

现在,您可以使用NVIDIA OptiX Denoiser对任何数量的渲染输出进行去噪。





A Groups viewport filtered on Render Passes has been added to the Passes viewport in the Modo layout along with buttons for adding and removing channels from the Pass.

Tool Properties - There is a new preference setting to choose how tool properties are displayed in the Modo layout. By default, a button below each toolbar opens a popover form. You can change this in the UI Preferences to display the tool properties in line below the toolbars. The Inline option is intended for larger screen sizes where there is sufficient room to display the properties without excessive scrolling.



Edge和Vertex Slide现在都可以在UV窗口内使用,并且可以作为程序UV修改器使用。




使用新的UV Cut Map工具,您可以定义选择的集合,这些选择用颜色编码并显示在3D视口中的模型上。还可以从“ UV切割图”表单自动运行“包装”工具,并且“包装”工具本身现在可以利用其工具属性中的“切割图”和选择集。






• ID 372315 - The Cylinder primitive's default Segment count has been changed from 12 to 1. This reduces the amount of additional changes you need to make when using the primitive.

• ID 376681 - Windows only: The built-in Solidworks importer plug-in has been updated to the 2019 version.

• ID 379242 - Viewports: AVP/VR - supportedgfx string has been added for Radeon 19.Q1 Pro drivers, enabling threaded rendering on AMD with compatible drivers.

• ID 379709 - Rendering: Update to OptiX 6.0 libraries, fixing crash on Linux. This version also takes advantage of Tensor Cores present on Volta and Turing GPUs to accelerate the OptiX AI Denoiser. Minimum driver required is 418.81 on Windows and 418.30 on Linux.


• ID 230380 (52817) - File I/O: Exporting to MDD did not clear the used RAM.

• ID 251434 - VR: Using threaded rendering on AMD Radeon drivers 18.12.3 (18.50) caused the drivers to crash.

• ID 273003 (54869) - Viewports: Setting a layer to Bump in a specific scene caused Modo to crash.

• ID 279850 (55647) - Viewports: In the Advanced viewport, wireframe was not visible on polygons with flat UVs and normal map texture.

• ID 288704 (41852) - Presets: The Lock Preset Thumbnails preference was not working.

• ID 293817 (55415) - Viewports: The Dimensions tool didn't update in component selection mode with mesh operations.

• ID 337838 (57893) - Viewports: Cameras and some lights were drawn with missing lines in the viewport.

• ID 340514 (58145) - Procedurals: Edge selections were lost after using Vertex Bevel.

• ID 340515 (58158) - Viewports: Selecting an n-gon with high edge count with Show Selection Normals enabled in the viewport caused Modo to slow down.

• ID 343608 (58304) - Modeling: A morph created from a Background Object didn't respond to tools with Selection Falloffs.

• ID 354016 - UI: The Preview viewport did not have Minimize/Maximize controls.

• ID 356601 - Viewports: In the Advanced viewport, partially transparent meshes were drawn over the top of solid meshes.

• ID 358492 (58786) - Schematic: Buttons were sometimes obscured or cut off by viewport navigation icons.

• ID 358666 - VR: Certain file names did not display as expected in VR dialogs.

• ID 361050 (58890) - Animation: Animation playback used an excessive amount of memory due to dynamics.

• ID 361872 - Modeling: The Vertex Slide tool did not support closed-line polygons properly.

• ID 364399 - MeshFusion: Some Airtight Final meshes had holes in them.

• ID 366707 - Viewports: A specific scene used in the default viewport caused Modo to crash.

• ID 370160 - MeshFusion: When duplicating a source mesh as a normal non-Fusion item, it was not auto-selected.

• ID 370268 - Schematic: Right-clicking two selected links in the Schematic caused Python errors.

• ID 370937 - Topology: Using the Topology Pen sometimes caused Modo to crash.

• ID 371036 - Procedurals: Setting a curve as its own source for the Curve Clone mesh operation caused Modo to crash.

• ID 371240 (59151) - Presets: Locked material presets couldn't be deleted.

• ID 371491 (59162) - Procedurals: Clicking on a new mesh item did not deselect the current mesh operation.

• ID 371807 - Viewports: Swapping between foreground and background layers with Independent Drawing enabled didn't update wireframe drawing.

• ID 371961 - Modeling (Linux only): Right-clicking on the Tube Primitive tool caused Modo to crash.

• ID 372010 (59168) - Viewports: Enabling Show Vertex Normals caused lag in the viewport.

• ID 372019 - Viewports: Hiding deformed meshes impacted performance.

• ID 372132 - UI: The icons for Particle Paint and Mask were incorrect.

• ID 372292 - Shader Tree: Loading a scene with circular dependencies in the Shader Tree instances caused Modo to crash.

• ID 372485 - Schematic: Draging the Comment channel onto the schematic Comment node caused Modo to crash.

• ID 372883 - UV: In certain scenes, UV Rectangle did not work as expected.

• ID 372884 (59179) - Procedurals: Linking a zero-value distance user channel into the Curve Rebuild mesh operation caused Modo to become unresponsive.

• ID 372886 (59181) - Procedurals: The Vertex Bevel operation did not detect new vertices using the Select by Previous operation.

• ID 372887 (59182) - Procedurals: In certain scenes, Curve Rebuild did not work as expected.

• ID 373686 - Rendering: Enabling the NVIDIA OptiX denosier on the master system caused Modo to crash on slave systems.

• ID 373987 (59214) - Modeling: Component selection was slower than expected.

• ID 374331 - Procedurals: It was not possible to define the path for presets in the stitch mesh setup command.

• ID 374474 Modeling: The Round Level for the Edge Bevel operation could be set to negative values, which did not produce any result.

• ID 374523 (59219) - UV: The Export to UVs from Texture menu did not work when using the Create UV Map mesh operation.

• ID 374658 - Procedurals: Stitch Mesh Setup left background constraint active.

• ID 375202 - Modeling: Clicking the menu bar command Select > Selection Commands > Boundary with a hidden locked mesh in the scene caused Modo to crash.

• ID 375553 (59236) - Procedurals: The Axis Slice mesh operation did not ignore Text polygons.

• ID 375613 (59237) - Viewports: When selecting multiple hidden items in component selection mode, they were not displayed in the viewport.

• ID 375798 - Modeling/Procedurals: Using Edge Split sometimes caused Modo to crash.

• ID 375933 (59242) - Schematic: Dragging a Backdrop from one Workspace to another did not display the Backdrop's contents.

• ID 375945 - UI: Locator was missing from the Add >Locators menu in the Items list.

• ID 376227 - Modeling: The Jitter tool split UVs.

• ID 376412 - Procedurals: Grow/Shrink operations on a Polygon Bevel sometimes caused Modo to become unresponsive.

• ID 376435 (59259) - UI: In the Modo layout, the Edit > Subdivide > Options dialog tooltips were incorrect.

• ID 376436 (59260) - Procedurals: The Transform UV Map mesh operation was in the wrong Preset Browser category.

• ID 376710 (59272) - Baking: Dithering for 'shade.normal' render output and baking to textures for integer formats was not implemented.

• ID 376837 - Shader Tree: Changing the type of shading items to Texture Layers did not automatically create Texture Locators.

• ID 377013 (59298) - Modeling: The Edge Bevel offset position on round edges was incorrect.

• ID 377071 (59307) - Procedurals: The Clone mesh operation cloned the whole curve in vertex mode, when used with a selection set.

• ID 377073 (59309) - Particles: The Particle Look At into Replicator was missing a single replicated mesh.

• ID 377451 - Animation: When working with Animation Layers, unmasking selected items didn't work.

• ID 377488 (59319) - Schematic: Creating a new Comment node kept the old one selected.

• ID 377494 (59321) - Procedurals: Vertex Bevel did not round the vertices as expected.

• ID 377690 (59336) - Schematic: Backdrops were lost when moved between assemblies.

• ID 377691 (59337) - Schematic: When moving Comment nodes from one Assembly to another, the comment text field was lost.

• ID 378039 - Modeling: Using the Arc tool to snap the angle at 180 degrees with Snapping enabled, collapsed the arc into a line.

• ID 378077 - Customization: Opening some of the SLIK 2 Preset Browsers caused Modo to crash.

• ID 378098 (59345) - Procedurals: Animating a group locator containing a curve used for the Stitch Mesh Item did not work as expected.

• ID 378101 - Procedurals: The Assign Selection Set operation on a mesh corrupts UVs when it's merged into another mesh.

• ID 378316 - Scripting: Executing certain tool commands in a recorded macro that has been stored in a configuration file failed to execute.

• ID 378712 - Procedurals: Moving the mesh or manipulating the mesh operations in a specific scene caused Modo to crash.

• ID 378762 (59357) - Shader Tree: Adding a Vertex Map texture automatically created a weight map.

• ID 378765 (59360) - Modeling: Snapping did not work with Polygon Extrude.

• ID 378773 (59368) - Procedurals: Using Holes with the Stitch tool do not follow the animation.

• ID 378855 - MeshFusion: Enabling then disabling Strip Polys Only in a specific scene caused Modo to crash.

• ID 378919 - Schematic: Backdrops did not auto-expand to accommodate their child node heights.

• ID 379129 - MeshFusion: Using subtractive trims in a specific scene caused Modo to crash.

• ID 379293 - Modeling: Using Polystein Mesh Paint caused Modo to crash.

• ID 379497 - Modeling: Freezing an SDS mesh in cage mode triangulated the result.

• ID 379631 (59389) - Schematic: Exposed input links of an Assembly did not display tooltips if a Backdrop was present in the background.

• ID 379936 (59405) - Modeling/Procedurals: Edge Split didn't split edges to the geometry borders.

• ID 380566 (59424) - Schematic: Add Node with a link selected did not work as expected.

• ID 380746 (59431) - Schematic: Connecting a node to an elbow moved other connections and left invalid connections.

• ID 380911 (59433) - Schematic: Inserting a channel modifier did not work correctly for links with elbows.

• ID 380970 - UVing: The Tear Off UVs setting for the Quick Align tool changed state when moving the cursor from a UV viewport over another GL viewport in the process of changing settings.

• ID 381191 (59437) Scripting: schematic.insertLink did not support elbowGraph links as a link argument.

• ID 381434 - File I/O: Sending a static mesh actor from Unreal to Modo and back to Unreal using the Unreal Bridge did not retain the material connections in Unreal.

• ID 381882 (59457) - Procedurals: Edge Bevel did not preserve the material assignment on either side of the beveled edge.

• ID 382108 - Modeling: Moving the Arc tool's radius handle through the center point collapsed it to a line.

• ID 382833 (59467) - Procedurals: Playing the animation of a mesh operation rig in a specific scene used an excessive amount of RAM.

• ID 382836 - UI: In the layout, the Time button appeared collapsed on smaller screen resolutions.

• ID 383078 - Customization: Launching Modo when a specific configuration is loaded with a Preset Browser open caused Modo to crash.

The Unreal Bridge UI was not client-agnostic.

ToolChoices did not properly return the help for the current choice if the sheet hash didn't resolve to a key.



注意:  Due to internal bug-logging and tracking process improvements, new bug identification numbers are used, with the legacy IDs provided in parentheses, where appropriate.


• ID 240321 (53661) - Selecting actions does not always select the correct one. This is caused by copying actions.



• ID 288164 (36452) - Assemblies exported from the Item List context menu result in poor visual layout of nodes on import.



• ID 293020 (50671) - Baking displacement maps can cause UV seams to be visible, and the baked displacement map to show quilting effects and other render artifacts.

• ID 221481 (49437) - The Bake Channel Swizzling option can’t bake to texture alpha.

• ID  


• ID 297021(52730) -当网格具有变换通道时,“顶点照明烘烤”命令无法按预期工作。


• ID 292947(53184)-为以下中的材料次表面散射样本创建的值预设Modo现在改为在渲染项目上显示10.1或更早版本。

• ID 279848(55663) -- Motion Blur应用于网格操作中的曲线不再起作用。

• ID 243070 (53793) - Rendering using a Dual CPU with 72 threads was significantly slower than expected.


• ID 235368(53411)-在某些情况下,网状灯或任何太靠近表面的直射光都可能产生萤火虫(热像素)。

解决方法是,使用Maximum Radiance高于1 W / srm2减少偏见。


• ID 221439 (49244) - (Windows only): With Perform Color Correction on, setting a default scene to a scene with a mesh that has a position channel crashes Modo at launch.

解决方法是使用System > Reset Preferences重置为默认值或移动/删除默认场景。


• ID 289290 (49514) - macOS X only: Running modo_cl before running the UI Modo application breaks code signing.


文件和图像I / O

• ID 337523(56862) -- Modo对于SolidWorks套件: Modo导入相同文件时崩溃SolidWorks合二为一Modo会议。此错误仅影响使用工具包的导入,不影响直接导入(File > Import)。


• ID 221508(50198)-Alembic场景不导出某些曲面项目,包括静态网格物体和程序破碎项目。

• ID 226589(49728)-导出选定的图层(从Item List上下文菜单) .fbx不会导出实例,除非还导出了原始网格。

要解决此问题,请设置.fbx偏爱Export Selection和使用Export As…

• ID 220991(47036)-中国的色彩管理.svg当前不支持图像。这是一个错误修复程序的副作用,该错误修复程序在启用颜色校正后始终使用最大允许图像大小(64k x 64k)。

• ID 220975(46962)-渲染.svg用作模版贴图以进行置换或用于图层蒙版的图像可能非常慢。


• ID 288248 (35731) - Fur length textures can’t be edited with the Stretch tool.



• ID 303287 (35856) - Linux only: Plugging in a Wacom tablet while Modo is running can cause undesired movement. This cannot be fixed, due to a limitation of the hardware driver.


• ID 226536 (51741) - Mac OS X only: Modo sometimes becomes unresponsive when using the combination of a click-drag in a tree view (for example, when toggling the visibility of two successive items in the Shader Tree), followed immediately by a two-finger scroll gesture on some devices, including laptop trackpads and the Magic Mouse.



• ID 316276(56973)- 如果将Trim Fusion角色分配给对象,然后将其拖放到Primary上,则下拉菜单中将不包含Trim布尔选项。

解决方法是使用“融合”按钮(“工具”面板- Set Mesh Role & Apply部分)或饼图菜单(Apply Subtraction要么Apply Intersection)最初向每个Fusion Item添加Trim时(Trips可以贡献多个Fusion Item)。如果最初使用这些方法之一应用,则将支持所有后续拖放选项。


• ID 226970 (32728) - Zooming out with a Space Navigator alters the Work Plane position.


• ID 226363(48325)-具有以全帧渲染的图像序列的场景在从属计算机上使用了错误的图像序列号。

解决方法是使用File > Consolidate Scene,然后使用共享的网络文件夹渲染场景(Preferences下的选项Rendering > Network Rendering)。

• ID 226337(36986) -从属渲染隐藏的网格。由于网格隐藏状态未存储在场景中,因此当该场景传输到从属设备时,状态会丢失。主机尊重隐藏状态,但是。

解决方法是,如果要避免渲染,请切换项目的可见性或渲染或打开System > Preferences > Rendering并禁用Use Network Render Nodes

• ID 226336(25636) -不支持帧传递。

• ID 220955(30318)- 网络渲染不支持Realflow粒子。

几个错误-虽然显然可以Modo 902,在某些情况下,网络渲染未实现为支持烘焙。更改为Modo在10系列中,显然已经破坏了某些艺术家的作品,因此该功能已被禁用。

作为解决方法, Modo 10实现了使用烘焙项目和外部渲染控制器进行网络烘焙的功能。有关更多信息,请参见SDK Wiki


• ID 221393 (50642) - Nodal shading does not support UDIMs.

• ID BUG ID 385250 - Nodal Shading is slower in 13.0 with some modifiers.


• ID 288461 (41682) - Textures are not always updating in Preview/Render when painting on an image map.



• ID 303192(34925)-重新打开使用大型粒子缓存保存的场景可能会导致问题。

为避免此类问题,请在关闭前删除缓存Modo,或将粒子导出到.csv缓存文件或Realflow .bin文件。您可以通过将这些节点之一附加到Schematic视口,然后单击Cache Simulation


If a high poly mesh is not visible, the Preview baking output will be incorrect.



• ID 305303(56318)-在“变形”文件夹中重复执行网格操作会产生错误Mesh Ops清单。

• ID 305302(56317)-复制程序不适用于Select By Previous Operation工具。

解决方法是,手动编辑副本的Select By Previous Operation网格操作。

BUG ID 289810 (46512) - When rigged, Rock items and other procedurals do not display correctly in GL. This is a limitation of the feature and will not be fixed.


• ID 266469(54738) -作为“合并网格物体”源的任何项目的重复项(例如,网格物体项目,程序性项目或“融合”项目),所有重复项(重复项或实例)都将作为源添加到“合并网格物体操作列表”中。

解决方法是,删除不需要的其他“合并网格”源(无论源类型如何)。 Mesh Ops列出使用X每个合并网格源旁边的按钮。

• ID 221355(52149)-曲线拉伸网格操作:路径段生成器的Align to Normal使用带有零长度切线的贝塞尔曲线时,该选项不起作用。

解决方法是,在挤出前旋转多边形以使其指向+ Z,或确保没有零长度的切线。


• ID 294394(44492)-如果引用了已经包含参考的场景,则原始参考的阴影可能不会持续存在。


• ID 220957(41119)-用相同文件替换引用后重新加载它可能会导致Modo坠毁。

BUG ID 309252 (56620) - Modo crashes when closing a scene containing a referenced scene after attempting to revert a reference override.



• ID 287584 (27244) - Duplicating joints in a bound mesh retains influences from the original joint chain.


• ID 242545 (53458) - Right-clicking or running a script in the Script Editor can lock up input to Modo.



Unreported: Material Preset References: Material Preset References may not always show the correct preset as selected in the item properties. You should look at the filepath channel in the Channels list to find out which preset file a material preset item is referencing.

• ID 336112 (57874) - Custom Materials that define their own smoothing properties (such as the Skin material), no longer smooth the mesh correctly.

• ID 299187 (37858) - In the Shader Tree, choosing a group from Add Layer > Image Map > (use clip browser) fails.

要变通解决此问题,请在Clip Browser,选择单个图像而不是组,然后使用纹理层的Properties标签。

• ID 288141 (30947) - Layer masking displacement does not work unless you drag and drop the masking layer onto the displacement layer.


• ID 295862(50700)-无法以可视化方式显示Modo

• ID 294747(50701)-虚幻的材质环境光遮挡无法在Modo

• ID 221477(50451)-在某些图形卡上,Unity材料可能会导致显示器中的闪烁Advanced视口与凹凸贴图和阴影一起使用时。


• ID 333249 (57715) - Selecting items in the viewport does not always update the Properties form.


• ID 288714(43162)- Windows仅:设置自定义文本大小会影响Modo的文字绘图。

解决方法是,通过右键单击兼容性设置进入兼容性设置。 Modo快捷方式或可执行文件,然后关闭应用程序的字体缩放。

• ID 281374(55759) -转换对象可能会导致Items Properties面板闪烁。

• ID 277244(55571)- 在Zen崩溃时调整涂料表的大小Modo 11.1,但不在Modo 11.0。

• ID 273139(55185) -视口图标按钮中的文本在Advanced某些macOS / AMD配置上的视口。

As a workaround: Upgrade macOS to 10.12 or 10.13.

• ID 226492(44496)-仅适用于macOS X:禁用Affect System Color DialogPreferences > Rendering > Color Management,并且使用系统颜色选择器会使颜色随着每次使用颜色选择器而变暗。

这是由于OS X问题所致,它要求将显示器设置和颜色选择器中的颜色配置文件都设置为sRGB IEC61966-2.1。

• ID 224169(44896)-将图像从磁盘拖放到Clips列表不起作用。



Windows only: Using Raptr can cause GL driver crashes in Modo.

RGBA textures only draw correctly in the Advanced viewport. In the Default viewport, any unsupported texture effect on an image map is drawn as diffuse color when the layer is selected in the Shader Tree.

• ID 338599 (57955) - Clicking on the VR layout tab may crash when using a system with a Radeon WX-series graphics card. This is due to a driver bug and should be fixed by a AMD in a future driver release.

• ID 338374 (58003) - Game Navigation mode (camera rotation) does not work in a floating 3D view (palette or separate window).


• ID 310930 (56706) - Unity and Unreal materials are not displayed correctly when first loaded into the Advanced viewport.


• ID 296123 (46995) - Ambient Occlusion display in the Advanced viewport is affected by selected item wireframes.

您可以禁用Show Selection在里面Visibility选项或禁用活动网格层上的线框图。

• ID 289738 (49473) - Projections are incorrect if the projecting camera is set to Vertical film fit mode and the width is less than the height.

• ID 289020 (43771) - Camera projections from non-render cameras show distortion in GL and baking.


• ID 281365 (55816) - Wireframes are washed out on transparent surfaces in the Advanced viewport.



• ID 377957 (59342) SDK: Clearing the RenderCache caused Modo to crash.

RayPak_HitClosest has been changed to set the hit mesh to the element owner instead of using the result.mesh. They are usually the same, but when a background mesh obscures a hit element on the foreground mesh, they may not match.

The PositionData user class has been created, which has easy functions for computing the centroid and normal axis of a set of 2d/3d positions. Various plug-ins have been updated to use the user class.

The ILxValue interface has been extended to allow clients to query the name of a value type server from the server (TypeName). The internal and SDK Value servers have been updated to return a TypeName. The Value COM interface has been versioned for legacy plug-ins.

Channel modifiers using ILxChannelModifier::ReadInputValByIndex returned an empty uninitialized value.

A new server type called ILxValueConversion has been implemented. This is used to convert from one value type to another during modifier evaluation. The code that checks for compatible channels to see if a valid ValueConversion server exists has been modified. If it does, it allows the two channel types to be connected with a channel link. The channel link modifier has been updated to use a ValueConversion server for converting between channel types if they are incompatible.