Fundamentals of Lighting & Lookdev16 影片, 1h 48m 37sTake your first steps into the world of lighting and look development, guided by an industry veteran. Learn best practices that come straight from production environments. KatanaAll Skill Levels
NetworkMaterialEdit节点的运用3 影片, 10m 49s本套三部分组成的系列课程,将指导您运用好Katana 3.6 中最新引入的NetworkMaterialEdit节点。Experienced
照明と合成をNukeBridgeで接続する1 视频, 25m 37s在我们为 Katana 5 举办的三部分虚拟活动中的第一部分,请与创意专家 Ruth Hutton 一起了解 The Nuke Bridge 以及它可以为您做什么! Katana初学者
Build Shareable Material Networks With Macros1 视频, 27m 54sIn the final part of our Katana 5 virtual event, discover how macros are used to recycle materials between projects and how to layer materials with masks. Katana初学者
创建使用NetworkMaterialCreate多种材料1 视频, 8m 19s了解如何创建和一个NetworkMaterialCreate节点内组织多种材料,以减少节点和提高效率。Experienced
Katana Lighting and Rendering Masterclass24 影片, 3h 50m 54sA complete masterclass on lighting principles and application from Nihal Friedel, CG supervisor and cinematographer. Learn how to light like the pros. KatanaAll Skill Levels