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Exporting Dialogue as a Text File

To export dialogue from Flix 5 to a specified location as a .txt file:

1.   Save the sequence in Flix 5 to ensure that you don't lose any recent changes.
2.   Click on the Export Dialogue button on the Workspace toolbar, in the Edit workspace.

A file browser appears.

Note:  The Export Plug-in Group button is dynamic. If the button isn't set to the correct plug-in option, click and hold the button until the list of plug-ins appears in a dropdown menu and select the Export Dialogue plug-in.

3.   Choose a location for the .txt file to be saved to.

Once the dialogue has been exported, the location where the .txt file was saved to is opened and Flix 5 notifies you that the plug-in exported successfully.

The .txt file is saved with the name of the sequence and version number.