Compositing Using Google Jump Data

CaraVR's Google Jump toolset allows you to quickly extract depth information from Google Jump metadata to construct point clouds for use with depth-dependent workflows. The depth data is particularly useful for positioning 3D elements accurately and then rendering into 2D through C_RayRender.

To set up the toolset:

1.   Navigate to CaraVR > Toolsets > Google_Jump_Depth_To_Points.

The preset node tree is added to the Node Graph.

2.   Nuke prompts you to create left and right views, if they don't exist in your script.
3.   Connect the source image to the Image Input and the depth information to the Depth Input.

Note:  Ensure that the Depth Input Read colorspace is set to linear.

4.   Connect a Viewer to the Read node to view depth data. Brighter areas are closer to the rig and darker areas are farther away.

In the example, the bushes to the left of the image are in the foreground and the trees to the right are in the background.

5.   Attach a Viewer to the C_RayRender node to view the scene.

The toolset reads the camera metadata from the .json file produced by the rig using the custom GoogleJumpConfig node.

Note:  If you update the metadata, click Load from Jump Metadata to update the script.

The depth data and camera data are then processed by a BlinkScript kernel, converted to a point cloud, and then passed into C_RayRender.

The default toolset adds a cube to the scene, using the injected data to position it accurately. You can swap out the example geometry to test other objects within the scene.

6.   You can also examine the scene in the 3D Viewer by pressing Tab. Navigate around the 360° scene using the standard Nuke navigation controls: Ctrl/Cmd to rotate the camera and Alt to pan.