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Below is a list of the log files created by Flix.
Client log - Specified by User Data Directory preference, named client.log. e.g., \AppData\Roaming\Flix\client.log
App-helper log - Logs to a file called flix-client-transfer-util.log in the following folders:
- Windows: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Flix\flix-client-transfer-util.log
- Mac OSX: ~/Library/Logs/flix/flix-client-transfer-util.log
Tip: Go to Flix > Preferences > General and click on the Reveal Logs button to open the location where Flix logs are stored.
Server Logs
Go to File > Management Console > Servers to see the servers that are running. Here you can view the server log, copy the information to a text editor or download a .txt file of the log. This can be useful for sending to Foundry support if needed.
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